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will codeine kill an acid trip


Feb 24, 2017
I got hold of two tabs of acid and wants to know if codeine will destroy the trip or make it potentiate in any way or if it's just a waste?
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There's no need to take codeine if you are taking LSD or another psychedelic drug. It will not kill the trip like benzos apparently do, and I doubt it would potentiate it. FYI, we don't use the term SWIM here.

Niacinamide or vitamin B3 supposedly kills an LSD trip in some people but this has not been my experience as I once took a low dose of acid, and later in the day I took some Niacinamide just to see if it would actually do anything or effect the acid, and nothing happened to me.
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Opiates will not kill a trip, but they do tend to remove some of the magic, and make it less intense. In my experience it is a waste, because when I take psychedelics I want to fully feel that beautiful altered state, and opiates blunt the experience somewhat. Also, opiates feel better on their own. Best to not mix them, there is no danger to it but it's counterproductive.
I totally agree, opiates, benzos and any drug that functions as I see it in a contractive way to shut a part of you down or stop certain processes from naturally occurring is trying to do the opposite thing from a psychedelic which is expansive, trying to open you up .

Therefore for me there is always a fundamental conflict at the heart of a trip combining those which means I am not in an appropriate state to witness the magic even if its there. It definitely means I get a lot less out of it in terms of learning and spiritual growth. When I was addicted to benzos I couldn't help but take them but now I am free tripping is much more exciting and much more rewarding, but I just have to be brave and understand the value in allowing 'negative' thoughts or feelings to manifest. When you can do that you don't get caught up in them and I find they tend to drift away very quickly or I just get distracted and stop noticing them.
I'm going to dissent from the prior opinions here; I love opioids on acid and I don't feel it dulls the psychedelic nature of it at all. If anything, the reduction of bodyload allows for even stronger realizations and trances.

Of course benzos put me out like a light, I never take them unless I'm trying to sleep at the end of the trip. Beer combines good with acid too I'd say.

Just my experience. YMMV.
What I should have added what I wrote above about mixing them (benzos don't put me to sleep, they numb my emotional and some physical pain in a distinct yet relatable way to opiates and make me feel like everything is totally fine even when it really isn't) is only based on my experiences and chats with a few other people. If you have had more success or have a different relationship with opiates then go for it. `If anyone is physically dependent on any drug (it was opiates and benzos for me, at different times in my life), for safety and comfort you are going to want to make sure you have everything covered so you can relax and enjoy your trip. For benzos it is absolutely essential you don't miss doses to avoid putting your physical health at unnecessary risk apart from the fact that for both you don't want withdrawal symptoms interfering with your trip.

I am lucky enough not to really get body load from LSD or mushrooms, I do from mescaline at the beginning and definitely strongly from ayahuasca. Maybe sometimes a little from the 2c family. As I don't do mescaline or ayahuasca body load rarely ever distracts me from the trip and when it is there I try and recognise it as the healing power of the substance working more directly and obviously on a physical level so that I can integrate it. Not always easy though.
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I take Oxycontin for pain and if I take it before tripping most of the magic is gone - 300mcg Al-lad barely noticeable, if I don't take it the pain spoils the trip. Solution is to skip the Oxy but take Kratom.
Benzos don't "kill" acid trips, nor will codeine.

I once killed an acid trip with heroin though. Totally rendered the trip non-existent. I had a very low tolerance, and just went to nod-land.
But codeine - nope, it doesn't stop a trip (speaking from experience)
'Kill' is definitely not the right word. Mute might be a better word based on my experience. Nuube, I can totally relate to what you have written above. When I had to take benzos every day, it would take ridiculous amounts of LSD or 1P-LSD just to get me anyway near where I wanted to be and even then my concentration was less effective so I would remember less and have less to take with me when the trip was finished. In retrospect I probably could have gone without just for the trip, but because of the potentially serious medical risks that come with benzodiazepine withdrawal and possible significant discomfort I still don't think it would have been right. What I do remember from my opiate addiction (it was a long time ago) was that they allowed me to enjoy the trip in a much more hedonistic but also more superficial way. One of the reasons I love psychedelics is that for me they can be challenging and confrontational if that is what you need to help you see clearly where you need to make changes to move forward. Some of my most life-changing trips had long periods where I have felt both safe and protected and also exposed and pulled open in a way that ensured it was impossible to ignore those things I been too scared to even think about let alone deal with anymore. But within the context of the trip that didn't seem threatening but appropriate.

