What the fuck is wrong with people?


Jul 23, 2014
Hello. I'm a 27 year old paranoid schizophrenic living in my parents' basement owing student loans up the wazoo from going to a diploma mill, no job, no bitch, no money. Not much has changed except the age number 26 is now 27. My paranoia and OCD evolved to the point where I'm scared to post things on the internet but my life sucks so much ass that I figure I got nothing to lose so here it goes. I tried to get help before many times but mental illness is heavily stigmatized in this society as you all may know. So, I suffered a schizophrenic illness in college and I tried to seek help for it many times. The first time I tried to seek help was after college talking stuff out to a quack psychologist who charged me $150 for the consult. And the only "help" he gave me was that my life indeed sucks ass. I also seen psychiatrists but unlike the psychologist, he didn't have time to listen to my mother fucking problems and prescribed me antipsychotics. At the time, I did not know of the side effects of the medication and my family members were calling me fat and retarded. Suspicious, I did my own research and realized that these pills were indeed poison. I told my psychiatrist that I ain't taking this shit no more and he discharged me. My social worker discharged me too cuz she thought I was crazy as fuck and that I "wanted" to jack off to adderall all the time. A lot of stuff happened in between but fast forward to today and here I am. I'm stable and I feel like I have more control of this now, but I kind of had to do this on my own. The problem is that mental illness is stigmatized so much that it's really hard to seek help. You also don't have any friends if you're not in school or working and those friends don't have time to listen to your mother fucking problems. For someone to listen to your problems cost X dollars an hour which I don't have. I reckon that's why I'm posting on here. People always tell YOU to get help when help is so hard to find and they're not willing to help you. Well, that's my mental situation. Now I will discuss my physical situation.

Luckily, I only have high LDL, cholesterol and triglycerides. If I had any major illness, I don't have to financial resource to get it treated. So, going to that diploma mill exhausted all my financial resources that I can't go back to school again. I tried to get a job as a security guard in retail but I was made fun of for doing that too. People don't even know who I am and they think they can judge me. Getting paid $1000/month just to pay rent and getting laughed at by customers, coworkers, managers, friends, etc was getting on my nerves and after three months of that, I quit. My parents are giving me a bit of respite in that they're giving me a few months to figure out what to do with my life. After that, they're basically telling me to go fuck myself. So with this time, I really have to think of a solution. So you know the economy is bad and that it's hard to find a job above minimum wage. Those jobs require some certifications but I can't front the tuition fee cuz I spent it on that diploma mill. And so, I know what's going to happen next, and that's homelessness. I realize now that this is the next thing to happen, but I have 3 months to figure out what to do. I watched a documentary online about a Japanese word hikkakimori and I reckon I am doing that now. With only youtube, google, and the internet, I learned many things. Life is not just one bad event. It is a series of bad events leading to you dying anyway. Putting it in the context of my life, there are approximately 20,000 more days of this stupid shit left. I don't fear death anymore cuz I never die when I'm supposed to, like what the fuck? And just when I'm feeling down, the Christians come and fuck up your day even more and saying youre going to hell after you die for doing nothing. I didn't do jack shit to anyone. Like what the fuck man? After I'm already having a bad day yall seriously know how to make someone feel better that you deserve some kind of trophy. So I learned to ignore these assholes too.

Yeah, there was a presidential election and shit. After the election, my friends' true colors came out. Yall know what happened but after the election the democrats, SJWs, feminists, minority groups start wreaking havoc and shit. Complaining about hacking, electoral college, how Trump's not your president, etc. But the main thing is Trump is your president and he won fair and square. He is slowly fixing all the problems in America and will make America great again. So please have some dignity and respect, stop complaining, and yield to the new president. That's all I will say about politics. I really don't wish to cause harm to anyone. I just want to live my life and hopefully this stupid shit will be over, someday. And so, I thank you blue/greenlighters who been with me all these years. This post was about me but I will try to be more resourceful on here. What I will say is that youre not alone and that your suffering will someday come to an end. Best wishes
Chronic spine pain is really stigmatized too. I can't even tell an employer I suffer from it, until I am past probation or they will simply fire me for having it. Even though, just having an office job really stresses my back and it would benefit a lot for me to tell them so they know that sometimes I'm in agony and I'd like to bring in my adjustable ergonomic office chair from home. I have a very advanced technical degree, but my life situation is the exact same as yours (basement dweller).

What the fuck is up with that?

I have confidence now though man. Everyone needs to vent sometimes and I often vent here too. The world is more fucked up than you or I will ever know. I also have borderline disorder and panic disorder and some other problems so I know very well that mental illness is stigmatized. I feel like I have to hide it from people. So I don't seek treatment. Same goes for drug addiction. It's absolutely fucked. Like it's not okay in this world if you have any sort of problem. You're weeded out of the gene pool.

The worst thing you can do is give up though I will NEVER give up. And don't refer to women as bitches man if you can do that, you know what I mean. It's just disrespectful but I know you're probably frustrated. My sexual frustration has gone on for so long that I'd describe it as torture at this point. And I'm not a pussy with women I hit them up everywhere now I'm trying my hardest and I like to be in control and all it's good fun but man that just popped out at me as the one thing you wrote which was over the top. I am personally looking for a cute submissive natured girlfriend not a bitch, and I'm pissed I don't have one but yeah sorry dude I know you are just venting, I feel the same way a lot of the time I truly do.

