Admin Attention Where do I post a question about a way to treat social anxiety?


Mar 20, 2016
New here and I want to post what would be the best benzo or any other drug for that matter that would help me with my social anxiety, thanks.
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BDD or TDS? To be fair we don't really do 'what should i take threads' on BL.

A range of benzos are prescribed for anxiety disorders depending on the type / severity - I'd recommend seeing a therapist rather than self-medicating.
I haven't got the time though, I work away all week so I'm only left with saturday and sunday for myself and really don't wanna lose this job over this shit whats fucked up my life since i was about 17 now, managed to force myself to actually take the job and just try and deal with it and stop it messing with my life and not let it bother me but now it's starting again, I just need some relief to feel comfortable in my own skin and actually be able to have more than a one line conversation with people, this is the last straw now, I'm pretty fucking desperate. What's BDD and TDS and thanks for the reply.
I hear you - I've suffered from crippling anxiety in the past and also used benzos without a prescription just to be able to leave the house or be able to look people in the eyes.

Truth is it just made my anxiety worse in the end because you never learn how to deal with it without the benzos, and they get more and more less effective as you build a tolerance to them.

They're best taken as and when you need them, rather than a daily basis. Sometimes just having them on hand can help put your mind at ease. Also, they're a complete nightmare to get off of - you need to taper down or you could very well suffer from a life threatening seizure doing it cold turkey.

Really can't recommend other means first enough, perhaps look into mindfulness meditation - that helped me a great deal.

BDD = Basic Drug Discussion
TDS = The Dark Side

all the best
Thankyou mate, I am trying to deal with it, just spent about two years not really leaving my bedroom and eating codeine everyday, even going to the shop that's literally next door to me would give me anxiety ffs but one day I just thought fuck this shit got myself a job and tried my best to deal with the shit and thought maybe just exposing myself to having to deal with people n shit would help and maybe eventually it will, hopefully, but right now I need some sort of relief otherwise I'll lose this job and I don't even wanna think how fucking depressed I'll feel after that, think I'll just give up on life altogether, anyway thanks for your help man I appreciate it.
The Mental Health forum has lots of threads about social anxiety and you can find out what others have tried and/or are trying. The purpose of these threads is not to advise anyone else about what to take but to relate personal experience and get support. Anxiety is a terrible state--I know it well. I can tell you that the most powerful tool for me has not come in the form of a pill but in learning to refute my own anxious thought patterns. The web is full of free resources for mindfulness-based healing or cognitive behavioral healing of destructive thought patterns. Benzos can be effective but come with a very high price in terms of dependence, lack of efficacy over time and one of the worst withdrawals of any drug.

It sounds like you have tapped into your own internal power when you thought, "fuck this shit" and forced yourself out of your self-imposed prison. That is really all mindfulness is about: using your rational mind to stop hiding in the past, projecting worry into the future and being in the present moment unafraid of your own emotions. Social anxiety is based on a constant stream of talk in your own head that says you are unworthy compared to others, you are different and lacking in comparison to others and that others are judging you in the same way you judge yourself. All of this is false and your rational mind knows that. Your emotional mind is dominating the way things go in your head but this does not have to be. Most of us make the mistake early on of running from those emotions since they seem to be the source of our problems. But ironically it is by accepting the difficult feelings of fear, anger, sadness etc that allows you to be free of getting stuck in any one of those states. So-called negative emotions are as fleeting as happiness if we don't lock them in place with self-judgment and self-defeating thoughts.

I wish you all the best. You've done a very courageous thing by getting that job. Keep building on your courage and learn to treat yourself like your own best friend. And come on over to TDS or Mental Health and start posting. A lot of us have been where you are and are struggling to make permanent, lasting change inside so you will be among people that can relate to your situation.
The Mental Health forum has lots of threads about social anxiety and you can find out what others have tried and/or are trying. The purpose of these threads is not to advise anyone else about what to take but to relate personal experience and get support. Anxiety is a terrible state--I know it well. I can tell you that the most powerful tool for me has not come in the form of a pill but in learning to refute my own anxious thought patterns. The web is full of free resources for mindfulness-based healing or cognitive behavioral healing of destructive thought patterns. Benzos can be effective but come with a very high price in terms of dependence, lack of efficacy over time and one of the worst withdrawals of any drug.

It sounds like you have tapped into your own internal power when you thought, "fuck this shit" and forced yourself out of your self-imposed prison. That is really all mindfulness is about: using your rational mind to stop hiding in the past, projecting worry into the future and being in the present moment unafraid of your own emotions. Social anxiety is based on a constant stream of talk in your own head that says you are unworthy compared to others, you are different and lacking in comparison to others and that others are judging you in the same way you judge yourself. All of this is false and your rational mind knows that. Your emotional mind is dominating the way things go in your head but this does not have to be. Most of us make the mistake early on of running from those emotions since they seem to be the source of our problems. But ironically it is by accepting the difficult feelings of fear, anger, sadness etc that allows you to be free of getting stuck in any one of those states. So-called negative emotions are as fleeting as happiness if we don't lock them in place with self-judgment and self-defeating thoughts.

I wish you all the best. You've done a very courageous thing by getting that job. Keep building on your courage and learn to treat yourself like your own best friend. And come on over to TDS or Mental Health and start posting. A lot of us have been where you are and are struggling to make permanent, lasting change inside so you will be among people that can relate to your situation.
Thankyou mate they are some really nice words and make sense, I really appreciate that, I just want some sort of aid to help me out for the time being, I'm not looking to abuse any drug but just want something I can take in moderation to help me for the time being. Thanks alot for the post and I'll post in the proper section can you delete this thread for now as it's obviously in the wrong place, peace and love man.
I want to end my life do to chronic depression. It has really crippled me, my family treats me like crap so I want to be gone. So that they can wake up every morning happy instead of miserable because they realize I'm here. This is my last resort.
I want to end my life do to chronic depression. It has really crippled me, my family treats me like crap so I want to be gone. So that they can wake up every morning happy instead of miserable because they realize I'm here. This is my last resort.
Sounds like you need to see a therapist mate, I'm not that far into depression as that, but like what herbavore said it's all in your head, you just need to defeat these thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts and make light out of every bad situation, it's hard I know but you have the willpower to do it mate, your family probably don't actually treat you like crap, it's probably just in your head, that's what social anxiety and depression is about, perceiving everything negatively and having feelings of total worthlessness and that everybody hates you, if this is actually the case though fuck em and trust me shit will always get better in the end, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel it's just soldiering through till you get to that point, stay strong and positive brother.