Mental Health Who to go to get prescribed Xanax


Mar 28, 2018
Hey, so I've been reading stuff on bluelight since I was like 12 (I'm 20 now) and first started learning about (and doing) different drugs and shit, but this is my first time posting anything, and I'm not totally sure if this is the right place for this question, so please direct me to the right place if this is not it.

A couple of months ago I did something really reckless and stupid at my university that I'd rather not go into. Luckily no one was hurt, but there was some property damage and I ended up getting suspended from university housing. I really am not worried about doing anything like it again as the whole ordeal has made me much more cautious and thoughtful of the potential consequences of my actions. I have never had any problems with depression or anxiety until now, but ever since this incident every couple of days, when I'm alone, I have had a panic attack thinking about how much damage I could have caused, how I've disappointed my parents, and how this could affect my chances of getting into grad school or getting a job, despite my conduct officer assuring me that it is unlikely an employer or grad school will require this information. These panic attacks have been characterized by hyperventilation, heart palpitations, and mild uncontrollable shaking. I have also been essentially unable to sleep without either smoking some weed or taking an OTC sleep aid like ZzzQuil or Unisom, and I can't rely on weed as sometimes, more and more since the incident, I get paranoia which exacerbates the anxiety. I am fairly certain I should be prescribed Xanax or some kind of acute anxiolytic medication for these episodes. Managing these episodes is my primary concern, but I want to be prescribed Xanax or another benzo, specifically because it would also be dope to have for the occasional recreational use.

I'm pretty sure my university's psychological services has the ability to prescribe drugs for treatment, but I'm wondering if I would be more likely to get prescribed Xanax if I to go to the university's psychological services or to my family doctor.

Thanks for your help guys. This website has been super informative for me as I have explored all kinds of different psychoactive substances and I hope it will be as helpful in figuring out how to deal with what I'm going through right now.
You can either go to a PCP or a Psychiatrist. You may have to ask them if you can have Xanax. Tell them all of your symptoms, and before your appointment you may want to make a list of things so you do not forget to tell him something. Dont be discouraged if you get denied as it is a common abused drug recently, Good luck!
This is getting a bit close to sourcing, but for whatever it's worth, I'd recommend seeing your family doctor for if no other reason they are not psychiatrists and IME are more liberal with benzo prescriptions. Make sure you emphasize panic. Don't just say you're anxious because they might throw some shit like Buspar (useless) or Vistaril (Benadryl's marginally stronger sibling) at you. Go down the list of symptoms you outlined and emphasize their debilitating nature. Probably best not to mention Xanax specifically. Even the most clueless doctor might take that as a red flag. You might end up with Ativan like I did (a little less potent than Xanax but has a longer half life) or Klonopin (doesn't kick in as fast as Ativan or Xanax, but is potent, has a much longer half life than Xanax and is indicated for panic). If that doesn't pan out, then you could try your uni's psych services.
I'd also like to let you know that I also have experienced severe panic attacks like yours (also related to a crisis in my life) and I was able to overcome them without drugs. Try very conscious breathing--count the intake of breath and count the exhale. What you choose to count to is up to you and your lungs. At the same time, you take a mental inventory of your body and take control of soothing it ("My heart is racing, but I am calming it down." etc)

Try this when you are feeling the panic starting.
You go to college. You are obviously smart enough to get in so you are smart enough to figure out where to get private treatment. It would not make sense to ask for those type of medicines from your school.

It would make sense too see a private doctor, and get him to sign you onto your schools disability program, if you are willing to admit you are disabled. This is just my experience.
You should go for a Gabapentin/Pregabalin prescription before Xanax. Gabapentoids are very effective for anxiety. Most doc's nowadays don't hand a Xanax script out unless you have a long documented history of anxiety issues, which it sounds like this is pretty recent for you.