I do a lot of yoga and it keeps me sane. I swear that shit's the only thing other than good heroin that keeps me sane. I do a lot of yin-style restorative yoga and also hatha yoga to strengthen my body. It makes a world of difference and if you're on an meds or drugs, for example I am on heroin and oxycodone as well as a benzo, exercise can help reduce the side effects (like loss of sex drive, loss of concentration, insomnia, or whatever it might be). I am also a vegetarian and I find that my state of mind has completely changed since I made this choice. There are lots of things you can do and if you are made fun of, why not stand up for yourself? I've been made fun of for my back problems even though with the amount of yoga I do, and the strength of my muscles, and despite my chronic pain I could beat the living fuck out of any office man I've ever worked with. Hands down. So next time, they better keep that shit to themselves you know what I mean? Stand your ground this life is a fucking fight. It's not fun and games when you have any sort of problem. You gotta learn to fight and stand up for yourself. Confidence and optimism are key when you're in a situation like this. Best of luck from a fellow fuckin basement dweller.

Do you have your degree? Like did you finish school I mean... or just hit up the diploma mill (lol) and leave early.
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Hey, thanks man. It's just the thought of living so long is daunting. I don't understand how people say life is short. That number 20,000 sticks in my mind and I am reminded it is potentially the amount of days I have left. What makes it a little bit hard is figuring out how to sustain those 20,000 days of life. Girls are actually the last thing on my mind. I'm more worried about other things like my career.
Me too man. Girls are not on my mind so much but I also want to get married and I'd like a little romance this spring or summer in my miserable life but apparently it's too much to ask for so I stopped looking and started working more on other things like getting a job. I am really worried about my career right now. I am applying for jobs like crazy but also part-time ones, you know, like just anything to get me going. I've had several careers but I've been fucked around due to back pain.
No worries if you need to talk any time man. And yeah dude with chronic pain? My spine is screaming at me day in day out. There is no solution to it. My opiate tolerance is getting higher and higher. I just don't see myself living very long, but I want to have a good time while I'm here. I want to see myself as a success. I've been working really hard at building confidence this year and I'm doing better in every respect (talking to more girls more easily, having faith in myself that I can hold a job, saying fuck it and just treating my back with dope, working out and getting jacked from yoga and really flexible too... I gained 20 pounds so far this year it's a real confidence boost).

So just don't give up man. I'm a basement dweller too but I'm going to look back at these days one day and laugh. I'll strengthen my core with yoga enough that my back won't hurt so much and I'll cut back on the H (but never quit - yoga and H are the only things that keep me sane in this world of greed, self interest, and hate). I'll get a job and if anyone fucks with me, I will fuck with THEM. I have skull tattoos and stuff like that as warning signs. Nobody fucks with me anymore. No one. I stand my ground man you should too. Hustle and manipulate the judgemental HR fucks if you can. Everyone does that or most people at least. I have multiple resumes depending on the type of job I'm applying to.

I have had HORRIBLE experiences in the workplace. Dude, I'm talking traumatic. Over and over. Almost a year into employment they came to me with a letter, saying I needed to sign it to promise that I would not seek legal action against them in exchange for 2 weeks pay (2 grand). So, I signed it. I will no longer be that bitch (better use of the word, lol). So yeah. That was because I had been taking some days off to go to the hospital, as the pain had become excruciating and they gave me morphine there. I had to leave right on time without staying the extra hours that they expect you to enslave yourself to despite it being on paper 8 hour days not 12... you know? They knew it was wrong so they made a legal paper that to be honest I doubt would hold up in court, the fucking snakes. I moved 12 hours away from home for them and that's what I fucking get when I have an injury! I've been fucked around again and again and the last experience in the workplace was the worst of all. It haunts me to this day and I want to meet my boss outside of work and stomp his fucking face into the pavement for the way he treated me. But, I won't. I will carry on and next time, nobody fucks with me. There is NO help for us, people with mental or physical illness, so you need to help yourself. Stand your ground man. I'm applying like crazy and NOBODY is going to fuck with me because I have a backache next time.
People are two faced bullshit most of them at least. They can all go fucking die in a fire for all I care.
When you ask what the fuck is wrong with people and then refer to not having a "bitch" I can only say that whatever is wrong with you is probably the same things that are wrong with the rest of us. ;) In other words we live in a pretty superficial and judgmental toxic stew of our own collective making. The best we can do is to work on changing ourselves so that we are can hopefully move beyond vilifying everyone that thinks differently from us or lives a different reality.
Hey, thanks for the input and advice yall. Yeah, I'm a humble person really. I don't ask for much. In fact, I want to die too but if I can't, then maybe I just want to live in a small apartment with some bare necessities staring at a computer screen all day. It's just this pressure from other people telling me I can't follow my dreams that I have to conform to their expectation is really pissing me off
If thats your dream then you have to make it happen.

Family and friends can only do so much.

If your mental health issues are severe enough to prevent you working maybe you should try and get disability to get some independent income and go from there.