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Who would I be without LSD


Jan 6, 2013
Seriously. Without LSD I do not know what I would be.
I think I would be a lot like me, but it is a strange curiosity.
A different version on the other side of the asymptote but otherwise indistinguishable?
I tripped long ago and was it all a dream or did it do something noticeable.
How is it that people seem to know how much it seems to change you but I cannot decide if it changed me or even know who is who with any degree of certainty.
I am not a people person so I don't really know if it is something that changes a person. Or if people really change at all.
People who say they trip all the time, do you stay the same day after day or do you know the other version of yourself?
It seemed like a completely different life.
All life experiences make people change. Everyone is different from day to day. I think psychedelics can either clarify or obscure personal growth, depending on the individual circumstances. I have a hard time remembering what it was like to be me before I had my psychedelic experience (the first one that led to most of the change). I remember I didn't really believe in anything. I remember everything was easier although I was also 18 when I first tripped and things are easier when you're a kid if you have a good childhood. Interesting question.
I associate some of my life changes with LSD and mushrooms, and even pot use; however, I realize that I'm still relatively young and all this could simply be maturing/aging. I see what you mean, how could you really ever know?

Good food for thought.
I could not imagine my life if not for psychedelics. I am not sure LSD is so important as the experience itself. In many ways, I didnt really start having 'adult' trips until 2000 when I got into T7 and the other synthetics so I probably would have become who I am without LSD...but the world itself would not be what it is without LSD so...all we need is some LSD.
I have become a better person.I can't feel empathy, madness or jealousy.I'm not antagonistic at all.At all.I am a better person.

However,I think that this is bad.Egoism makes people achieve things,be educated and try to be better than others.I've shattered my ego very hard,I was hitting it relentlessly with dmt and lsd.Mostly,lsd changed me.If I could turn time back I wouldn't do lsd.
I have become a better person.I can't feel empathy, madness or jealousy.I'm not antagonistic at all.At all.I am a better person.

However,I think that this is bad.Egoism makes people achieve things,be educated and try to be better than others.I've shattered my ego very hard,I was hitting it relentlessly with dmt and lsd.Mostly,lsd changed me.If I could turn time back I wouldn't do lsd.

Sorry to hear that man. Personally, I have used LSD only a handful of times, but I feel the espoused negatives you claimed such as empathy (maybe there's a language barrier? That's always a positive trait in people) are good traits to gain. The few LSD trips I've had have helped me realize that I am in fact not the most important thing ever, and I like that. If only the rest of the world could figure that out.
Sorry to hear that man. Personally, I have used LSD only a handful of times, but I feel the espoused negatives you claimed such as empathy (maybe there's a language barrier? That's always a positive trait in people) are good traits to gain. The few LSD trips I've had have helped me realize that I am in fact not the most important thing ever, and I like that. If only the rest of the world could figure that out.

Silly me,I meant I cant feel anger and hate.Sorry for that

Indeed it made me a better person but in this society,you gotta be a bitch to survive and be happy
Silly me,I meant I cant feel anger and hate.Sorry for that

Indeed it made me a better person but in this society,you gotta be a bitch to survive and be happy
I can agree that life can be competitive, but I never really felt that I would be better off with any of my anger or bitchiness. Honestly, those traits made it hard for me to keep friends. When I'm more chill, I can actually empathize and keep my friendships hahah.
Hehehe that's true as hell...I used to be a lonely guy without it but now I'm open and have a lot of people.That's a huge advantage of lsd,it stopped me from being an introvert
Without psychedelics I would probably still be the neurotic ignorant person I used to be. Psychedelics made me make peace with my world, to relinquish control over what happens to me and my own personal path in life. Whether that has made me happier I cannot say, but I am far less driven by impulse than I was which without any indication I know is a much better mental place to be in. I also would never have pursued crafting music. That was something I had always had the belief was too far out of my grasp, but seeing music for the first time on a psychedelic made me realize how simple and easy it really is.