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What Was Your Coolest Drug Experience

Full moon. Aftermath of an ice storm in the Pocono Mountains (300 acre farm)--every blade of grass and tiniest twig coated in a thick layer of ice. Newly in love. New to mescaline. You could hear the sap running in the tree trunks and all the trees were excited and whispering. I don't think we humans spoke a word. I doubt the two of us will ever forget what the world looked and sounded like that night and that we were there to see it. :)

That was actually very touching.
That was actually very touching.

Maybe even more touching is that took place back when I was a teenager. I am turning 64 next month. He and I went on to have lives on two different coasts, married other people, had children, but have always stayed in touch and still share an incredible bond to this day.<3
Hard to say, because pretty much all of my psychedelic experiences have been very good and special in their own ways. Some of them have been very introspective and deep (lysergamides a la LSD, LSZ etc), some (for example 4-HO-MET) were more along the lines of fun and empathogenic; many of my dissociative experiences (PCE and PCP analogues) have been very interesting as far as exploring my mind and the world around me.

Thus, I don't want to discriminate - both psychedelics and dissociatives have been very special to me, and I don't want to claim that either one of the drugs was "cooler" than the other. All of them had their own unique effects on my psyche, which I value to this day.
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I completely forgot about the time I was awake on speed for 4 days, then took 175mg DXM fairly unpleasant up until the next part. I wanted to smoke a cigarette (maybe a joint I forget) so I went outside and saw the ground completely covered in snow (not very common where I live). I wandered in the woods chain smoking and eating Valium from 11:30pm until almost 3:30-4:00am. It was amazing, I forgot about the past and stopped worrying about the future and was the happiest I almost ever remember. Downside was the speed made it hard to determine the actual temperature and I was in shorts and a t-shirt the entire time.

Hope I'm lucky enough to experience something similar in the future.
I smoked angel dust for a week straight and saw the beginning of judgement day, the sky opened up and that's all I will say about the matter.