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Will alcohol hinder recovery?


Aug 20, 2013
Hey guys.

Some of you may remember me from a few months ago posting my comedown/anxiety/whatever story. I'm nearly five months down the track and feeling considerably better. I'm not 100% by any means as the symptoms are still there, they just aren't raging like they were.

Basically i've been really on and off with the whole healthy eating and exercise thing. I smoke cigarettes too (although I have reduced this to only when I drink now). I still drink alcohol one night on average a week (sometimes two), and I generally drink a decent amount (lets say like 10-12 beers), definitely enough to feel rubbish the next day. I have alot of fun when I drink with my mates, and it's a nice break from the anxiety, hence why I do it.

Anyways, i'm not sure whether i'm experiencing a long term comedown or anxiety, i'd say it's the latter considering that I didn't consume alot of MDMA at all. But assuming that it is a long term comedown that I am experiencing, I'm wondering would this prevent recovery? I'm guessing that it would probably slow the process down.

I thought I should ask this for my own good, and because I haven't seen any posts on it, I thought it could help someone else who's in my shoes too! Thanks guys.
JIRAIYA!!!! Yeah I remember you man!

Good to hear you've attempted the healthy living, its not easy but as long as you try as much as you can then that is a whole lot better than not doing anything about it at all. And yeah relax, we all have our drinks on the weekend that's pretty much a given for aussie culture haha.

Is way more anxiety mate. Remember our PMs? Just remember to keep chill and over time like it just passes over you... if you don't remember then you just forget, that is what happened to me over time. :) Of course I still feel anxiety here and there but honestly who doesn't regardless of MDMA use or not? 8)

Are these like a 2x6 of Carlton kind of situation? It's been a few months so honestly I would say you can drink what you want, just take it easy according to your own body. If you feel like just chilling, just chill, you'll still wake up sober tomorrow, (or with less of a hangover) so I wouldn't stress. :D

Good to see you back here!
Hey dude, yeah it's been a while! I still come on here once a week or so, just haven't been posting.

Good to hear, i've probably been over thinking it today haha. Yeah it varies a bit, but I tend to start off with a 6 pack of Coopers and then i'll drink spirits when I get to the bars.

Cheers for the reply dude!
Coopers, seedy hahaha nah still a quality beverage!

If things go downhill just say hi man, you been good? Send me a PM if you've got some time hope you've been well since everything. :)
Cheers man, will do for sure. I've been a shit tonne better than I have that's for sure! Like I can laugh, be happy, feel positive emotions still so that's a good sign, where as in July I pretty much couldn't enjoy anything, so i've definitely made progress. Been chilling in NZ these last few months with my girlfriend, but i'm coming up to Melbourne this coming Monday for a week to play some shows with my band, should be good times!
Alcohol will definitely hinder recovery in just about any situation if you take it to an extreme. If you're hungover the next day, you've drank too much.

Alcohol is especially bad when you have anxiety issues. It triggers a rebound not unlike benzos because it is a GABAergic drug and when you use it consistently, it down-regulates GABA and increases day to day anxiety.

Its best to limit your alcohol intake whenever you are trying to recover from any type of drug abuse and in general, its best to use alcohol sparingly or not at all.
Yeah I guess it's common sense. I've always been a bit of a binge drinker and it's hard to resist the urge in the weekends when all my mates are getting on it, that's the difficult part. But when I drink I will admit I get pretty hammered (not the walking into walls or falling over kinda hammered, just stupid funny and happy). Other than that i'm pretty healthy.

I didn't drink for three weeks after I rolled which is good. But after two months I was pretty much back into it. I'm just worried that I might have fucked my recovery up permanently by having too many big nights out since I last used MDMA.
Unless you've been on some ridiculous meth benders or have been smoking bud errrryday since this happened, I seriously doubt that you have screwed up any permenant long-term recovery.

You haven't done any drugs during this time have you? If not I remember this clear as day with such conviction that I was certain you were gonna be alright, you posted your timeline of the whole epidemic and we had a laugh and agreed not to do that one again, but man definitely definitely unless there's been benders you're still sweet. :)
I've smoked weed like three times since. But the last time I did was months ago, and I definitely haven't touched anything else. I was almost tempted one night when my girlfriend and her mates were doing lines of MDMA, good thing i've got more common sense than that haha.

Anyways, it's all good I just wanted to make sure I wasn't fucking up my recovery. I really did do fuck all MDMA except for that double whammy in November and March. Luckily aussie pills are shit like you said!
All sweet then nothing to worry about now :)

Yeah lucky this wasn't in the EU or this could have been bad haha! Only good times ahead now!
Alcohol will slow your recovery but you can't permanently destroy your recovery by drinking.

The problem is that alcohol adds significant additional problems which I highlighted above. They are independent of the actions that MDMA produces of course but GABA down-regulation can seriously exacerbate anxiety and panic attacks along with serotonin depletion so be careful.
Alcohol will definitely hinder recovery in just about any situation if you take it to an extreme. If you're hungover the next day, you've drank too much.

Alcohol is especially bad when you have anxiety issues. It triggers a rebound not unlike benzos because it is a GABAergic drug and when you use it consistently, it down-regulates GABA and increases day to day anxiety.

Its best to limit your alcohol intake whenever you are trying to recover from any type of drug abuse and in general, its best to use alcohol sparingly or not at all.

This. Stay away from alcohol use or reduce it to like 1 a month
Thanks for the feedback guys. Definitely gonna take this advice on board and cut back, cos in the long run it's definitely not helping!