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What's the best LEGAL high you've ever gotten? Rate them

Probably when I did 600 mg DXM and took a large hit of nitrous at the peak, that ranks up there with my 15th birthday acid trip or my first shroom trip.
Ive tried dxm plenty of times and never got into it... so much body load for so little psychedelic effect... it was kinda fun till i discovered k and mxe... now i would never consider taking it for anything other than a cough..
Agreed on the MDPV.

It's unfortunate, because the first two days or so of using the "Peeve" can be amazing. If it wasn't so incredibly addictive that it quickly brings you to a place where you're hallucinating and paranoid out of your mind, I would say it was my favorite stimulant, and that's not a light statement coming from me. MDPV initially has everything going for it. I inject, so the rush is really intense (though not quite as crazy as cocaine-but what is?), and the high feels like a slightly psychadelic amphetamine buzz, where I feel super loving, sociable and motivated (none of which are my actual personality traits.) Also the duration is really long so you have a nice long high, but at the same time, this is where the problem lies IMO, in regards to MDPV. For those of us who shoot, or smoke it (the most "fiendish" ROA's), there is an incredible urge to keep redosing.

The first time I tried MDPV, I knew little about it. I was given about 150mg, and started off shooting 4mg (which got me insanely spun). I then smoked and shot the remaining 145mg within the next 36 hours, sometimes doing shots once an hour or less. The turnout of this was that I couldn't speak (I could move my mouth and tongue, but couldn't provide more of a sound than a whisper), my veins were trashed, I was no longer getting euphoria frm the substance, and I began to become delirious.

Since then I learned to use it slightly more responsibly (no more than 3x a day, low dosages etc), but I still don't try and get it anymore. I just can't use that drug safely.

The two days I spent with Mephedrone were wonderful. It's addictive too, but nothing like MDPV. I really like the rush (very important to me), as well as the high, which is stimulating and social. I'd choose this substance over MDPV, as I could definately put it down before things got too bleak.

omg bro...are you me?! LOL thats like exactly what happened to me...however my psychosis was complete paralyzation of my body....telling myself to get up off the toilet but i couldn't so i just fell on the floor...felt like i weighed a million pounds couldn't move...all the while sweat pouring out...AAAHHHhhhh fucckkkkk thatttt
^yeah dude, I've gotten that from coke.

MDPV binges...Nothing good can come from them, unless you like the idea of swat teams and strange flickering figures
^ I don't care if they use drugs I'm talking about why would we compile a list of shit for the govt. to make illegal? This thread is risking media attention as a legal drug menu for some crappy article.
Just wanted to add:
*Not only is it legal, but its available at pretty much every big pharmacy.
*It's cheap as hell
*The high is comparable to Dextroamphetamine, but smoother, more empathetic. I'd say one inhaler (250 mg) is like taking 50 mg of D-amp.
*It's very easy to extract

hell yeah man thanks for pointing this out, i never heard of it 'till i read this a few weeks ago

gave it a try tonight and it really is a sweet amp, would go as far to say it's better than adderall

excellent for music
^ I don't care if they use drugs I'm talking about why would we compile a list of shit for the govt. to make illegal? This thread is risking media attention as a legal drug menu for some crappy article.

You make a decent point, and I did consider this. I'm not sure if this thread has any new information that isn't already on BL or Erowid already, so I don't really see it being much of an issue. Yeah, I understand it's a lot of information compiled into one thread which could be useful to media, but again, all this information is very easily obtained already.

hell yeah man thanks for pointing this out, i never heard of it 'till i read this a few weeks ago

gave it a try tonight and it really is a sweet amp, would go as far to say it's better than adderall

excellent for music

Be careful with propylhexadrine, it's quite toxic (or so I've read) and is quite potent. Don't mix it with anything else either, like DXM, that's a TERRIBLE idea. I could propyl having addiction potential seeing how easily obtained it is. I tried it once, was a fantastic speedy but even more empathetic high, was actually like a light dose of MDMA to be honest. However after about 2 hours I suddenly got a headache from hell and felt like an alien had spawned in my stomach. I began sweating bullets, shivering, heart racing, clutching my stomach writhing around on the floor wondering if I should call an ambulance. Finally after about 30 minutes it subsided and I felt like shit the rest of the day.

Never again!
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kratom and kava have definately been my favorites.. and i've never had a chance to really try any RC's except for a few kinds of spice.. and the only one worth a damn, which was called "drunken monkey" and was sold at a local tobacco shop got banned before I could stock up whatsoever >.< ain't that a bitch
^ I don't care if they use drugs I'm talking about why would we compile a list of shit for the govt. to make illegal? This thread is risking media attention as a legal drug menu for some crappy article.

The government knows about all this stuff... the real clincher is when they start catching people with it... it doesnt make sense for them to spend the time and money banning stuff unless they can catch people with it...
For me:

- legal weed (zues is the best)
- a legal powder called Shamans Dust
- This pink legal "Speedy" pill I got from my local sex shop. Just tried it tonight, 1 pill is $40.00 and wow! It is now 5am, I took it at 11pm, still no sleep!

I used to like nangs but I just don't get the same buzz from them anymore.
The government knows about all this stuff... the real clincher is when they start catching people with it... it doesnt make sense for them to spend the time and money banning stuff unless they can catch people with it...
Or until they "cause harm"
For me:

- legal weed (zues is the best)
- a legal powder called Shamans Dust
- This pink legal "Speedy" pill I got from my local sex shop. Just tried it tonight, 1 pill is $40.00 and wow! It is now 5am, I took it at 11pm, still no sleep!

I used to like nangs but I just don't get the same buzz from them anymore.

