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Why swiss junkys prefer weak H over very cheap morf?

Actully after beeing hooked on hydromorphone wish in my opinion have the best opiate rush (well maybe IV cocaine or good meth has a better rush but its a whole different world)

i dont find the H rush as good as hydromorfs but we are not gonna argue that here there are hundreds of threads about that same subject and they usually get closed very fast.

But i have to say that the diaphine ( H medical name we get here comes from.the labs monohydtated and i was reading the notice and it says its a bit weaker than real diamorphine 200mg = 187mg of diamoprhine. And its the same with the 24h slow relase morfs they are pentahydrated and is written that 200mg of those = 150mg of morphine (i guess pure cloryhdrahted)

I havent really found much information about what that means , only that a monhydrated drug has like a solid water mollecule attached and pentahydrated has 5 H2O mollcules attached.

i havent found what that means and why pharmas does that. Regarding the morphine i kinda guess its to increase a bit the BA orally or its some sort of po-drug wish has more side effects when injected and relases more hystamine and thats why most of the people cant handle them. But then i saw that ms contins are also sulfate pentahydrated and where widely abused in Canada so....

If someone can asnwer those questions i will be very happy. i cant find any serious information regarding the difference it makes in your bodys and it kinda tricks me cause i take that every day and probably for the rest of my life.

And fuck i was watching some youtube videos called lock up about jails in the states they all remind me the one i spent two weeks in Canada so i know what it is jail but, fuck prisons looks fucking scary with all those gangs and some drug users even just hippies pot smokers in between those dudes.

How the hell they want people to be good citizens after beeing treated like animals.
The american drug approach is really fucked i feel really sad for those of you who have to live that i wish i could do somethingn but maybe just spreading thenword thatbthere are other ways can slolwy , very slowly educate people. The problem is that the ones who decide are not gonna read this and they may have lots of financial interests by keeping people locked up and drugs flooding.

But, Well at least you guys have a consolation price : almost pure H on the streets and dilaudis. Here ive seen very cheap oxys 40s but very few times there is no way to have a regular supply and i need like 300mg to feel something. And i know we have hydromorfs too the exact sames in Canada but i guess they only give it to old people or cancer patients and here those people dont have to sell their meds to put food on the table.

And its very interesting when you pointed out the way AA works cause as you sayd alcholics usally end up lonely and have friends there. Drug users are always networking and meeting chics who are also hooked up so your never really lonely and i realise that since im on that program.and i get all the drugs fro free i have beeen very lonely i dont really go out make new friends i avoid safe injections places cause peoole.are sketchy lots of vrack users there, and specially womens and coke are a very bad combination. and i dont want to have people yelling at me if i want to buy drugs cause sometimes i end up doing it lol

So , no much else to say exept that we cant have everything at once and i do miss sometimes beeing with my gf spending our days trying to score some hydros or getting cash. Now im bored mostly all the time and i do live in a very small city with a shity waether there is no much to do and i dont have much cash to go travel arround. Sometimes they use to make raves behind my house and i started going out but now they closed the place and it really sucks to be so lonely or just talking to your old friends in the other side of the world trough facebook
For those who are interested and follow my thread regarding the way H clinics works, something very very unusual happend yesterday regarding rules and breaking them and all that.

Well some moron got busted stealing H , And thats like something never seen before cause pple respect the rules or they are just a bit smart and dont get busted.

Will see in the next days what where the consequences but i wouldnt like to be him and back on methadone.
Hey my fellow traveller. Me too I came from canada to switzerland a couple of years ago. From supeudol dilaudid and fent patches at berri uqams mcdonalds, montreal,to useless drugs.
H is garbage no3 i prefer paying nearly 10times more for a gram for that good east coast #4. Morphine is cool. Diaphine is very cool but very
Hard to obtain. I can get the 200mg XR easily though but theyre a pain in the ass to ptepare and aremt as good as the
ER diaphine. I think I loved the canadian drug scene more as far as quality and availability. If you need help you ll get better help in switzerlqnd
What area do you live in in CH bro?
Maybe there is a cutting agent in that weak H that they're body has become accustomed to?
I really find this so interesting OP! I have been perusing the concept of Morphine Substitution Therapy for a while now, but it seems to only be conducted in certain countries in Europe so, it's been hard for me to find definitive information. If I could be on Morphine maintenance, my life would be completely changed. Methadone is great. It is effective and it controls my cravings, but Morphine would just be better.

Please sign me up. I want a gram of Morphine every day.