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Why did everyone lie to us?


Aug 10, 2022
Why did they lie to us? About what you wonder? Well, simply the fact that every human being will take a drug one or an umpteenth amount of times. Why did they make us out to be bad, when I believe the % of an adult experiencing addiction or substance abuse in they life is somewhere between 65%-idk 80%?

They should had been on board with drugs all along and instead of scare tactics at school, how about some BLUELIGHT research for harm reduction? Fuck you government.
in 1994 John Ehrlichman who was Nixon's chief domestic policy advisor went on tape and admitted the entire campaign for the war on drugs was to control leftists who were against the Vietnam war, and black people. These were Nixon's two biggest political enemies.

“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” - John Ehrlichman

Now, drugs were a pretty big issue around this time. Before Vietnam there were around 50,000 heroin addicts in the US. After Vietnam there were over 2,000,000. So it was pretty easy to convince people to go along with a "war" on drugs.

Then Reagan came into power and renewed the call for war on drugs.... while the CIA was simultaneously importing hundreds of tons of cocaine into the country to fund the CONTRAs. This started the whole crack epidemic, led to the highest murder rates we've ever had in modern times, and completely ravaged the black communities. When they increased penalties for crack cocaine, but not freebase cocaine, it was done for a reason: to control black people.

It's all done for control. The war on drugs is not about drugs at all.
Yeah I'm afraid SNAFU just totalled this thread. Hit that shit right on the chin.

Idk I was at work(they are big on safety) and they went into short detail to not use drugs at work and well because they are illegal but for the most part they want employees clear headed, not vaping D8 or taking D8 in any way as it is legal. (Nobody had a drug test pre employment and if so not for THC, I said fuck yes about g-damn time.
But anyhow they went into some percentages that just about every adult will suffer from addiction/substance abuse and then went into mental health....then I hear this subpar song about "being bored might as well sit around and get medicated..the preacher is high, the cop is high, your parents, the president" and dudes got a great fucking point. We are all human and drugs are delicious.

I say put every drug in every gas station or Walmart...seriously. Change the establishment of stigmatization and maybe mental health will be better?

A loved one who barely fucks with pot is going thru hell thanks to Drs pushing antidepressants..I couldn't help but empathize as I am usually also in discontinuation withdrawal.(from my own choice.)
Drugs are either for pleasure, mind expansion or to alleviate suffering, so I think criminalizing drug use is fundamentally about trying to alienate people from having a conversation about how totally psychopathic and unnatural the average person's way of life is.

1) Pleasure -- if you get your pleasure from drugs, you won't get it from the corporate circus that is trying to make you feel inadequate so they can sell you crap.
2) Mind expansion -- if you see right through the system, you won't be duped by it and you'll be less controllable. You may even act out.
3) Life is endlessly painful unless you are rich and/or affluent. Even then, you are not free from suffering. Human civilization is savagery and there aren't many guaranteed ways to limit the pain of that. Even putting aside human society, being alive = pain. Drugs are one way to deal.
I wrote a post related to this topic in another thread, I think it’s relevant here:

I don't think it's due to malice at all. To my mind that's not how most human brains work (except abnormal or anti-social personality types).

But, people are often willing to do things that they know are wrong or harmful as long as it serves some kind of greater good in their mind. That's the case with the drug war IMO and law enforcement's actions. Over the decades they've been fed a non-stop diet of propaganda about how evil drugs are, how the drugs are the root cause of all the misery and destitution that they may or may not see on the streets (depending on where their jurisdiction is), etc.

Just take the issue of lying. We all know that telling lies is something that you should typically avoid, especially if doing so will cause harm to another person. Cops know this too, but they lie their asses off all the time! They'll get up on the stand and lie without a second thought if it's just their word against some defendant's.

I'm reminded of this every time I look through the police blotter in my local newspaper. Incredibly, nearly every incident report of a narcotics possession bust is reported the same way: the drugs in question fell out of the defendants wallet during their interaction with law enforcement. Yes, fell out of their wallet! Like oh yeah officer here's my insurance card....whoopsee daisy! Goddamn those pesky droogas, always falling out of my wallet!

Whereas in reality we all know what happened: the cop rummaged through the individual's pockets and/or personal effects until they found drugs, then changed the sequence of events so it'd play out better in court. And who you gonna believe, some druggie or the honorable officer Paul Blart who's served with distinction on the force trying to rid the streets of these dastardly drugs? It's so dumb (and extremely corrosive to a healthy, functioning civil society) but people over the decades have been so enamored with this distant recreational drug-free utopia that they're willing to commit very morally transgressive acts to get there

Ultimately in the big picture it’s probably about control (and money of course) but I think what I wrote may help explain why the people who operate the machinery of prohibition on a daily basis can reconcile themselves to all the bad shit they do (although there seems to be less and less “true believers” on the drug issue even in law enforcement as time goes on, I think a lot of people know in their hearts that it’s all bullshit but just go through the motions for a paycheck)
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Why did they lie to us? About what you wonder? Well, simply the fact that every human being will take a drug one or an umpteenth amount of times. Why did they make us out to be bad, when I believe the % of an adult experiencing addiction or substance abuse in they life is somewhere between 65%-idk 80%?

They should had been on board with drugs all along and instead of scare tactics at school, how about some BLUELIGHT research for harm reduction? Fuck you government.
It’s fine to do drugs as long as you pick the drugs that most of society uses (alcohol, weed).

Any other drug and ppl look at you like an animal that needs to be put down