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What's Good On TV? V. Saul Changed His Number

I still can't understand why it was axed - perhaps it wasn't portraying a realistic image of people from Liverpool. Let's face it, that close was far too posh for most of the chav scum that lived there - should have been set on a high rise block in Toxteth ;)
[MENTION=97650]MDB[/MENTION], Barry was the gangster coke head, Jimmy was the unemployed smackhead with mental health issues, while Terry was just a fat dickhead (or did he become a pissartist at one point?).

And iirc, Kylie had a fuckin cracking arse...

Yep Barry was definitely the gangster, I didnt see the bits where Jimmy was a smackhead but defintely remember him forming a dodgy friendship with that poncey hair-dresser on 'Brookie - Parade' who was a pretty big coke head on the QT, and presumably supplier for Jimmy Corkhill. At least thats how i remember it, Jimmy's coke issues happened in the final year of the series. It seemed that within a couple of weeks he was getting through mountains of the stuff and completely losing his head.

I dont recall Jimmy being into smack atall, although he was always a 'ne'r do well' petty criminal, but a likeable rogue for all that.

Terry was a virtually suicidal 'loser' after losing his wife. And i think he was the inspiration for one of the "calm down" Scouser stereotypes created by Harry Enfield.
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I don't know if anybody here has read the ASOIAF book series, or watches Game of Thrones, but holy shit that was, in my opinion, the best episode ever for book readers. It has really diverged from the books, yes, but there were still lots of juicy reveals that give credence to ten years of fan theories and dispels some others.

I'm all pumped up after watching it :D
Hold the door.

Never read the books or watched an episode, but it seems like I'm the only person on my Facebook feed that hasn't.
Couple of new ones starting up - I've only watched the pilot episode so really to early to say but I enjoyed both of them

Outcast - Episode one was probably better than a lot of the 'horror/supernatural' movies I've seen in a while.

Second one is based on the comic and done by AMC (walking dead)


Give them a go if you have the time.
Season 3 of Peaky Blinders is hotting up very nicely. I thought the first episode was a bit slow and dull, compared to what had gone on before, but they've more than made up for that with episodes 2 and 3.

We get to see Thomas Shelby being his usual ultra cool self no matter what he is faced with, apart from certain events that cause him to completely loose his cool for the first time seen, and he is enraged by the course of events. He becomes almost psychotic when he has his opportunity for revenge.

I love the fucking manor house the Shelbies have now acquired for themselves, they have now moved up into very big time organised crime, effectively doing the dirty work for the high and mighty, the rewards are very high but so are the risks.
Did anyone watch the new AMC show "preacher"? Its fucking class
Question Time last night was complete car crash TV. Someone had the bright idea of putting eddie izzard (a remain campaigner) next to Farrage. If i dont know any better id say that izzard was on coke or acid or something, he was so childish and constantly interrupting, making annoying comments off mic, and generally winding Farrage up, until Farrage started to loose his cool. He really did loose it for a brief while too, totally withdrew into himself and you could see him castigating himself severely. From then on the whole program became very bad tempered with everyone snapping at everyone else. I bet Izzard will not be invited back. He turned the show into a pantomine. Farrage had a small handful of supporters in the audience when they started cheering and applauding one of Farrage's later contributions, you could literally see the famliar self confidence and relaxed style return extremely quickly.

Even Hillary Benn who was the only guest that did not make a complete show of himself had Dimbleby snap at him for no apparent reason, he snapped back before he got into the stride of his argument, where he went onto to loose his anger and himself in his words in the process. Benn also used the occasion to announce that if all goes to plan he will be leader of the labour party by the time of the next general election, and he would definitely offer a viable alternative PM to Boris or Dave.

I dont know whats going on with Corbyn, he seems to have been abducted by aliens for the past 2 months. Is it just the Media imposing a blackout on any Corbyn News:? And about the only member of his shadow cabinet with any public profile has deserted him to go off and try to become Mayor of Manchester. :sus:

Benn has everything he needs, a lightning quick razor sharp mind, more wit than most of the others put together, the pedigree and looks of his much respected and admired father, and the strength of personality for the party to unite behind.
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There's a German Action-Comedy Police show called Alarm for cobra 11 that is on sbs in Australia late at night that's actually so corny and bad that it's good. If you don't mind watching a TV show with sub-titles that features big car chase's that usually end in spectacular explosive crashes you may get a kick out of Alarm for cobra 11. For Blers in or out of Australia if you google SBS TV ondemand you should be able to easily stream episodes.

Another good show that was produced by SBS was Better Man that is two parts and is about an young Vietnamese-Australian drug mule who was busted in Singapore Airport with 500 grams of China white Heroin and was convicted of drug trafficking and eventually faced the hanging noose in 2005 after a long legal battle. At the time He was the first Australian to face the death penalty in Asia since the early 80's

For those who want to check out an Australian Political drama there is a new 6 part show on showcase foxtel that can be gotten off torrents called Secret City. I watched the first episode the other night and although a little slow paced it's interesting with a Australian, American and Chinese cast.

Two other Australian Foxtel produced Drama's i would recommend trying to get online would be Satisfaction a show set in a legal up market brothel in Melbourne that has some pretty good female eye candy to check out and gives a good insight into the going on's of an Australian legal brothel. The second foxtel drama i would recommend would be Killing time that portrays the real life rise and fall of criminal defence lawyer Andrew Frasier who was involved in some of the most prominent legal cases in Australia in the 80's and 90's. Andrew Frasier was also a cocaine user who after a couple of decade's of practising law while having a coke habit was convicted of being involved in a drug importation scheme and sentenced to 7 years Jail. Killing Time is 10-12 episodes and is based on Andrew Frasiers Book. IMO Killing time is really well made and the main actor who plays Andrew really nails the role.

