What Song Fits Your Current Mood vs music makes life beautiful

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My all time favorite tune, no lyrics, just beautiful music. Still love it.

^It's difficult not to like anything by C. Cornell - that voice and heart. :)

My bestfriend as a teen, is leaving this world. She loved this song. I was so lucky to have known her and laughed with her - she was a wiley and oddball- mofo lol and Im sad that she cant last longer, and crying for myself because I was so fucking priviledged to have her be in my life - she is a part of the love that made- up the essence of my heart - without which, I would be a worm.

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If theres any richard dawkins fans out there with 24 minutes to burn.. you have to listen to this song... first I noticed that it was named after one of his books. Then I realized the male voice in the song sounded kinda like dawkins himself.... turns out it is actually him! He recorded with the band and did some live shows with them. Its all about evolution and what not (duh!) in fact the album is actually named after part of a charles darwin quote 'endless forms most beautiful'

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