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Which RC benzos are best for sleep?


Feb 1, 2012
I been away the last year and half and all these new RC benzos are doing the rounds. I'm not looking for something to knock me out ofter a heavy mkat session, more something just to keep my sleep cycles normal while I'm on a diet of study drugs like caffeine and modafininl. Cheers.
I find nifoxipam fits the bill quite nicely. Quick acting, short duration and not liable to screw you up the arse when your backs turned. Tolerance builds fast though - not for nightly use, only when needed.
What sort of dosage were you using for sleep, FUBAR? I found they were extremely quick acting but never got any sort of hypnotic effect from them. I found that they were very subtle in effects, but were good for removing some residual stimulation from psychedelics.
What sort of dosage were you using for sleep, FUBAR? I found they were extremely quick acting but never got any sort of hypnotic effect from them. I found that they were very subtle in effects, but were good for removing some residual stimulation from psychedelics.

Funny dat, I was asleep within the hour without fail. Who knows what dose they were, I've had supposedly 0.5mg and 2mg tablets, but couldn't really tell any difference. Two tabs did the trick for me.
Seconded on the Nifoxipam.
Pyrazolam isn't too bad at negating excess stimulation either.
Clonazolam would be my preferred hypnotic RC benzo.

Avoid Flubromazolam unless you'd like to tear your GABA receptors a new pathway or three.
Thanks for all replies so far guys, really useful. I have some nifoxipam on the way so looking forward to seeing how that compares with z drugs like ambien etc..

I have always been a fan of pyrazolam, light and clean. Not exactly tailor made for sleep but I have found use for it for sleep before.

Flubromozalom is a little sickly for me.

Will also give clonazolam a try.
nifoxipam make me feel tired, without any kind of benzo anxiolysis, they are handy for tapering because of the the .5 pills
i find clonazolam dangerous, blackouts like no other benzo i've had. please be careful. i'd imagine it's good for sleep, but i've never used it for this purpose. i doubt i've ever had any trouble sleeping on it, but i could't truthfully tell you.

nifoxipam is very mild, but definitely hypnotic. probably your best bet. deschloro-etizolam might also be handy. a certain vendor has even started selling etizolam agin.
I've found Clonazolam to be spot on, really impressed with them. Benzos have never really been my thing but id have to say that Clonazolam is my favourite of them all, pharma and RC.

I've only ever really abused diazepam and that was for a shortish period when I could get them over the counter. I can see the dangers of Clonazolam abuse potential with it being on the potent side, the only time i took 1mg and it knocked me sideways.
^^ i suppose i should explain that i cannot help take benzos like an idiot. i have a lowish tolerance now (i think) but would find it really hard to take only 0.5-1mg at once. i always chase the elusive "dunt", that nice slap in the face drunken quasi-euphoria you can sometimes get with 30-60mg diazepam.

i've recently decided i just need to leave the fuckers alone for the rest of my days as it always ends in disaster. usually come round with loads of heroin in my possession and lots of pissed off friends and family....oh, what a tit-nip i fucking am.
If you have a benzo addiction problem, then Clonazolam would probably be a terrible choice. Like Scotchy, I am a very big fan of the stuff, even in comparison with illegals. It provides the typical benzo confidence/arrogance and has a solid sedative kick to boot. It has a decent HL value, too, of ~10-18 hours so it's fairly solid all round.
IMO/E Deschloroetizolam is almost purely anxiolytic and almost useless for inducing sleep, same with Diclazepam.

As others have noted, Nifoxipam (at the correct dose - when it was released there was a massive discrepancy in pellet dosage, though that seems to have faded now) is mainly hypnotic, with little in the way of anxiolysis. The thing I enjoyed most about it was the quality it shares with Flunitrazepam; the heaviness is omnipresent but it is possible to remain awake and fairly coherent for as long as needed, it is possible to just pass out for 12+ hours if that's what you are aiming for, though.
I think Clonazolam and Flubromazepam can go toe to toe with any pharmaceutical benzo for raw benzed up niceness, but you can see why flubromazepam would have made a crap medicine. Its has excellent anxiolysis but is cheifly sedating. However, it is useless as a practical sleep aid due to the latent onset of effects and ridiculous half life. I adore them them, but only because i love 24 hour + benzo ultra-mongs. Clonitrazolam is still really nice and unlike its 'non - triazolo parent' clonazepam, it has a medium duration of action and is more sedating, making for a temazepam style sleeping pill.

Just remember though Swarm, no benzo will induce proper health REM sleep and will not promote healthy sleep cycles, if they are to be used for sleep then they are only any good at re - setting someones sleep cycle if they have been sleeping badly, even the most sedating benzo will lose its sedating effects with 5-7 days of consecutive use - our tolerance to the sleep inducing effects of benzodiazepines shoots up much faster than our tolerance to the anxiolytic effects
How does Nifoxipam compare to the holy grail of Etizolam guys? My stock up of 1000 is gone and source dried up.
Different kettle of fish tbqh. Etiz is much closer to Alprazolam in effect whereas Nifoxipam resembles Flunitraz more than anything.

Which rc benzo is most like temazepam you guys think?

Clonitrazolam is still really nice and unlike its 'non - triazolo parent' clonazepam, it has a medium duration of action and is more sedating, making for a temazepam style sleeping pill.

Flubromazepam probably feels even nicer if you like temazepam type effects but again, if you actually read the above post, their long duration of action makes them useless as sleeping pills if you have a job / responsibility / car etc
I've thrown all i have in a little jar and just lucky dip it... i have won every time though so far!
I've thrown all i have in a little jar and just lucky dip it... i have won every time though so far!

Is the prize a blackout?
Hypnotic benzo's are one of the few drugs I had to hide from myself, each compound was separately packaged and stashed in a different room given I had a bad habit of muching whatever was in front of me.
