Mental Health What would you like idealistically to change in this world?


Jan 18, 2013
To help your mental health what would you idealistic want to change if say I can wave a magic wand and everything is fixed for you?

Changes I would have:-

Reverse immigration into my country or put a halt to it, promote English values and everyone has to speak proper English on streets. Foreign languages will be banned.

Mens sheds that is a help group for retired men to meet and socialise will change to people's shed for men and women to meet! (Basically a youth club for adults)

Change left wing pansy education system into a proper survival education system for the big world.

Educate people how to look after their own and not obsess about money and them selves. Educate about community rather than being atomised individuals !

Government should find an alternative to NHS outdated system and medical practices. Keep medications that work and dump useless ones. Hold pharmaceutical companies to account for bad practices and injustice of profit.

Arrest Apple, Facebook and Google and person invented commercial internet to be arrested for crimes against humanity!

Capitalism is obsolete time to find alternative economic models!

The thing that would make me happier would have supportive friends and a maybe a girlfriend (or maybe not with today's current lot)

A job would be good? Cut out red tape of trying to find jobs and government should concentrate on a working country rather than welfare.

Balance and regulate internet, create more offline activities for online/offline balance.

Yeah I should shut up now lol.

What you think?

Foreign languages to be banned...? Lol. OK. You hold some distinctly dislikeable views. It's no-one else's fault that your life is the way it is. Fortunately you'll probably never be in a position to influence any real change in the world.
Foreign languages to be banned...? Lol. OK. You hold some distinctly dislikeable views. It's no-one else's fault that your life is the way it is. Fortunately you'll probably never be in a position to influence any real change in the world.

Well who is? No one listens to anyone! That's why I called it idealistic!
Not everyone is as deep within their bubble of bitterness and resentment as you seem to be.
Simple. I would make sure everyone was given a comprehensive science education. Education reform would pretty much be the single greatest thing I'd change.

Apart from that, reenforcing the system of civil rights. That's about it.
I wish for a Nicholas Cage that wasn't bound by senescence and 9 more National Treasures
Hey Mark, I would flip some of the things in your list starting with number 1. I would change it so that we all were taught multiple languages when our brains were actually capable of easily absorbing new patterns. Imagine how it would expand/change the view of "your group"!

As to technology--smart phones, internet etc. I would invent devices that had built in parental controls for all of us! They would only work a certain amount of hours each day and you could decide when that would be but it would be limited.Then we could spend the rest of our day remembering that it is entirely possible to function without them or even better, forgetting about them altogether.

I would teach children how to embrace difficult emotions; how to assert themselves and how to understand teamwork and cooperation.

I would give secularism the same reverence religions demand.

Children are natural and unsullied (non-political) scientists when they are very young. Like Jess, I would support that by pouring on the scientific education when they are perfect sponges to receive it and then keep it going throughout school. In my country a great disservice is done to children who barely learn about science until secondary school where the introduction is dominated by a lot of rote memorization. So many kids think they are not interested or not talented cognitively to understand science when it is really just a deprivation that happened early on.

I would make basic health care a non-profit right everywhere. I would also educate against the practice of prolonging life unnecessarily. I would introduce health education to doctors before they study medicine. So much of health is basic nutrition and activity.

I would wave my wand and end the war on drugs. I would educate parents on how to talk to children realistically about their curiosity and desires to change and alter their states of consciousness. What if drug education were like sex education?

I could go on and on with my very subjective list of home-species improvements, but sometimes I have to admit I get discouraged--really discouraged, and then the change that I would make would be this one: all of us, every human being on earth would simultaneously have a brief feeling of euphoria followed by instant evaporation and we would be collectively released as a happy magenta colored gas cloud into the universe and the earth could just go on from here until the sun goes out without us.
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