I'd be curious to know what was in this pink speedy pill...perhaps mephedrone? Or MDPV? $40.00 for one pill, jesus....it had better be incredible.... :p

If it is in fact mephedrone....and a high dose at that.....while still not worth forty friggin' bucks.....it should indeed be amazing. :)
I'll rank them if I write #0, it means I havnt tried yet

"Ive snipped this out before the mods do cuz i dont think i can mention brands" which u can buy at certain shops is by far the strongest legal stimulant.
it contains MDPV which will be illegal may 1st. its very expensive. #0

herbal xtc tablets called "giggles" tased like pot. I heard there's strong batches that are stonger than the real thing but I dont think so.
Guarana, Geranium extract, Calcium, Magnesium and filler/binding agents.
this website says it may contain mephedrone. but I think it only contains 1,3-dimethylamylamine,
Ive tried these & i made a thread about it some ppl didnt like them but probably took to many. it says on the pack to only take 1 (u get a pack of 3) so only take 1. well maybe 1.5. I took 1 & felt about right. taking 2 would feel jittery especially because ig contains guarana which has twice the caffeine as coffee beans. if it didnt contain caffeine it could potentially be an ok drug.
it gave me a good stimulant high. not even close to mdma or meth but had an mdma feel to it & only lasted 3 hrs or so. no hangover the next day. It's "light years" most powerful herbal xtc tablet. I liked them anyway. made me more talkitive & actually gave me some mild rushes for a few seconds. #7

"Diablo herbal xtc pills" these are also suppose to be good but more like meth than mdma #0
dxm #5
kronic (herbal marijuana) #12
pseudoephedrine (if u take the recommended dose u can get a "pick me up" kinda feel like caffeine. #13
dont take to much cuz it feels weird than. nothing at all like meth
caffeine #2
codeine. #1 (this was a tough choice betwen caffeine)
Rikodeine (dihydrocodeine). #8 (would be #2 after poppy pod tea if it didnt contain sorbitol)
nitrous. #6
nicotine (I chew the gum) im quitting smoking & think the gum is better than tobacco. #3
alcohol #8 (great high if it didnt have such a bad hangover)
kava. well they dont make strong enough tablets. #0
valerian. suppose to help quality with sleep. #0
diphenhydramine, interesting only if u take a LOW recreational dose. u can get CEV if u take a large dose u'll have a bad trip i havnt been stupid enough to do that so be smart. # take a LOW deleritant dose & u can get interesting CEVs #9
doxylamine. suppose to also be a deleriant but took twice the dose last night & it was just a good sleep aid #10
LSA #0 (although someone once told me they were in the "triptasy" pills I got. but it said on the NBN news it was LSD) Not sure if this one is legal
promethazine. the most sedating sleep aid ive tried with little hangover. These antihistamines also potentiate opiates. #4
poppy seed tea. alot of ppl actually get hooked to this stuff so u can get good seeds but i didnt get anything out of it. made me feel sick. #14
chamomile tea #11
valerian #0 Ive been told this stuff is underrated but i dont think so. Id be surprized if it was as strong as 5mg of valium
mescaline. cant understand why this one is legal? have no idea where u get it from #0
poppy pod tea. this would be #1 probably but havnt tried :( I think I would love it #0

Can anybody give me any info about the ones i havnt tried?

I can think of a few others like nutmeg & datura that are deliriants but they dont have recreational value. there's also inhalants like keyboard cleaner, paint, spay paint (I think that it can only be silver or gold, does someone know?) Amyl Nitrate (Rush or poppers not sure if this one is legal) petrol & glue. these cause brain damage. only good inhalant is nitrous, oh & I forgot about straight ether, not sure if it's legal but I was given a bottle & its effects were similar to alcohol when huffed, I should have added that to the list, oh well. There's also the stimulant u get out of the cotton in an inhaler. I dont think it's vicks inhaler but something like that.
there is more. here is also a list of legal herbs (only some are psychoactive. I think milk thistle is the best out of this lot:

cant think of any more. i kinda challenged myself to think of as many as i could lol
well theres a few more listed on erowid but I think there effects are to mild to be mentioned

for anyone who has tried MDPV. Is it as euphoric as meth. less or more?
or is it more comparable to coke. is it better than coke?
someone tell me about MDPV Im deciding whether to try it while it's still legal.
It's expensive & im not sure if it's safe
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Only ever ventured into the "legal" side once so far. Was given some E2 and some Gogain. Passed on the E 2 stuff. Far to many people burning their nostrils for what appeared to be little reason. But I tipped a 1/2 g or Gogain in a vodka orange with little or no expectations. But after an initial gental buzz there was a definate peak after 45mins or so, then a nice even buzz for several hours.

Would always pick the real stuff, but would defo use again. Especially if it's free.
Or until they "cause harm"

Causing harm is the legal speak for recreational psychoactive... it causes harm to the government lol

Going to the doctor has a much higher chance of killing you than snorting a line of cocaine... but thats another story lol
I was recently at a music festival and was able to try some MXE...it's a lot like K but i honestly enjoyed it a bit more. i only took 25 mgs and had a great time....colors were very vivid and my balance was non existent. i also had a very disassociative feeling when trying to talk. it was actually pretty fun and the people i bought it from had ordered it online.

I do have a question though...are there any legal highs that are close in comparison to MDMA or MDA? I have read about 5-apb and 6-apb but have yet to try it. the only places i've seen to order it from are all overseas and being that i am in the US im a little iffy if it would even make it here. anyone have any ideas on these research chemicals or different ones that may be close to what im looking for? Also, I've heard sassafras is very much like mda but isnt soo easy to make...any ideas on that? thats something i'd be very interested in.