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When you break the 6 rules


Mar 28, 2015
So, as the title suggests this is a thread relating to when you break the 6 cardinal sins for responsible MDMA usage- specifically breaks in between usage.

As we all know, MDMA can be pretty freaking fun at times, leading some of us to overindulge, regardless of the wise words posted by our white whiskered elders here on Bluelight. There are already numerous threads devoted to 'losing the magic' and '5 day comedowns' so I intend to try and direct this thread to those of us that feel they are in between responsible user and 'holy fuck why is my brain floating in that jar with those pickles'

As a bit of back ground about me, I'm in my late 20s and I only started using drugs about 2 years ago. During this time I used mainly MDMA and psychedelics, (acid mostly) I used to perscribe to the 6 cardinal rules for MDMA, constol your dosage, and more importantly frequency of use. I'm 200 pounds and would normally dose about 120 mg and a 60 mg chaser, and i tried to keep dosing to at least monthly. * yes I know three monthly is optimal.

About 8 months ago I set off on a backpacking trip, and the majority of this was spent at a Canadian Ski town, for those of you that haven't spent a season at a ski town it is a glorious hedonistic paradise full of young ski bums devoting their time between carving as much powder as possible and trying to devour their body weight in alcohol and drugs. During this time I decided that I could make a bit of extra money with good quality MDMA, tested of course, something most people havent even heard of! This led me to use more frequently than I normally would, I mean come on! Who is more loved that the guy you got your M from ?!!??

During this 3-4 month period I used maybe on average once a week, sometimes more, sometimes less, this is FAR more than I know is sensible, but at the time I wasnt concerned, this was my once in a lifelime binge! In the spirit of harm reduction I have to say, I honestly do regret this, as fun as it was I do not get the same buzz as I used to, and MDMA very much is a drug of deminishing returns. Now I can take 200mg plus and I get a buzz, but none of that amazing warmth that spread through my body that I used to get.

For those of you that have been in my position I guess I'm asking did you ever get it back? I don't mean the initial few rolls, we all know that's impossible, but did it ever regain that lovely warmth that floods your body making you love everyone and everything. If you did, how long did it take ? At this stage I'm planning a 6 month break, with a few months treatment of SJW.

From a harm reduction point of view, take on board what a previously responsible user has experienced and acknowledge over indulgence can sneak up on you and happen to anyone
There are thousand of posts regarding the lost of magic. You can use the search engine for "magic" word on this forum.

TL;DR: take a very very very VERY long break (over 5 years) without touching a drug that messes with serotonin. Maybe you will get a bit of the magic back. Good luck!