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What's the most coincidental thing that's happened to you on Psychedelics?


Bluelight Crew
Aug 25, 2016
I don't mean 'the acid was so strong, it made me see this or that'. I mean something that happened in the sober external world that was so bizarre it didn't make any sense at the time. I live in Florida, and a recent trip happened to be during a thunderstorm, about three hours in a started hearing a sound that sounded like a train horn and it got louder and louder to the point to where i thought i was going insane; there was no one else in my house to verify that i was or wasn't. The sound was literally rocking my core and after about 20 minutes it subsided, the next day I'd learned there was a tornado that went through my city about a quarter mile from my house. What's you guys' experiences?
Hmm... well on MXE things seem to flow in such a way that I can sometimes just feel what's about to happen or gain new information, seemingly. One time my friend and I were on MXE and as I walked into the kitchen, he tossed a cigarette to me. It flipped end over end and I caught it easily, perfectly in my mouth. The thing about it was, as it was happening we both knew what the result would be, neither of us was surprised, we just took it in stride as if it was a casual gesture that was pre-meditated. Another time on MXE my two friends (one also on MXE, and one not) were starting to talk about how they were going to solder some stuff into his guitar, and I suddenly had a mental image of how to solder (I have never done it before or read about how to do it). I felt so strongly that it was real information that I started asking them if I understood it correctly, and they told me that I did.

One time on AL-LAD, me and 2 friends were tripping on it and our third friend was hanging out with us but not tripping. At some point the record player stopped, and we noticed that, very faintly, there was this totally crazy Mexican music emitting from the speakers. But none of the sound systems were on, we made sure they were all off and even disconnected the speakers. The music continued and it seemed to fit our mood perfectly. We were cracking up so hard about it, and I figured it was probably picking up a stray signal from somewhere (one time when I was a kid, my friend's house phone picked up a conversation between two people somehow when you picked it up and listened). But since we were all tripping we weren't sure if it was real or a group hallucination. To clear up the matter, we had our sober friend come over to the speaker, as we tried to excitedly explainbabble what was happening. But right as he got close enough to hear it, it stopped (none of us could hear it anymore). After we all started freaking out and laughing, he was like, dude you guys are just trippin. But as soon as he walked away it started again, and it would stop every time he got close. That really tripped us out because now we really couldn't be sure if we were hallucinating or not, and I guess we never were sure, but we were definitely hearing the same thing, we'd start repeating words and melodies that were happening to verify it.

Another time I was on 2C-I, and up by myself late at night. I started thinking I could see spirits, which appeared as a sort of shimmery outline (like the shimmer from looking through heat). I began to notice what I interpreted as a young boy about 7 years old, who was shyly coming close to me, like he wanted to hang out with me. I also noticed a stern middle aged man standing in the doorway, watching us. He felt protective but like maybe he didn't smile much. I interacted with these entities consistently for a while. I fully figured I was just tripping, but the next morning, still feeling traces of 2C-I, I was hanging out downstairs with my then-girlfriend. I casually brought up that the night before I had been up late and felt like I interacted with some spirits. Without me saying anything else, she goes, "oh, was it the little boy and the stern middle aged man? Yeah I've seen them a bunch, I think they used to live here". I was blown away. Then right after that our cats were staring at a spot of seemingly nothing that they were tracking from the stairs across the kitchen towards where we were in the living room. I was like, hey, little boy, if that's you, you can come hang out with us in here. Right after that, there was a "whump" sound on the floor a few feet away from us, we both felt the vibration from it too. Like someone sat down.
Triiipy stories...

One night I had a trip that completely blew my mind apart, and the next morning a severe wind storm blew my city apart with houses and cars crushed under trees, major multi-day power outages. It was really hard to separate the causation, even though rationally I knew it was just a big coincedence.
I was tripping off 250ug. Decided to go outside at like 130am. Ended up freaking out (in the middle of the road, petrified). Tried calling this girl I was close with at the time. Her phone was dead but tripping me didnt understand that and kept calling..
I called about 30 times over and over. Turned out she was with her friends at a party in the apartments next to mine. She was super drunk and ended up knocking on my door as I was outside calling her over and over. lmao.
Mine's kinda similar to OP. Was tripping balls on shrooms alone in my basement and heard a crazy loud bang and felt everything shake but thought it was just in my head or whatever. Went outsidr the next day to find a huge tree had fallen and destroyed a quarter of my roof. I was still high enough to laugh my ass off at least
One time I was tripping and with my then-girlfriend (she was not tripping). We were sitting in the living room, just hanging out, and suddenly the most horrible sound was happening. It was this overwhelmingly, appallingly loud sharp sort of piercing sound that was happening like a wave, rapidly repeating itself. It probably only went on for a few seconds but we immediately both utterly panicked and hit the floor, she screamed and I yelled. In the moment I was pretty sure an asteroid was about to slam into the Earth or something, the monumental scale and aggression of this sound was more intense than anything I have ever heard, like it was piercing through my skull.

