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Which drug do you wish you NEVER tried?

datura, mainly because i was 17 and scared my poor father to death with my behaviour, plus i couldn't focus my eyes for 3 days
Many, Many years ago I took a trip called kaleidoscope import from England, landed in the country on Queens birthday. It was so thick and the picture had sooo much detail too. I was warned - quarter lasts 8 hours same feeling, half lasts 20 hours and a full one "I'll see you in hospital". Took a quarter of this trip - 8 hours of strong tunnel vision, same feeling alright! Was at the Casino in Melbourne opening week. Couldn't get out of the elevator just kept on going up and down. Pupils were so dilated everybody knew I was on something. At one stage I almost had a panic attack and nearly ran out of the casino. Ohhh the patterns on the carpets...the noise from the poker machines and the lights fried me. That was my last trip.
Many, Many years ago I took a trip called kaleidoscope import from England, landed in the country on Queens birthday. It was so thick and the picture had sooo much detail too. I was warned - quarter lasts 8 hours same feeling, half lasts 20 hours and a full one "I'll see you in hospital". Took a quarter of this trip - 8 hours of strong tunnel vision, same feeling alright! Was at the Casino in Melbourne opening week. Couldn't get out of the elevator just kept on going up and down. Pupils were so dilated everybody knew I was on something. At one stage I almost had a panic attack and nearly ran out of the casino. Ohhh the patterns on the carpets...the noise from the poker machines and the lights fried me. That was my last trip.

Benzos for sure. Only had problems with them for less than a year, but during that time I managed to build up a decent tolerance...did lots of stupid shit, made lots of poor choices. Took me a few months of not taking them to get back to 'normal'. I liked how they took away my anxiety but didn't exactly have any great drug experiences with them.

I don't regret taking opiates despite getting addicted to them. Had some awesome times, and I think it taught me a lot about myself with regards to how prone I am to addiction. Never got into IV use, and came out of it with no major health or mental problems.

Drugs I regret overdoing -

Weed - smoking bongs erryday was something I couldn't handle that well. I know weed demotivates people but it made me into a useless lazy idiot.
MDMA/MDA - lost the magic.
Meth - never got into use during the week luckily, but doing it all weekend everyweekend for a while was not good for me.
Opiates - Wasted so much time with them. As someone else mentioned I isolated myself from friends and family for a while...put my life on 'hold' and years went by way too quickly.
I think I mentioend that earlier or in a different thread. Both benzos and opiates will isolate you from your friends and family and everything around you. Evil shit if you ask me, I wasted a very long time of my life just because of that.
Crystal meth!! Yuck, I didn't get addicted or anything just one mini binge for 3 days. Someone told me had better high than coke. What a lie! Lots more energy than coke but to me had no high at all!! My jaw was clamped, body twitching, muscles ached, so tired and felt really bad.

I also regret weed. I took it various times because friends pressured me to try since they liked it and also they thought would help me get me off other drugs. It made me feel sad, energy was drained, just blah. Also made me eat so much! I hate that just caused weight gain. >.< It also smelt so bad that inhaling actually got me physically become sick sometimes. I stopped it totally after giving it many tries and caving to peer pressure too much. Now I refuse to be near the smell even.

Overall it's like the dirtiest drug to me next to meth and maybe e. People say it's natural but I mean the feeling and smell is dirty to me. Makes me feel anxious too. Lots people like it, Everyone's different I guess!

Oh! Also alcohol, I got addicted but it ruined my stomach causing lasting damage. Also caused a lot of bad events. Maybe some somewhat ok memories but nothing really great. To me I now see it as something you drink to become vulnerable at risk and very sick next day.

