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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Whats ur opinion about antidepressants (Lexapro etc) ? Can u recommend them?


May 9, 2020
I wanna change my life but i dont have energy or motivation.
Im not suicidal but im very very lazy and yeah.
for depression im taking 5htp which helps a lot but its also expensive and yeah.
i have experience with lexapro for few weeks but i stopped it coz it made me feel like a zombie: no sadnesss, no happiness and my dick was dead and even numb.
do you guys have any experience and good advise for me ?
i didn’t like the ssri class

what had worked for me is 100mg pristiq (snri) and 300mg wellbutrin, the wellbutrin fills in the gaps of pristiq’s antidepressant function.

took a few months to get going, but it helped me within weeks.
Personally I've only had SSRIs and could never last even a week. Made my dick shrivel up as if I was pissing at the top of the Himalayas. Also, they make you feel a lot worse in the first week (hence the suicide warning on the box, leading people to mistakenly think that they can OD on them when feeling suicidal. They can make you feel suicidal in the first one or two weeks, especially if you are prone).

The first one they had me on was citalopram which sent me into a manic episode, leading to a diagnosis of bipolar nearly 13 years ago. Since then they have tried me on sertraline and fluoxetine (Prozac) with mood stabilisers but I always get the same nasty side effects.

They might work for some - plenty of people swear by them. For me however, they are horrible and probably pushed me to self-medicate with illegal drugs that actually made me feel better, at least in the immediacy. But I am not advocating that.

Ask your doc/shrink or whatever to go over options with you. Research different treatments, whether pharmaceuticals such as Prozac or any other SSRIs or the other classes of anti-depressants (they only prescribe SSRIs here so it seems) but also natural remedies like St. John's Wort. I remember being OK back a good few years ago when taking that but I might have just been in good circumstances, which of course makes a big difference. I wasn't drinking either, or using anything else.

Nowadays I'm only on a mood stabiliser so am prone to depression and some nasty side effects such as irritability, potentially aggression but the drug - lamotrigine - keeps mania in check, which is the more dangerous element of my illness. Benzos self-prescribed for anxiety but I don't recommend self-prescribing anything.

Not sure if this helps, just speaking from experience but what I would say is that you should research the treatments available to you and discuss them with your doctor. Read about the different treatments available. Maybe try psychotherapy. I have been asking for that for years and never gotten it. I have thought that it could help me greatly but the way it works here is that psychiatry just give you a drug, send you on your way and then call you in 3 months to see how you're doing, speaking for 10 minutes. Every time, I ask for psychotherapy and they say that they have referred me but nothing happens. They also give a number for the "psyche team" but I can never get through to them. It is a mess.

Also RE mood stabilisers, they were trying to get me on aririprazole for ages and I was resistant given that it can increase certain compulsive behaviours which isn't good for someone who has that problem. For some reason, it had a big effect of gambling and this came as a warning on the leaflet. For that reason mainly I was resistant for a very long time. I tried it briefly due to needing something after some bad experiences and it made me feel horrible so I stopped, then they put me on lamotrigine which I'm still on and is kinda like depakote (can't remember the chemical name) in that it doesn't have many side effects except for making you feel dull but it is toxic and can fuck your liver, especially if you drink with it. Since then, I've seen that there are a load of lawsuits in the USA regarding aririprazole due to it causing people to gamble, lose money and all the shit it said that it was gonna do. I've never trusted psychiatric treatments and this is the kind of reason why.

But yeah, in short my advice would be to look at various options - as many as possible, from SSRIs to other classes of anti-depressants, to psychotherapy and even non-pharmaceutical treatments (such as St. John's Wort which I believe is actually prescribed in Germany via their healthcare service for depression in some cases) and speak to your doc/shrink and find what works for you. You can try them and say that they don't work, try another one and all that. It may take a few tries. Good luck though.
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I wanna change my life but i dont have energy or motivation.
Im not suicidal but im very very lazy and yeah.
for depression im taking 5htp which helps a lot but its also expensive and yeah.
i have experience with lexapro for few weeks but i stopped it coz it made me feel like a zombie: no sadnesss, no happiness and my dick was dead and even numb.
do you guys have any experience and good advise for me ?
Sertraline (Zoloft) literally saved my life. I can also attest to it's longevity as I've been on it for 14 years and it still helps just as much. It didn't miraculously cure every symptom completely but I went from actively suicidal to functioning pretty well.
There are many to try. I had a good run with Wellbutrin, and that might increase your energy as well. A few cups of coffee never hurt anyone.

