What song fits your current mood? vs. The universe and I create these notes

I still like it but it makes me go a bit funny when I hear it come on the radio or something. Reminds me of someone who died way too young.

Good old times. I thought they got separated in that year or right after.
Never heard any album from them all together during the 80´s.

Was going to post this earlier(but the piano cover version). Because... Lost. :)

Despite the apprehension of an emotional, overload... tears always help cleanse. So, a homage...


Cwying ;)
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I still like it but it makes me go a bit funny when I hear it come on the radio or something. Reminds me of someone who died way too young.

A Lament!

What a great discription you gave. :) ...'Someting that should be but isn't'' -a real, young heart that is thwarted.
They don't write tunes that embrace that loss anymore. Luckily, there are tunes like this to embrace us, when we feel alone with our feelings/thoughts. Very poignant, prayers that enhance our sense of self, in a world that tries to quell us into a plastic, 'reality'.
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