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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Which antidepressant is good for sleep so lets say like benzos

Doxepin was good.

You can also look for dominal, it feels absolutely the same but is sold as a neurolepticum. Good if your Doktor doesnt want to prescribe an ad.

Unfortunately, most SSRI/SNRIs have the potential to lower libido or cause other unwanted side effects. Everyone is different.
If you read this article, is has one tiny paragraph that mentions it can sometimes be prescribed to help with ED… but then goes on to describe how it can lower sex drive in much more detail.

I think we could throw articles at you all day long, as well as give first hand advice, based on our own experiences. But talking to your doctor would be your best bet.
I would recommend Clonidine (Catapres) for sleep issues. I don't want to negate anyone's experience with antidepressants, so please take this as just an opinion based on experience and observation. I have known very, very few people who were depressed to have had their issues corrected by antidepressant drugs. These drugs typically produce side effects that can be life-altering when taking the drugs. SSRI's will often lead to sexual dysfunction, Mirtazapine (Remeron) very often leads to extreme weight gain through appetite stimulation (they give it to sick cats for this reason).

From where I stand, I'm just not very supportive of their usage, especially when they are prescribed so flagrantly. A 30 minute initial consultation with a stranger is often enough to start a person on what could be a completely different life than they might have lived otherwise. I personally feel the prescription of psychiatric medication warrants at least several hours of context before a person could make an educated guess regarding their use.