• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Where to find freelance animators?


Sep 16, 2006
Where do I go? Not looking for awesome Pixar level animators, just someone that can do me a few videos to a script.

I would do it myself, except artistically I have two left hands on a right handed person. =D
try animation and animation school forums. when i made my short film, i found my actors that way. people in these kinds of crafts are superkeen on new ideas just so they can add your project to their portfolios.

or you could do it yourself with some film editing software like imovie. frame by frame is a massive chore, but entirely possible.
I will search before I attempt this on my own. My talents do not lie in artistic abilities, the best I can do is MS Paint stick figures...
yeah, i was gonna say guru.com. personally i've never used it because i need an established relationship with a design vendor that snaps to and already knows exactly what i expect -- this consumes my budget big time -- but other marketing professionals in my network have recommended it to get work done cheaper when time is less of an issue. if time really isn't an issue, L2R is dead on with his advice about students looking to build portfolios. shit, i used to do so much free writing.
elance is probably your best option. I got a kickass graphics guy from elance. Elance has a lot of shitty providers. The dude who did my graphics is http://messapps.com/. That guy was totally awesome, and I recommend him highly. Tell him "lysis from elance sent you...the one for the android app graphics" and he should remember.

They are insanely good.