After a few seconds or whatever it stopped and we laid there, shaking and hearts beating. We didn't say anything for a minute and then started to ask each other what the FUCK that was. She actually didn't want to talk about it, it really shook her up. It shook me up too but I really wanted to know what it was... it was most definitely something (I still want to know what it was). I went outside, expecting to find neighbors standing around in bewilderment (I lived in a densely packed apartment complex with like 200 units), but no one was out there. I asked some people I knew later who were nearby if they heard anything and they hadn't.

It was really weird. Possibly the most terrified I have ever felt in my life for a second there, it was like **DANGER DANGER DANGER WE'RE GONNA DIE**
Interesting stories, guys...

A few years ago, halfway through an intense 4-HO-MiPT trip, I noticed that the bright natural light inside my home was dimming fast. This was odd, because the sun had risen only an hour or two earlier and the weather was good. I stepped outside to check what was going on and was greeted by a majestic total solar eclipse in progress. The more the moon obscured the sun, the more otherworldly the colors in the sky became. Reds, purples, greens, golds... Just about every hue imaginable, along with a few with no name. Metamorphosing colors. Glowing clouds. When the eclipse became total, the sky was almost as black as night. Then the whole process reversed itself. I felt healed that day. It was indelible.
At least twice, on different substances, I found the EXACT right show to watch online, only to look for it a week or two later and find that it has been taken off of Netflix/Hulu. It's like it was there at just the right time for me specifically.
I have a rule that I never touch the stove while I'm tripping, but broke my rule once with the understanding I would not turn my attention away from the oven for one second. Put roast in the oven, naturally got distracted, and went to lie down on my bed to watch a film and go to sleep for the night. After 45 minutes, somehow got into the date/time function on my phone and screwed it up and put it back. Tripping, I worried that I had screwed up putting it back right, and that I would not remember the next day, I got out of bed, went downstairs to check the time on my phone against the kitchen clock, only to see the timer had run out a minute before on my delicious roast!
Interesting stories, guys...
A few years ago, halfway through an intense 4-HO-MiPT trip, I noticed that the bright natural light inside my home was dimming fast. This was odd, because the sun had risen only an hour or two earlier and the weather was good. I stepped outside to check what was going on and was greeted by a majestic total solar eclipse in progress. The more the moon obscured the sun, the more otherworldly the colors in the sky became. Reds, purples, greens, golds... Just about every hue imaginable, along with a few with no name. Metamorphosing colors. Glowing clouds. When the eclipse became total, the sky was almost as black as night. Then the whole process reversed itself. I felt healed that day. It was indelible.
If you live in the us on August 21 there'll be a total solar eclipse all day
Me and my friend were tripping and walked down a little path in my neighbourhood that neither of us ever really used and saw a shooting star. Wow a shooting star! While we're tripping! Cool! Anyways years later we were tripping again and ended up walking down that same path (which neither of us had walked down at all since the last time) and saw ANOTHER shooting star, like at the exact same spot. Doesn't sound as amazing written down but at the time it blew my mind.
Most recently-
Reading about serpents/dragons in mythology and their meanings the day before an ETH-LAD trip. I go hiking that day on the comedown and feel something stuck and moving under my foot, I look down and it is a rattlesnake. (Very common in my area) Somehow I am able to lift my foot and pull away without being bitten. I think the snake was just as shocked as I was.

One day later my gf lets out a scream and there is a snake in our garage curled up next to the wall just hanging out.This has never happened in our entire time living there. All in all,it was a very surreal week.
Great trippystories, guys: I have two major related synchronicities to report when I have more time.
During a trip with my at-the-time girlfriend, there was some kind of huge meteor that completely lit up the night sky. The next morning we were nearly hit by lightning, it struck the ground right in front of us, a couple dozen paces ahead. She was not tripping for any of this, so was able to verify that none of it was a hallucination.