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Why do non-denominational Christians tell stories?


Jan 20, 2009
Sometime around 2005, I attended a non-denominational church just because it had a lot of young members (a megachurch with 1,000+ members and multiple services) and it was like two miles from my home. Anyway, I noticed how the pastor always told everyday stories; like yesterday, I went here and did this then met this person and this happened therefore this is my message. This was his formula

I guess I just wanted to meet girls there but there was never an opportunity. Anyway, this didn't make sense to me. I mean, even the way the guy told stories was weird and it was like he had a point to make at the end before he went into prayer but that end never came for me. He just spouted some shit about the world, which I found inappropriate then gave everyone his spin on what he thought it meant which never, not even once was biblically-alined; not even New Testament aligned

My question is, why does this go on? I kind of wonder what people are listening to as well because it always shocked me when I heard these secular stories and then it turns into some kind of prophetic message. Where do you even go with that?

I look at churches like political organizations. There's something else going on and I just don't see it. I refuse to believe that people are that dumb

Pastors and the like try to make things more relatable so if you can see the parallels in your own life you’re more likely to subscribe to their ideology. In the end if you can relate to the cause more you’re more likely to give your hard earned money..which in the end is all it’s really about.. I don’t believe people are stupid they just want to believe there is something bigger than them out there for your average Tom, dick, and Harry who’ve never experienced psychedelics and that feeling that there’s something out there that can be hard to do without relating to a messiah or religious leader of some sort such as Jesus, Mohammad, bhudda, who the fuck ever. Years ago I grew up in quite the religious home and actually trained alongside my father and grandfather to become a minister.. before I became an agnostic. The end all be all is money no matter how holy their message that’s what it all comes down to.
I still don't get it. I mean if I want a story I can stay at home and watch TV. The guy would use Bible verses to try to make this all fit in with the message for that particular sermon. It just seemed like people pretending to be knowledgeable by spouting empty words. If the personal stories and verses actually matched then it would've at least made it interesting but I'm afraid it was the opposite. People get on stage and talk about their sinful lives' and I don't know how anybody would take the church seriously unless they simply aren't listening or are willfully ignorant

I was brought up Christian and had to go to a private Christian K-12 where we had Bible studies in the chapel. I never once believed in Christianity and later realized I was an atheist, so I think it depends on the person but I tend to think church is popular because people are there socially or for entertainment purposes rather than to hear somebody read the Bible or learn about history