The side effects tend to decrease with more time on the medication. It can take eight weeks for things to get much better. Sometimes up to 12. I tend to notice effects pretty immediately. It's all about priorities.

5-HTP can hurt the heart if taken daily for more than a month or so, I think. And it's really not an antidepressant with great data behind it.

Exercise has helped me more than any drug, tbh, and I've been on tons of them.
I can't take ssri's but mirtazapine has worked great for me
I think I have been on that before. Is it a "sleeper"? Also been on olanzapine which is an anti psychotic with sleepy properties.

Thinking back I have been in mirtazapine, just can't remember it well.
I think I have been on that before. Is it a "sleeper"? Also been on olanzapine which is an anti psychotic with sleepy properties.

Thinking back I have been in mirtazapine, just can't remember it well.
It is used for sleep at around 7.5 to 15 mg. I take 30mg.I have to take it at bedtime or I'd be sleeping all day.
It works great for anxiety and sleep. My issue is mainly anxiety not depression but I have noticed that if something sad happens I don't get as depressed as I would have before.
Most stop it because it gives you a crazy appetite and weight gain but that went away for me after a couple months
Ssri's I can't tolerate at all. I know they say the side effects go away after a few weeks but with me I can't get past a week even using benzos.
It is used for sleep at around 7.5 to 15 mg. I take 30mg.I have to take it at bedtime or I'd be sleeping all day.
It works great for anxiety and sleep. My issue is mainly anxiety not depression but I have noticed that if something sad happens I don't get as depressed as I would have before.
Most stop it because it gives you a crazy appetite and weight gain but that went away for me after a couple months
Ssri's I can't tolerate at all. I know they say the side effects go away after a few weeks but with me I can't get past a week even using benzos.
Yeah same pretty much and the olanzapine is supposed to be bad for weight gain too. I never had issues with that but I've piled on the pounds since cleaning up my act in recent years, mostly due to actually eating and not constantly being on drugs.

I actually remember some people in junkie circles would offer a mirtazapine as a "sleeper".

But yeah, SSRIs I think are way over prescribed and I have just never trusted them.
I started mirtazapine around the same time as methadone. I gained 40lbs in 6 months. I have a small frame and was 110lbs. I got the weight off in a few months, well most, I'm 126lbs and happy at this weight. Just by eating healthier and doing yoga and hiking.
They give ssri's out to teenagers I worry about that. Your brain isn't completely developed and they are altering it. Most teenagers are moody and depressed. Back in my day I don't know of any teenager getting them but I've heard of friends kids as young as 14 being offered them when they don't really need them.
Some circumstances warrant them but imo teaching kids that a pill will fix them is wrong. Therapy should be the first thing offered
got on sertralin for a year usless shit...don't know for what i got taken it.Ain't got depression.
Depends. Works very well for some and not for others. Also a certain type may work for you while another does nothing or actively makes symtoms worse. I did well on tricyclics. SSRIs were a disaster but for a mate of mine proved a godsend.

Anti-depressants probably more than any other class of medication are HIGHLY variable in how they affect an individual, and require more experimenting with different types and dosages to settle on an effective regimen. Don't dismiss them on account of that difficulty though. They can be life-savers for some.
I'm not personally a fan of discussing medications purely from an angle of "psychiatry". I'm not going to say this "psychiatry" is not something we deal with here at BL, of course the psychology of drugs, addiction and medicine are going to be present in our discussions. As we are not physicians, I worry that our opinions could steer someone away from a treatment that may have actually benefitted them. I just want to say, take it all with a grain of salt.

With that being said, I have a bit of an axe to grind, specifically regarding SSRI antidepressants. I have a theory that they are essentially useless. I feel like in very "positive" responses to these so-called antidepressants people say 'yea it kinda worked a little bit" or "I feel like maybe I do worry less sometimes". I have taken them and known countless others who have taken them. It's not at all uncommon to go to rehab/detox and come out with a script for an antidepressant, usually among other medications.

