Mental Health What's erongneit menin your opinion


Nov 19, 2018
Diagnosed mild bipolar cyclothymia borderline personality depression anxiety fibromyalgia
All I do I'd like in bed listen to music I repeat and certain songs wot gigrnme a buzz constantly skokenornsloe weed but trying to fit dow
Lieingnin bed rsttling after heavy opiate andnuppr use jus to do it all again
I not brush my teeth in days I forget I'm too depressed to go shopping I think what's the point even tho I neenfpodni feel like shit all the time except when take good dose ofnppiates before them I was introverted but wouldn't let my.personal hygeine gk like this

I have became wjstnj didn't want to be I find ok t hard to even shave or get a routine wrhn I used to be rly smart

I take quetiapine and lamotrogine for mental health anilifyade me very ill and olanzapine yruned me into the walking dead
Who knows.

Do you see a doctor?

What do you like to do outside of drugs? Do you enjoy going for walks? Do you have a support system?