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What was your morning fix? v. waking and baking

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Aww shit, that sounds delicious. One of each to go, please! I'll buy a beer next door and drink it with the meal at the tables outside, although I'm not sure how hardcore abq police is.

Last time I was at in-n-out, I bought a decent beer down the street and had it with burgers at the outside tables, but fuck it, Los Angeles is busy enough that you can get away with shit like that as long as it's subtle.
.5mg clonazepam
Guaranteed to be a very chill day. Sun is shining and it's very mild outside, I'm with it.
you all sure seem to know when the weekend starts i can tell. mine so far hasn't ended - that is, i haven't slept since friday night (and that was with copious amounts of benzos and seroquel). Not my favorite thing to do but it's almost 10am and i've got a friend coming from out of town who i've got to entertain now, whoopie do. was planning on starting this morning by ending it temporarily with 5 or 6 ml of GBL washed down in some florida's natural, but that now seems like a horrible idea. wouldn't want my friend coming over and thinking she was finding me dead on a sunday morning.

all day yesterday, the day before, and to a lesser extent this morning I been bumping lil nibs of 4F-methylphenidate off and on, and knocking back a few pyrozolams ad clonazolams to take the edge off. then of course beers when the sun goes down.

nothing like a wake and crank to get the day going, as i say
Two monsters
watermelon and grapes
bowl of gwk
3 cig one dip
Ibuprofen, vites, fish oil
Benzedrex - Amount unknown
Tianeptine sulfate - 34mg
Hydrocodone - 7.5mg
Espresso - 1 shot

Feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed ;)
Weed and caffeine. Gotta reup later today, ugh. A few other places to visit too. Thankfully they're all close by.
My morning and night time fix has been the same for nigh on a week: 3-FPM in its glorious gaseous form.
Some red vein kratom again, should take a little break soon cause i've been binging. Ehh i'm just gonna enjoy the effects for now.
A brewski and some really good weed, super sour diesel x white widow aka SS WW. I think I got the dregs but its still extremely pleasant
Espresso Coffee - strong (two 'shots')
Banana, papaya and oatmeal
Had a psychiatrist appointment today, and scored! I got exactly what I wanted.
A RX for Klonopin.
I get 1mg 3x daily, 90/month.
with 4 Re-fills!


--80mg Methadone
--3mg Clonazepam
--20mg Diazepam
--2200mg Gabapentin
--200mg Hydroxyzine
--200mg Promethazine
--100mg Trazodone
--Nicotine/Winston red 100s

Feeling GREAT!
Had a good day today.

cheers BL!
Was around 3pm, so my "morning" fix was:

5g kratom
150mcg clonazolam
240mcg etizolam
A few hits of herb
Coffee -250mg caffeine
Valium -5mg
Two slices of ham and an easy over egg on a piece of buttered toast

Good way to start the day homie %) i take 200 mg dxm and drink coffee every other morning.
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