Why all at once??


Dec 7, 1999
Im sorry that I am posting my lifes problems on here but i need to get stuff off of my chest...
This past 7 days has been really hard for me... it seems like everthing bad that has to happen is all happining all at once..
It all starts last thursday... may mom comes home from the doctors office (she was with my grampa) and imforms me that my grandpa has gangreene(sp) in his leg and he has to bee taken to the hospital on sunday for possible amputation on them... this saddened me a bit. then sunday rolls around and they are taking him to one hospital to be ammited(sp) while the other hospital calls and informs me that my grandma had a stroke in church and was taken there by the ambulance, and they are asking me to come there and asking me I want them to take aggressive action or to be conservitive.... Well my car is dead in my driveway so i couldent get out to the hospital and i didnt know what to tell them about the action they wanted to take...
so i try to contact my parents at the other hospital... lucky they found them in the lobby, i told them what was happing and they left my grandpa there and went 30 miles to the other hospital to talk to the doctors in ICU they called me and told me that she was not breating and in a coma and she would probably die.
yesterday my mom spent all day at the hospital with her while i was at work.. i guess she woke up and was alert, they took the breathing tubes out and she was asking about me and my brother. I decided last night that i wanted to get out for some fresh air and coffee, so i finally manage to get my car stared and i rooled down the window to ask my dad if my dog was in the way of me backing out(she is really old and dosnt move to quickly) and he sayed all clear! so i back up and hit her i heard he yelp real loud so i stopped and saw her limping out from behind my car. We took her to the vet and I didnt break anybones but she is bruised bad and uncomferable(sp) this mad me feel really guilty.
SO this morning i took of work so i could ses my grandma in the hospital later. And my mom came home from the hospital and tells me that despite the fact that she was totally alert and craking jokes yesterday, she is getting really bad and cannot reconize anyone... i now i hate myself that i dint go yesterday so i could see her when she was still coherient(sp?) I am leaving in a hour or so to go see her with my brother.. I dont know how i will handle the fact that she will probably not even know who we are... my grandma was so full of life and energy, going out everynight, traveling the world and having more of a life then most the people i know that are my own age...
sorry i needed to vent a bit, im quite sad.
MaD LoVin, Jessiy
well There isn't much to say except I'm sorry and I can only give you best wishes ..
about your grandma - she will recognize - I was in the same position but they know even if they can't see and hear - they still know by holding your hand (i know it's weird ..)
I have no grandparents left - I am hardly talking to my mother - left the house at 17 and my father bailed out on us when I was 5 and now is trying to act DAD - cause i moved to the states - The reason i'm telling you that - I'm happy - not cause what happend but cause you always think of the future ..
Hope things will turn better for you soon ...
Smile sweety, it could be alot worse, though it doesn't seem like it now. All you can do is face each issue as it rolls your way and handle it the best you can. Each and every day something new is bound to happen, and you have made it this far. I am sorry to hear about what you are going through, and I know it is tough. All you can really do at this point is stride forward and not look down on yourself for the things you feel you should have or shouldn't have done. Go see grandma and take her much love, just as with your grampa. Both of them need you and your family right now, so be there for them and dont take any negativity with you, for they will sense that.

I hope all works out for you. Enjoy your day the best you can.
I'm so sorry.
Just know we are here for you if you need to talk.
Love & Big Hugz,
Oh, Honey!
NEVER feel bad for something you had no control over. So you weren't able to see your grandma the other day...but you'll see her today. It's better to see her alive than in any other condition.
I know it hurts when it feels like your whole family is dropping like flies. 2 years ago I had 4 relatives die in the same month. I was crushed.
Cherish the time you get with your grandparents. Even if they are not coherent, just know that they know you love them. Even if all you can do is watch them from the side of a bed, the love will always be there.
I dread the day my grandma dies of Alzheimers (she is borderline stage 4). Any my grandaddy has had 3 strokes along with 3 open heart surgeries. But you have to hang on to the hope and good memories you had with them. Even though your grandma isn't doing so well, remember the good times with her. It will make everything seem easier.
Hang in there girly, I'll pray for you (and your dog!)
Just sending my PLUR out to all those who need it the most. Hang in there, you can only be down so far before you are lifted back up higher than you ever were. Life is full of these learning experiences, you gotta come out a stronger person, dig. Look for the positive side, this is just showing you how much you really care for the people around you. Now you can love even better.
Peace Love Unity Respect
I just wanted to say "best of wishes and my heart goes out to you"
it does the soul good!
Chalice™ (AKA "Star-face-a-chu")
"Reality is a delerium caused by conciousness"
"I'm a little bit of everything, and to much of all of it!"
poor girly! all i have to say is this, and ive said it before many times: 'things will never stay bad forever. just give it time and patience. you may have to go through all the tears and heartache until the better times come, but eventually, they WILL come'.
hope that helps you, it always helps me...just look forward to the fact that you KNOW things will improve. love, hugs, kisses, and chocolate (!!!) to you!
Thanks for the support you guys, I just got back from the hospital... Well she is awake and everything, i guess last night she ripped all the tubes and everything out of her self and no one noticed for like an hour.
Im pissed that they are not monitoring her enough. yesterday she was like back to normal hust really tired and today she dosent know who anyone is really, she dosent know who I am, My mom is, she thinks my dad is somebody else. the only people she knows who they are is my lil brother and her doctor. Im going to take off work tonight so i can visit her more.
thanks guys
MaD LoVin, Jessiy
Im really sorry
I know its very hard on you, Ive been through it too. Within 1 month, my mom gets run over by a car (thank god she's alive now) then my uncle dies and i loose most of my friends. It really got to me, i wanted to kill myself and thought things will get worse and they did. But you know, ive learned that no one has a perfect life and everyone will go through shit like this and for 8 months ive dealt with ALOT of shit but withing those 8 months my views on life has totally changed. I learned how to deal with things now way better then i did before.
I know it fuckin sucks but thats life.
Anywayz to make a long story short i know its extreamly difficult to deal with it but just hang in there. Things will hopefuly get better for you

If you need to talk i would love to help. You can email me here [email protected]
taka care *hugz*
~~}<>>>*I wish I were a raver*<<<<>{~~
I am so sorry to hear that sweetie and I wish I could say something to make you feel better. I know what it is like to have someone you love very sick, my grandma who I am extremely close to, probably more so than my parents, got very very sick last year. She was in the hospital for awhile and it killed me to see her looking so small and weak. I went to visit her as much as I could and just sat with her, holding her hand, for as long as they would let me. She recovered from that sickness but she is chronically ill and has more diseases and medications than I can name and has to be hooked up to an oxygen tank for the rest of her life. I never know if this time I see her it'll be the last.
It sucks bigtime but I guess all you can do is be there with her, talk to her, let her know you love her. And remember, things WILL get better, no matter how bad they seem right now. Big hugz to ya hun!!