I feel that these drugs are "soft" enough in how they work, that they leave people with opinions that are never either very good or very bad. I am not at all including the small proportion of the population whom are effected severely by SSRI's (think suicide). Most people will either walk away saying the effects are "kinda good/kinda bad". This is an advantageous place to be for the Pharma companies, as nobody can really form a strong opinion. In the absence of these experiences, this vacuum is filled in the person's mind that "they must do something right? Everyone is on these, my doctor put me on them, they couldn't possibly be nothing?"

I feel all of these factors combine to make the SSRI pharm market a strong one. My personal feeling is that they are entirely overutilized. Like a lot of things, I think humans are confused by the difference between feeling bad feelings and being clinically depressed; feeling anxiety as opposed to having a panic disorder. If you give me enough time, I feel I could convince any person that there is something wrong with how their mind works.

I feel like SSRI's are generally not helpful or of very minor benefit. Considering the litany of side-effects well-known to even the uninitiated, I think it's not a good thing that they are prescribed so liberally.
Taking antidepressants is always a crapshoot. Everybody reacts to them differently, and their effectiveness can change over time-- for better or for worse.

I think that even the best antidepressant medications have about a 50% success rate if you define "success" as an improvement in mood that lasts and minimal negative side effects.

I had to try 4 or 5 different ones (and combos) before I found a regimen that both helped me and didn't have intolerable side effects. Basically, we are all lab rats in this experiment.

I don't say all this to discourage anyone from trying them. On the contrary, I'm saying that people often have to keep trying to find the medication (or combo) that works best for them.
There are many to try. I had a good run with Wellbutrin, and that might increase your energy as well. A few cups of coffee never hurt anyone.

The side effects tend to decrease with more time on the medication. It can take eight weeks for things to get much better. Sometimes up to 12. I tend to notice effects pretty immediately. It's all about priorities.

5-HTP can hurt the heart if taken daily for more than a month or so, I think. And it's really not an antidepressant with great data behind it.

Exercise has helped me more than any drug, tbh, and I've been on tons of them.
my heart must be damages as fuck,
im taking 5htp since almost 4 years like 6g per day
I ran the antidepressant gamut for over 20 years off and on, adverse results with all classes, but I have a particular disdain for ssri's. I'd rather hurt and feel SOMETHING than live as an emotionless, neutered shell of a man. But that's my experience, they work for some, I guess.
I wanna change my life but i dont have energy or motivation.
Im not suicidal but im very very lazy and yeah.
for depression im taking 5htp which helps a lot but its also expensive and yeah.
i have experience with lexapro for few weeks but i stopped it coz it made me feel like a zombie: no sadnesss, no happiness and my dick was dead and even numb.
do you guys have any experience and good advise for me ?
As long as you are aware they will kill your desire and ability to have sex then go right ahead and see if they’ll help you
Vortioxetine helped me a fair bit and it didn't harm my sexual desire nor activity. But sertraline killed it all, helped tremendously with depression, tho
They might work for some - plenty of people swear by them. For me however, they are horrible and probably pushed me to self-medicate with illegal drugs that actually made me feel better, at least in the immediacy. But I am not advocating that.

Depends. Works very well for some and not for others. Also a certain type may work for you while another does nothing or actively makes symtoms worse. I did well on tricyclics. SSRIs were a disaster but for a mate of mine proved a godsend.

I feel like SSRI's are generally not helpful or of very minor benefit. Considering the litany of side-effects well-known to even the uninitiated, I think it's not a good thing that they are prescribed so liberally.

Agreeing with @Keif' Richards in that we aren't your physicians (though there might be some here) and you should take this all "with a grain of salt".

Also agreeing with everyone who says antidepressants might or might not help. Though my personal experiences makes it hard to believe that they do, those experiences were made because I got them while being diagnosed for something that turned out to be an autoimmune problem, and later after being misdiagnosed with depression (which was just going through a rough time and feeling the need to talk to a psychologist).

Antidepressants won't solve your problems, they won't give you their opinions, and even less advice. They might make you feel differently (for better or worse) and maybe perceive things differently (for better or worse), and then the way you think and act might change (for better or worse).

For me it was for worst. And though anyone is different, I will always be sceptical about antidepressants and the doctors who prescribe them the first day they see you.