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whats goin on

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Oct 15, 2015
Hello everyone. Im not sure weather my thinking is worth anything. Ive figured out so much of everything and i also realized how braindead everyone is. And i cant connect with anyone anymore. I mean im not saying im better ot judging them in any way i understand why they act the way they act and truthfully its not their fault. My society has made me step out of it and now im alone out here. I cant stand the people my age. Their robotic drones bent on only ONLY pleasing their egos. Have any of you felt like this. was the human collective conscious so sick? This wasent all that i wanted to say but i hate typing
There's really no point in generally hating the world. The world is unaffected by your hatred, the vast majority of people don't even know you exist and you can't really seperate yourself from it. You'd be better off turning your attention to things of beauty in the world like nature, science, art, literature. Human nature will never be changed no matter how much you hate it.
Hello everyone. Im not sure weather my thinking is worth anything. Ive figured out so much of everything and i also realized how braindead everyone is. And i cant connect with anyone anymore. I mean im not saying im better ot judging them in any way i understand why they act the way they act and truthfully its not their fault. My society has made me step out of it and now im alone out here. I cant stand the people my age. Their robotic drones bent on only ONLY pleasing their egos. Have any of you felt like this. was the human collective conscious so sick? This wasent all that i wanted to say but i hate typing

You young bud? A recommendation, if you recognize that you might have a realization others don't, take pride or feel different at a young age, you could unknowingly be thinking the same way as countless other people do. The thought process that you understand more somehow or other people have robotic "going through the motions" shows signs that you need to internalize collectivism for now, as it might help you grow as a person and make you feel not so alone. At the most basic form, age groups think the same, though I'm far from a neuroscientist. If you say you've figured out so much of everything, you probably haven't figured out much at all. It isn't their fault, your right. You just don't know you're doing the exact same thing. You're reacting and sustaining the trend created by the conditions of yourself, nature's neural plan for you, and your enviornment. My 2 cents.
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If you've truly figured it out, you would see that there's no point in even thinking like this. You're just as much of a robotic drone as them so rather than highlighting the differences between you and the rest, why don't you find common ground? I am you, and you are I. We're all just different manifestations of life running the same patterns with minimal variance.
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Hello everyone. Im not sure weather my thinking is worth anything. Ive figured out so much of everything and i also realized how braindead everyone is. And i cant connect with anyone anymore. I mean im not saying im better ot judging them in any way i understand why they act the way they act and truthfully its not their fault. My society has made me step out of it and now im alone out here. I cant stand the people my age. Their robotic drones bent on only ONLY pleasing their egos. Have any of you felt like this. was the human collective conscious so sick? This wasent all that i wanted to say but i hate typing

Oh of course, workplace collective, everyone lies, everyone is self-important like a cat sleeping on a radiator, self-righteous, arrogant and with a huge ego, especially women 45+ dear God! You don't wana argue with them because they will tear you to bits! Haha!

And men, they tend to be all kind and fussy, like women nowadays. They are all puffy and welcomy, and tee-gee-dy-bee-woo-woo-ish with everyone all nice and social. I totally get what you mean. Everyone is becoming a gay(happy) hybrid that hates sex and only cares about making a difference in their community. Sounds like an idiotic plan to me, making a difference. Let's make an addition, for a change.

Don't even get me going on this bro. Don't get me going. They're fucking intolerable because they want you to be like them. Suck my dick if you don't like my shit is their national anthem. Be like ME! Or DIE.
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There's really no point in generally hating the world. The world is unaffected by your hatred, the vast majority of people don't even know you exist and you can't really separate yourself from it.
Human nature will never be changed no matter how much you hate it.

So true. I quit hating the world and instead just dislike it immensely . =D And I do that as a personal choice and try not to air my opinions in public. I just personally think the human world is a waste of life force.
I've seen this kind of thread so many times that I just need to be blunt for a change.

People who think everyone else is braindead are usually the braindead ones. It's pure laziness. The irony is that only an egoic mind can surmise that everyone else is egoic and therefore the same. Do you realize you're an ego typing on a computer?

If you want the world to be better, then better yourself.
I have chickenman. Fixed the pain i cause the world statisicly and on the process of doin ma best just doing random actz of kindness and sheding creativity and differance where ever i go. sometimes i scare ppl doe
Lol evolved into lel, and since l is next to k on the keyboard, some people spell lel as kek.

So kek is lol.

As Urban Dictionary states, "Not originally from World of Warcraft as some people think, 'kek' is the Korean approximation in english of laughter when typed on a Korean keyboard during Starcraft matches. As Starcraft was made by Blizzard as is world of warcraft, their connection to laughter in both games seems to be an homage of sorts."

But your explanation was the first thing I thought of, too.

Anyway, I think this thread has run its course as the question/subject of the OP is not very clear. If you wish to continue discussing this subject, feel free to create a new thread with the question/problem posed a little more clearly.
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