I think trying to do it with kratom is a really good idea, in my experience where as synthesised opiates are like blunt objects that can get only very specific job done, to deal with pain symptoms on the head, kratom is more subtle, more complex in its operations and I would assume more yielding to psychedelics. You may even find that a synergy develops between the kratom and the psychedelic. I would be very interested to hear how the experience goes.
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I have had a Spondylosis on my L5 since I was 13 years old and I have been tripping regularly since I was 15. My kratom use is daily and I have been doing it for 2 years (I am 20 now). Psychedelics, especially mushrooms really amplify my pain and Kratom lets me enjoy my trips without having to deal with pinched nerves and muscular strain. I have never touched traditional opiates but I have definitely seen my cousin needing to take way more LSD to get where I get when he takes codeine or any other of his opi's (He is addicted to heroin). I would go for a green or a white if you want to avoid any chance of dulling but even reds don't weaken the trip ime. If anything I have noticed white strains amplify my visuals A LOT. White Horn Kratom and some good DMT is beautiful!
I'd say (at least IME) opioids can dampen a trip at least slightly. The warm comforting blanket, not only for physical feelings but also emotional, is a double edged sword with trips and the softness gained is also the sharp clarity lost. It is not really like killing a trip, but clearheadedness with a psychedelic is not something to overlook or underestimate. With benzos its a bit worse though.
Try to not take any if you don't have to, but then again it can involve the decision for a more recreational vs a deeper trip perhaps.
I don't find opioids kill the trip at all, although it's quite easy to end up nauseous if you overshoot your ideal dosage.
i don't find opioids kill the trip at all, although it's quite easy to end up nauseous if you overshoot your ideal dosage.
QFT. Of course you can end up nauseous with opioids regardless of psychedelics. Gotta know your tolerance with 'em.
Im picturing the OP was wanting to know if you can reduce the experience during an LSD dose, by using codeine as an alternative, to what is tradionally used, benzos.
Or if codeine potentially increases LSD effects, which it clearly doesnt.
The responses above actually may not answers this.... assuming my interpretation is relevant
I've heard that if you have a bad trip on acid , just pop a xanax and you'll be fine.
Well not all 'bad trips' are created equal. If it is just getting worked up and anxious, sure an anxiolytic like that will take that edge off. But if you are going through something really traumatizing and terrible it may not always be that easy, especially if you have completely lost the plot. On the other (third?) hand, if it is overstimulation from just too intense effects (I have felt like my nerves went over a cheese grater on DOB once), in my experiences yes a valium does help.

It's a bad attitude to rely on popping a benzo when shit gets tough though. It pauses a lot of things that are better worked through - usually that is therapeutic or can bring great relief. Can't be compared to a 'get out of jail for free card'.

Since opioids like codeine have limited blunting effects they may reduce the experience but possibly not as much as you'd want during a difficult trip. It is really impossible to say, so subjective and we don't have the proper units and scales to really say something more conclusive about it. I'd say it only works a bit, it is better than nothing probably.
For sure, if you need to get out of a really bad panicky headspace then a benzo like valium or similar could be helpful. Whether or not using an opiate (or a benzo) with a psychedelic will be worthwhile or beneficial totally depends on the context and subjective needs and experience.

As previously mentioned, my experience of tripping while using opiates is that they definitely made the experience more traditionally recreational and allowed me to have a 'good time' with less learning and growth coming out of the trip. These days when I take psychedelics I am looking for transformation and deep immersion so I would personally choose not to use opiates (and no benzos unless I really need to sleep at the end of the trip and really can't and sleeping is an absolute necessity e.g work the next day or something. Even then I would try to avoid as wouldn't want to risk dampening the longer term effects of the psychedelic e.g. therapeutic/transformative potential etc).

And for sure, codeine is not a particularly strong opiate relative to many others so it may not reduce the intensity of a trip very significantly if that's what you are looking for. But at the end of the day it is about what works for you and what you want out of the psychedelic experience.
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As far as using drugs to help with uncomfortable trips, I would only use a benzo if I was really starting to panic, because it will cut the trip down by far the most (out of benzos, opiates and alcohol). Opiates will leave the trip more intact but just make you feel good and less anxious because that's what opiates do. Probably not as good at stopping a panic situation though, but a better bet if you're just really feeling uncomfortable and it's ruining the trip. Alcohol can go either way... I find it will really ruin the clarity of a trip worse than benzos or opiates, but a little bit can be nice and relaxing. I like to drink at the tail end of a trip, after the peak effects.

Ultimately the best thing to do is usually to ride it out, it helps you to learn to deal with intense situations, it can make you a stronger person, and you can learn things about yourself. A lot of the time, difficult parts of trips can go away when you work through them and then the trip becomes great.