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whats the max dose of 10mg zolpidem taken in one sitting?


Jul 30, 2010
I usually crush 1 ambien to snort and take three orally but tonight I crushed four ambien to snort and have taken three ambien orally

The ambien is ambien IR 10mg each

3 snorted, 3 oral, that’s my situation

Is there a limit? I have heard stories of ppl taking 20 pills of ambien before, just wanted to know if I’m over doing it in any way?

To end the night I plan to have totaled:
5ambien snorted, 5 ambien oral and prob throw in a xanax bar when I’m about to call it a night

Tell me your suggestions, am I in danger?

Is there some stuff I could do to increase my experience?
Many have said they hallucinate, well I want to hallucinate on ambien as others have and I know I will regret it but I was to earn the chance to regret it lol
Mainly am I in any danger? I’m a chubby guy so maybe not
Any tips to make ambien a better drug? Enhance the experience? Any add on drugs to take maybe?

I’m open to anything even the criticism, I’m open to love and hate, I’m lending the world my years, what do you think I should do? Continue or should I be worried? Any advice is open to discussions.
Dude, why would you snort ambien or take it to get fucked up? Its a sleeping pill. Take it for sleep.

I guess youre young and looking for cheap thrills. I understand. I was there. However, ambien isnt going to do it for you. You said something about increasing the experience, well theres no way to make a shit drug not shit.

You say youve got xanax. Just take those. Maybe drink some booze with em. Thats fun. Stay away from the ambien tho. Its a waste of time and dont fuckin snort em. Thats retarded. OK? OK!
Bro sometimes a lil ambiens ok. Not all the time because its pretty fucking unpleasent but its like dxm. Why not? Take at the most 10 if you live alone. If you have family that could walk in on u doing some wierd shit or even u walking in their room doing some wierd shit then i wouldnt recomend that u do any more than whats already been done. I hate confused ass people on ambien haha theyre like "hey" and your like "hey" and theyre like "what the fuck??" and your like "what???" and so on... Lol
yeah i just wanted a diff experience, i have lots of ambient and lots of Xenix when i get a refill i end up with extras from the left over bottle, i get bored of abusing xanax once in a while, its good with a drink and great with grass.8o

i also have aderall 20mg i could use to get great buzz off of, I'm mostly the kind of guy that wants variety.:D

thanks for your info tho, i wont crush or snort ambien ever again, ppl said i would hallucinate if i snored enough but so far it feels like all i did was oral.:|

i like the reverse insomnia it gives me and the weird (I'm in a dream feeling) of ambien, seeing doubles and all that other shit, guess ill stop the ambien for a while.8o

maybe try xanax with grass next week and after that maybe a opiophile night if i dont have plans the next day hahahah=D

my weekends are my fucked up times, thanks for the advice, i will member it
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im pretty sure it takes alot of ambien to actually overdose but you will probably blackout and possibly do something very stupid like driving a car, i would stay under 40mg, more if u feel comfortable and have some tolerance. also tally 2.0 ambien is a drug just like anything else and can be a very real enjoyable high.
I used to filter ambien like you would for an IV shot, but then evaporate the liquid and scrape the residue and smoke it. That would get you tripping balls.
I do not recommend smoking pills. It is bad for you. Snorting too.

My only ambien trip came with no alcohol or benzos mixed in. Just take enough to get sleepy, but don't go to sleep. It is subtle but definitely hypnotic.
ambien will give you an amazingly euphoric high, but you don't need to take tons and tons. i think most i've ever take was 6-7 and that was just a waste of ambien.

3-4 should be puh-lenty. the trick is learning how to force yourself to stay awake past the "knockout" stage. then life gets all warm and dreamy - and forgetful.

like i said the high is one of the most beautiful i've ever experienced, but the amnesia and the disinhibition is some dangerous shit. had my wife not photographed me naked in the front yard squatting like a frog i would have NEVER believed that that had happened. and for me, the disinhibition only gets worse the more you do it.

to the naysayers, i'm tellin' ya, ambien rocks. its so awesome - and so dangerous - i personally think it should be much more restricted. but anywho....
last time i took ambien - as prescribed for sleep, 10mg - i wound up taking a big handful of xanax and oxycontin 40s. i have no recollection of this, and certainly had no willfull intention of doing that.

i found out cause when they woke me up in the ER they told me. had someone not found me, could have easily OD'd and died.

Ambien is no joke.
You might want to check this thread out before getting fucked up on ambien.

It'll give you perspective about things going not as planned when blacking out.=D

everyone Ive done ambien with has had black outs but i can always tell them what they did and i always take more than them, guess i have a high tolerance even though i only use it once or twice a month, mostly caz i share it and i personally use a lot so i run out.

i actually was hoping for a black out just to know how it feels but didn't, guess i should be thankful after reading your link lol reading black out stories are always entertaining lol
I have taken 7 zolpidem tartrates, in one setting and didn't get close to blacking out, i did overdose and get real sick, typically i hear more than two zolpidem 10mg's will cause a person to black out, but not in my case.
a day to forget

I Had a new bottle of ambien 10mg thanks to my doctor.
but i decided to the try the trip i hear about so at 11:00AM
i took 3 10mg pills with an empty belly.after i began the slightly trippy type effects
but i decide again to take more to down goes 2 more 10mgpills
this time i have mild nausea so i eat a small bag o chips an d the sick feeling is gone but now i am tripping so hard i cant possibly act or think in a
responsible way and it was right about 3 hours inn that i lost contact with the meaning of time.i have no memory ofter this,but wait its not over yet.
Next thing i know i wake up in a hospital and they said i had taken 19 total ambien pills that day and i would get really mad and ramble like a mad drunk guy
i made the biggest ass of my self.and i asked how they found out and at some point i called my mom and was a drunk sounding mess and kept saying things that had no meaning it was crazy and i will never mess with this again due to the
memory problems and total confusion.

BUT IN the long run i wouldent ever do a dose above 30-50mg after that
your not going to have a clue whats going on aroung you.

i think its best at 30mg that gives a good relaxing night of visuals without the crazy bad side effects.

MY First post i hope is a help but i strongly urge you to have someone sober when playing around with memory erasers or you might take a trip to the ER
the end total dose was 19 pills so some how i took 190mg ambien.I
know i cant stop all the dumb kids out there but you should be carefull with this.:):):):):):):):):):):)/~[]~\:):):):):):):):):):)also ambien builds up immunity to the drug so after 3 dAys of taking 30mg the fourth day would feel like a 15mg.to dont waist all ursleep meds
triping every day i space it out to about two weeks gap between usage
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Lol anyone watch the charlie sheEn 20/20 interview?? He called ambien "the devils aspiren" hahaha he smoked a bunch of crack and took ambien and choked a hooker or some shit. Lol my hero
I have already taken 3 10 mgs and can't sleep, I do have insomnia but I am also WDing from opiods which for me the worst part is the insomnia. Is is safe to take more so o can go to sleep ... I have 7 more ... Should I snort one and pop another and lay down??
Hey bluelighters, Im a new member here but I have been a long time kratom enthusiast as well as a Bluelight "lurker". This is only my second post so far though. So now that all that is out the way, lets get moving on.

I am prescribed ambien and I like it. I always have extra though because I don't take them every day as prescribed. So once or twice a week I will take more than prescribed. I am also a seasond kratom user and weed smoker.

I have a taste for a few certain pharms as well, Ambien including. And I got a friend who hooks me up with a ziplock sandwich baggie full of 10mg Dexamphetamine and 1mg K-pins.

P.S: I just popped six 10mg instant release Ambien, lol