Right now that's all I remember regretting!! (Not including prescription meds in this list)
MDPV. I'm amazed I'm still alive after the meltdown I had a couple of days after taking it. I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
DXM. As I've stated before in previous threads, I've had extremely bad experiences. In fact, every experience besides for the first two times were absolutely horrific. Feelings of paranoia, schizophrenia, thinking that everybody was out to kill me, having bad vibes about my house (I really can't explain this - but my house gives me the creeps whenever I think back on these trips) and feeling as though i'm dying/dead. Bloody putrid stuff - I've never been the same since the few months I took it, and it's most likely responsible for the fact that I no longer have any friends and social skills.
Also the time I used concerta as a substitute for generic ritalin pills. Ritalin was fun, for the one week that I endlessly took it; but concerta was horrible, I used to take 160mg of the stuff - giving me a god-awful comedown and feelings of guilt, etc.
+1 for Nutmeg and Nicotine. Feeling damage off both. Nutmeg has been the harshest thing I've ever put threw my liver.
I have learned something from every drug ive taken (even opiates) but id have to say coke... every time im around it i wanna do it really bad and i get super anxious, i just have to convince myself that its not fun and im not missing out on anything.
Also ive never been addicted and probably only have done it about 15 times
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A-pvp would be the one that I enjoyed the least. It's really the only one I have had a bad experience with. One bad enough for me not to ever do it again, had extreme Stimulant psychosis and the comedown was scary.
Definitely at this point MDPV. i found its the most fiendish thing ive ever taken and many a weeks were spent locked up in apartments with a few friends, more just because we diddnt really have any fun while doing it, and its a massive stretch for me mentally to say no when im offered it now. :(

Completely agree.
Well actually the first time I tried it was fine. I just briefy (like 20 seconds main high, maybe 2 hours of afterglow) felt like an extreme come up, like the biggest rush.
The second time I did it, like you said. Really fiendish, thought I wasnt high and wanted more and more. Even though I did not stop talking, couldnt even stop to smoke a pipe. Licked my lips so much that I got a blister. After one night, so fiendish.
I was aware that my avid talking and constant spiel about how intruiging drugs where both mentally and physically great, was annoying to most people. I was slightly embarrassed but I couldnt stop.
Mainly the come down was reallllllllllly bad.

Pychosis? Like telling people things that weren't true? And only noticing after. Being unable to sit still, having blanks, not finding music satisfying (even whilst high), being unable to choose anything, looping thoughts, being unable to stop freaking out mostly because i had to sleep for work. Then I had to ring in sick which was so hard (lost the job the week after) and went to my friends to pass the time befor I went home. I felt disturbed, I couldnt focus on conversation, my friends dad was around, I was paranoid as fuck. Ashamed and felt like screaming for help but there was nothing I could say? My friend suggested a bath at hers (she had a few of us over so it was weird) but i had no idea how long I was in there and it helped like 2%. Tried to watch a movie and got paranoid and couldnt focus.
Had to go home and face parents wondering why i wasnt at work and then questioning ringing in sick.
My step dad new straight away, apparently my pupils where still huge though id seen them and theyd seemed fine. He was great about it, hes taken a few e's in his time and he understood I just needed help right then. He forced me to eat and have a herbal tea, suggested I do some washing to occupy my mind. Then said I should try and hide from my mum and sleep in my room.
However she thought I was in a huff and was bitching about me (didnt come down for dinner) and I felt horrible (at the time i was acting so depressed and horrible to my family in general, but this really showed me everything before was nothing) so came down to watch tv. This was hard, I wasn't sure if i was sitting to still or fidgeting too much. I occaisonly commented on the tv show but it made no sense so I shut up (im usually very talkative).
Around about 2am I felt my body go to sleep and slowly eased my head into it. Hard to describe.

The next day had no colour. I couldnt read anything, it was too boring, I couldnt smile or express emotion.
I lost all sense of pyschedelica which had always been with me. It was like no emotion, flat, horror. Life was nothing, like a dead crow inside my chest.
I questioned who I was. I was stripped away to something that just functioned, lacking any sense of spirituality (usually expressed as a love of nature and form and exotic things).
I couldn't smoke weed, it just increased that feeling. The feeling stayed around for months.
When I had some panic atttacks about leaving for Nepal (id been saving all year to go vounteering) it reminded me of the comedown. Even the tweeting of the birds signaled the end of the world, I was distinctively aware of the setting sun, of the passage of time and everything felt futile and pointless. I felt huge and suffocated. I couldnt talk or eat.

Now when I feel down, thats how its expressed. Even on a visual level, things just look different. I have to plunge myself into the most exciting things. And weed has barely been as good as it was before the comedown.
Maybe my current feelings would always appear? But I feel i'm still slowly pulling myself back. But then everyone changes, but I dont want to loose what I felt was my essence: the sense of everything pulsing with energy and glowing with life.
I'd probably always make a mistake like that, it was made. I learnt from it, but I hope this is not for the rest of my life.