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Esoteric Which psychedelic do you worship?


Oct 29, 2018
I'm not particularly looking for a "My fave drug is.." answer - more the drug that gave you the most powerful (I'm not religious in anyway but I'll use the word) "religious" epiphany or just gave you the most timeless feeling that there was more to existence than the day to day?

There's only been maybe 4 or 5 trips like that for me in my whole 20 or so years tripping - a couple of times on oral DMT, a couple of times on 4-aco-dmt and last sunday on 3 blotters of 100mic DS crystal LSD. Oddly enough the LSD could be the most wonderful of the lot - even tho I've been taking LSD for 20 years, the trip on sunday was like being born again - never thought LSD could do that.

Thanking you.
Which drug would you get down on your knees and start chanting for?
I've never really seen myself using psychedelics to be on a spiritual path. I believe that trips are just a modulation of one's consciousness, and no bigger truths to be accessed there - other than of course insights towards self-improvement, a general better outlook on life, and gratitude towards being able to experience this universe. My first trip was with supposedly 200 μg ALD-52, the second with 150 μg 1cP-LSD. Both trips, I've had a complete egodeath with reincarnation, both trips were too much. And both times, I was left with this feeling of it being completely spectacular and interesting which states of minds can be reached with the right keys to the right doors. But both experiences were also rather difficult with the complete loss or reality, and seemed psychological unsafe, as in that it wasn't unthinkable that I could have hurt myself due to some misperception.

As such, and for practical reasons, I've never come around to try LSD again, and I'm very unsure of trying a bit of 1D-LSD/1T-LSD. Instead, I rather ventured into the realm of phenethylamines, which don't seem to be that mindbendy and mindloopy. After some discussion with a tryptamine connoisseur, I was motivated to get my hands on some 2C-E, to reach some deeper states the phenethylamine way. And based on my 3 experiences so far, it seems like a very demanding, interesting and enigmatic compound with an intriguing connection to the spiritual.

I still have some troubles with psychedelics currently due to a misadventure this year, but once those are settled, I hope to explore 2C-E further.

Oh, and while not as deep, 2C-B is probably my closest ally at the time.
Mescaline is also a magnificent one.

I still want to explore many more. So much drugs, so few time.

Edit: I've also tried DMT, but never at a breakthrough dosage - the effects were pretty varied, between being spooked and swearing never to use that stuff again, or it giving a nice psychedelic buzz. One day, I may experiment with it again.
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i really like lsd and analogues, so maybe i would get down on my hands and knees and start chanting for some of that... but i feel like salvia gives me the most vibes of something else is going on in the universe, so i'd probably go with that as far as religious... i know salvia isn't even a classic psychedelic, but i always think of it that way... can be pretty unenjoyable too, but definitely gives me vibes there's something else to this we don't really know... i've never tried smoking dmt either. assume that will get similar trips.

lsd can actually get just as crazy as salvia for me at high doses, like traveling through portals and stuff, but with lsd it was like i'd end up in an actual dream after traveling through a portal, but with salvia it's like being crushed and sent through different colors and it's nothing like reality... i know people get all different effects from drugs and some people might be like "a portal" or "cartoon like black hole" what are you talking about.
both trips were too much. And both times, I was left with this feeling of it being completely spectacular and interesting which states of minds can be reached with the right keys to the right doors. But both experiences were also rather difficult with the complete loss or reality, and seemed psychological unsafe, as in that it wasn't unthinkable that I could have hurt myself due to some misperception.
i definitely think it's possible for a person to be so confused from psychedelics that they'd jump out a window thinking it's just part of the trip or something... there is a video on you tube of some dude crashing through his window on salvia and crawling out. it's pretty bizarre. i was thiking it was just some kind of drug propaganda cause i can't really move too much when i take salvia, but i guess people are different and it is possible... i definitely feel like lsd doesn't shut my body down at all and i'm just left dreaming while my body is awake and moving on high doses and it can definitely get super confusing.
Mescalito, mi amor. The cactus has provided me with guidance and companionship throughout my life - living in my home in some form or another throughout most of it. The experiences I have had thanks to it are among the most wonderful altered states of my life. Also, cacti are just really pretty.
None. Not to be preachy. I do think that psychedelics can be holy tools. However, there has to be intent and the quest and the psychedelics just facilitate that (sometimes a lot).

Still, a tool. A holy tool, but a tool.
DMT is definitely one that has given me the most intense spiritual experiences but mushrooms are up there as well
You lucky who dont have your wings cut by prozac addiction, for us who can't go very high, the only way is to go very deep, so for me it's OPCE.
I try not to put any drug on a pedestal or worship anything in general, but have to admit that LSD casts a bit of a spell.
In terms of profundity, I've not come across anything that cuts straight to the heart of it all like 5-MeO-DMT

But you know, if you see the buddha on the road...

300 ug of 99.9% LSD = ego death / rebirth seeing the infinite, the gates of heaven open up.

300-350 ug is probably my fav dose on LSD, perfect dose range to fully transcend the world.
Lsd has truly changed my whole life... im a better father, husband, employee, just better human all around, Lsd kicked opiots out of my life permanently, i have had trouble with empathy and connecting with people and lsd changed all that for me ... lsd is God for me .... right now I have been really exploring the world of ketamine and am truly intrigued by what it has shown me thus far ....

Yeah I mean "Worship" is a loaded word. I revere Peyote a lot for the wisdom it can bring out in us. I don't worship it like it's my master or something, or like it is a god or higher being than me. It is a helper, a helpful tool. A positive force. A wholesome force, and extremely therapeutic.
after a long time of tripping, the trips are still fresh for me, show me new things and blow me away totally.

I start to see the bigger picture of how my life fits into the whole world.

At work i am the most care free and stressless employee, everybody around me has alot of stress at work while i am pretty chilled out and done alot of inner work and healing on these trips.

This stuff needs to be legalized it would improve the mental health of the world greatly.
Is pantheism the same as omnitheism?
I had to look them both up and don't have an answer. I thought pantheism is the belief in a huge number of separate deities and omnitheism would be the belief in absolutely everything being god. But turns out pantheism is more like the latter, and so I can't tell what makes omnitheism distinct.