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White heroin deaths why?


Feb 4, 2015
Ok so I think it was roughly a year ago 2 young british men died from taking white heroin, they were lied to by the dealer and told it was cocaine and they only did one single line each they had never taken heroin before and overdosed (or died in some way or another from the heroin)

Now what I would like to know as someone who knows very little about opiates is how or why would someone die in this situation? Is it because white heroin is so powerful that a line the size of a regular sized line of cocaine (possibly around 100mg or smaller) is enough for someone to overdose? Or maybe because white heroin is toxic to humans or what? I don't know

Also do you think for someone who uses cocaine to try a small bump maybe 20mg or so and wait for effects before carrying on? When they buy coke? Just to be safe, would 20mg of white heroin be enough to kill someone? If so what would you recomend? For the safety of people (especially kids) using coke?
You'll never be sure about purity and dose. Normal cocaine usually goes from 1-1.5mg/kg, but I'm not a toxicologist so i canno't say it's sure.
A common dose of H goes from 5 to 40mgs for a user with no tollerance, and goes from 40 to 60mgs for a strong dose, which is also the dose of a tollerant individual. But this is always subjective. Of course, if they eyeballed a 100mg line or so, they could have overdosed. And a white powder can be anything, so maybe they mixed coke with H and speedballed their heart out.

Yes, trying a small bump is smart with every drug, it is even called "allergy test", you never know.
As the dose goes from 5 to 40 for inexperienced users, I think it would be pretty strong. Start low and then experiment gradually.
I recomend kids to not do drugs at all. Or stick to mj at least.

Hope I helped
Ok so I think it was roughly a year ago 2 young british men died from taking white heroin, they were lied to by the dealer and told it was cocaine and they only did one single line each they had never taken heroin before and overdosed (or died in some way or another from the heroin)

Now what I would like to know as someone who knows very little about opiates is how or why would someone die in this situation? Is it because white heroin is so powerful that a line the size of a regular sized line of cocaine (possibly around 100mg or smaller) is enough for someone to overdose? Or maybe because white heroin is toxic to humans or what? I don't know

Also do you think for someone who uses cocaine to try a small bump maybe 20mg or so and wait for effects before carrying on? When they buy coke? Just to be safe, would 20mg of white heroin be enough to kill someone? If so what would you recomend? For the safety of people (especially kids) using coke?
White heroin isnt stronger than tar thats a common misconception, it makes people on the east coast feel like they have better shit lol .also no heroin is toxic to humans except the cut. Theu should have did little bumps and wait to see how strong it is. Or possibly smoke it over foil to make sure. Im sure if you bought coke and it was h or vice verca the numbing effect of coke would give it away instantly
I think the kids only wanted cocaine and were reckless with the stuff they bought (which turned out to be heroin) and from the point of view of someone doesn't want to do any heroin do you think this is a big danger? Would doing a tiny bump just as a test still be dangerous?
I think the kids only wanted cocaine and were reckless with the stuff they bought (which turned out to be heroin) and from the point of view of someone doesn't want to do any heroin do you think this is a big danger? Would doing a tiny bump just as a test still be dangerous?
Why would they not want to do heroin but do coke, coke is worse than heroin being nontoxic and coke stresses out the heart and is toxic... It wouldn't be dangerous to do a small bump. Oding on opiates along as long as ita not cut with fentanyl or something is harder to do. If you take too much youll probably just be throwing up alot.
You could also try to eat it instead of snorting. It is absorbed less this way
If you suspect it may be heroin or even fentanyl, putting a small amount on foil will help you identify it. Out a lighter under the powder, if it vaporizes then its probably heroin or fentanyl... There are various forms of course but generally they should. Cocaine hcl (powder cocaine) will not vaporize. It will burn before it gets to the vaporization point, this is why they freebase it into crack to make it smokable.

I usually find it pretty safe to try to smoke a small amount to sort of see what it may be and if it may be potent enough to kill me before I would do a shot when I used to do that.
Why would they not want to do heroin but do coke, coke is worse than heroin being nontoxic and coke stresses out the heart and is toxic... It wouldn't be dangerous to do a small bump. Oding on opiates along as long as ita not cut with fentanyl or something is harder to do. If you take too much youll probably just be throwing up alot.

Please don't get offended I'm not discriminating against any drug/drug users I'm not being rude at all, "why would they want to do coke and not heroin" well because teenagers who go out partying enjoy an energetic mental!! euphoric vibe + enthusiasm and more energy! And something that makes you want to dance and talk shit to strangers This is not found within heroin that's why,

and again please don't get me wrong I'm not slating opiates at ALL! I'm not dick measuring here I don't disagree with you one second over the safety/toxicity of coke and H you must understand the majority of young people out partying do not know a lot about chemicals so do not understand the safety/dangers and probably have only used stimulants before which is why my question is not a debate on coke vs heroin but rather just the questions at hand

also do you think coke is easier to OD on than heroin?? Because I've seen people sniff atleast 600 - 700mg in one line before of coke would that much sh not make you OD? I don't know too much about it but I was always under the impression H was a very powerful substance compared to other drugs?
600-700mg of H all at once for a non tolerant user would most likely put them in OD range. Almost positive actually. I mean that's a half gram or more. I blow through that before 2pm and I've got a huge tolerance. But my point is a half g used to last me two days maybe three if I was trying to save it. Even a half gram of shitty tar to the face would bring most non tolerant people to OD.
^^loled at the gram of tar to the face. And yea 700 being something i could probably make last maybe 2 days all at once would for sure od.
I just figured that covered all the ROAs from the neck up. Didn't read anything about plugging or shooting lol