What the fuck???


Oct 31, 1999
First of all, a breif hi to anyone on here who remembers me. I can't get online to post really anymore, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten you guys. Second of all, I have a question that I figured my bluelighters could help me with. Last night my friends and I had the most fucked up roll. It was the weirdest damn pill I have ever taken.
It was fairly thick, and pretty big and either pink or yellow. It was definitely not a roll, though at first I felt a little tingly, for awhile, but it didn't really kick in for like 2-3 hours, and then only after I threw up a lot (this all happened to 3 of my friends as well.) Then we felt like we were in our own little qworlds, my neck and back hurt like tripping, and everything was in slow motion. Really, it was like tripping but without the hallucinations, but the whole surreal universe feeling was in full effect. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone knew what drug was in these pills, and how long it will be in my system, b/c I have a drug test coming up, and I can't believe that I was so damn stupid. ANyways, if you have any idea what this crap was (it was horrible.) please email me, b/c I can't get on the internet to check posts. Thanks
[email protected]
Don't let go, you've got the music in you,
One dance left, this world is gonna pull through,
Don't give up, you've got a reason to live,
Can't forget, you only get what you give.
--New Radicals
[email protected]
AIM: Rowan the Frog
Me and a friend had a very similar trip. We were at a club that isn't roll friendly per say. But, we found this guy who claimed he had pure mdma. He gave us one and we happily ate it in hopes of an incredible roll. Well, 2 hours go by and not a slight hint of a come up. So my friend goes and finds the guy to get our $$ back. My friend comes back and has a little baggie corner w/ a pill and some powder (prolly like 25mg er something like that). So we took those as well. 2 and a half hours still nothing noticeable. The guy comes upstairs and hes like "well, since you thought my shit was fake, I am gonna fuck u guys up 2nite." He offered one more for me and my friend to share so we did that too. About an hour b4 the club closes my friend says its starting to come on. I started feeling it shortly after and it felt really clean. He puked, I puked, and it was very violent. I started begging for it not to last like that (while I was puking) for the whole time. Well it didn't. But, it WAS more like I was tripping, we were in the city (Chicago) and it looked as if I could pluck the Sears Tower right out of the sky and smash it like a bottle on the ground. The world seemed extra small, like I could run to China in like 5 minutes. It was extremely surreal, and it lasted well into the next day, around 8pm, I started to feel "normal" again. We started our trip at around 3am. It was a good 6-7 hours of hard tripping and the, so-called, afterglow lasted another 8-9 hours. I was able to fall asleep as soon as I got in bed. And I woke up in total confusion, it really sucked, i mean the whole trip. I kinda think it was mda, and not mdma. I dont know for sure tho. Well hope that long rambling story of mine helps you identify what it was that you took, cuz they do sound quite similar.