• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Pharmacology What's the pharmacology of Paroxetine ?

This thread contains discussion about a Pharmacology-related topic


Aug 2, 2023
I was reading a little bit about Paroxetine and it says that Paroxetine is one of the most potent SSRI's there is. It bonds heavily to the 5HT receptors. I also noticed that Paroxetine has a methylene dioxy molecule attached to it. Is this one of the reasons it bonds so heavily to the 5HT receptors in the brain ? It makes me wonder if there's going to be more antidepressants with a methylene dioxy molecule attached to it in the future. What are your thoughts on this ?
One thing about paroxetine is that it is quite a strong CYP2D6 inhibitor (as are most other compounds with a methylene dioxy moiety). This occurs, as oxidative metabolism of the md ring generates a carbene from the methylene carbon, which is insanely reactive, and attacks nucleophiles in the enzyme, inhibiting it.

This is a reason MDMA has strong drug-drug interactions.

Also that ether linkage is not going to function like a carbon linkage, so adding an "alpha methyl" won't make it more amphetamine like. Also the term alpha methyl refers to its distance from the amine in amphetamine, so that carbon isn't really an alpha carbon.
You know what I would find interesting ? A methylene dioxy molecule attached to Phenelzine. I wonder what effects that would have as an antidepressant ?
I just love looking at M.D.A.I.s chemical structure. It's 5,6-Methylenedioxy-2-aminoindane. M.D.A.I. is indirectly derived from the drug M.D.A., but the alpha-methyl group has a alkyl amino amphetamine side chain which has been bound back to the benzene nucleus to form a indane ring system, which changes it's pharmacological properties. I would call it one of the future entactogen drugs.

It's a highly selective serotonin releasing agent. It's effects are said to be equal to that of M.D.M.A.. M.D.A.I. has been shown to also inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. M.D.A.I. has a selective affinity for the serotonin transporters. It also indicates that M.D.A.I. is a potent releaser of serotonin, while also inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin.

For comparison M.D.A.I. is similar in potency of that of M.D.M.A.. Its effects are also said to be a lot smoother than M.D.M.A. If there's one drug I'd like to try it's M.D.A.I.. The thing is not too many people know about M.D.A.I., but maybe one day it will become more popular. What are your thoughts on this ? And do you know more about the effects of M.D.A.I. ?
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I never heard of it being as godly as mdma or mda. I never tried it but imagine I'd prefer aMT by a mile. Still would be interesting to try along with IAP.
This gives me the idea to raise some hypothetical questions about Hallucinogens. What I'm basically thinking about is hypothetical hallucinogens that are related to the topic. I'm thinking about one that's non neurotoxic and is also a potent full agonist of the 5HT2 receptor. One way of creating such a substance is by looking at a variety of substances. One substance to look at is Bromo-DragonFLY, but the only problem is that Bromo-DragonFLY can be toxic.
The other is to look at another substance which is non toxic. Such as M.D.A.I. and if you design a hallucinogen which has both attributes you get a brand new substance. Such as 4,5-Furan-6,7-Furan-2-aminoindane. A substance which is both a potent Hallucinogen and a non neurotoxic drug. What are your thoughts on this ?
I was also thinking about another indane. Specifically 5,6-Benzodioxole-2-aminoindane. It's almost the same as M.D.A.I., but it has an extra benzene added to the molecule. Most likely if you made this analogue. It would be a potent serotonin releasing agent. I'm trying to come up with something stronger and more euphoric than M.D.M.A. and I think this analogue might be the one, but I'm not 100% sure. Of course this is all hypothetical. I can't really be sure it would be stronger than M.D.M.A. I'm just hypothesizing based on it's structure.