Also available online is the Australian TV Nine network crime drama's Underbelly. Underbelly series One is about the gangland war in Melbourne that happened in the 90's-early 2000's. Underbelly series two is titled "The tale of two cities" and is set in the 70's and is about the criminal underworld in both Sydney and Melbourne at that time. The third Underbelly series is called "The golden mile" and is about Kings cross in Sydney during the 80's and 90's. Kings cross is the main red light district in Sydney and the golden mile details the police corruption that lead to the cross drug scene to thrive and the eventually effort to stamp out the police corruption as well as the battle between the drug dealers to rule the cross. All three Udnerbelly series are worth watching IMO but if i had to pick a favourite it would be the golden Mile. As well as the three Underbelly channel nine produced a few one episode feature films with the best being titled "The man who got away" which was about a Melbourne Private school student turned heroin dealer/importer who was sucessful at getting out of police stings and making the police look silly and incompetent. In the end He was actually busted at Bangkok airport with heroin but get this he was the only foreigner to ever escape from the Bangkok Hilton jail. Hence why the show is called the man who got away.

You should be able to get all these TV shows online and as a Australian i may be bias but IMO Aussies make some pretty damn good TV drama's.
Bloody Aria Stark trying to refuse the milk of poppy, what a fucking bafoon

EDIT: in all seriousness though, top fucking episode
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Aye, I know.

I'd be getting as much down me as I could, maybe chase it with a bit of dream wine. I would be a real faceless man. I'm already often off my face.
Aye, I know.

I'd be getting as much down me as I could, maybe chase it with a bit of dream wine. I would be a real faceless man. I'm already often off my face.


Left that message impromptu while watching the episode, thought it was absolutely cracking though
Bob Geldof on WB Yeats - A Fanatic Heart

Watched it this afternoon and rather enjoyed it. Although I obviously know of Yeats I must confess I didn't know very much so this was a good primer. I'll even overlook the fact that they got Bono to read a couple of poems cos the rest was pretty interesting. On iPlayer for another 12 days if you've not seen it yet.

Also available online is the Australian TV Nine network crime drama's Underbelly. Underbelly series One is about the gangland war in Melbourne that happened in the 90's-early 2000's. Underbelly series two is titled "The tale of two cities" and is set in the 70's and is about the criminal underworld in both Sydney and Melbourne at that time. The third Underbelly series is called "The golden mile" and is about Kings cross in Sydney during the 80's and 90's. Kings cross is the main red light district in Sydney and the golden mile details the police corruption that lead to the cross drug scene to thrive and the eventually effort to stamp out the police corruption as well as the battle between the drug dealers to rule the cross. All three Udnerbelly series are worth watching IMO but if i had to pick a favourite it would be the golden Mile. As well as the three Underbelly channel nine produced a few one episode feature films with the best being titled "The man who got away" which was about a Melbourne Private school student turned heroin dealer/importer who was sucessful at getting out of police stings and making the police look silly and incompetent. In the end He was actually busted at Bangkok airport with heroin but get this he was the only foreigner to ever escape from the Bangkok Hilton jail. Hence why the show is called the man who got away.

Fella I know loaned me the DVD boxset of the first series of Underbelly a while back. I thought the production values were a little below par when compared with the more familiar HBO-type shows we've become accustomed to, but the story was engrossing and it was great to see something with a little different perspective. We don't really get much Aussie stuff over here (aside from Neighbours and Home & Away of course 8)) but once I'd become accustomed to the stylistic idiosyncrasies I rather enjoyed it. Didn't realise there was more so I'll have a lil looksee into those. Thanks for the heads-up :)
Best Aussie crime drama was about Rodger Rogerson the most famous Aussie corrupt cop who basically ran Sydneys underworld in the 70's and 80's. He just got convicted of mudering and ripping off an ice dealer of 3kg of ice with another ex cop. At 73 years of age...still at it.The dodger they used to call him. He didn't dodge this last bullet though. He will now die in gaol. Blue Murder is the name of the series. It was actually banned in Australia for about ten years as it was too accurate and there were still matters before the courts that related to it. Well worth seeking out.

Unrelated but i have been watching Suits on Netflix. Really enjoy it. Not the kind of show i'd normally watch but i am hooked. Halfway through season 2
Gomorrah series 2 - I tell you fucking what how this tv show doesn't get more press/credit i do not know, it's about basically an Italian mafia family and all the trimmings.

It's subtitled so may put alot off, but seriously to me this is better than the sopranos.. its outstanding. Think of the wire meets the sopranos ×5, its based on actual real people too.

Check out imdb trust me if you like the wire/sopranos and can deal with subtitles watch it it wont disappoint.
Did anyone watch the new AMC show "preacher"? Its fucking class

Yeah I mentioned it a few posts above yours - I'm really enjoying it.

There are a couple of other ones that I'm watching at the moment

Outcast and Cleverman.

Outcast is a very strange supernatural program which is still very confusing as you really don't know what is going on.

Cleverman is based (I think) on Aboriginal mythology it's OK.

Best thing I'm watching at the moment is Penny Dreadful (Season 3) - brilliant.
Mr Robot Season Two Episode one was on last night (I know it was a favorite in here).
Mr Robot Season Two Episode one was on last night (I know it was a favorite in here).

Thanks for the reminder, watched the first season pretty much in 2 days after seeing it mentioned on here. I have heard that season 2 is meant to be completely different from season 1, which I am not fussed about as I can tell it has a lot of potential.

Edit- It actually is not released until the 13th July? The most recent 40 min release is some sort of weird documentary on the first season.
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