What should be quit first?


Sep 6, 2016
My husband is on methadone and wants to quit. I am wondering if it's better to switch to oxycodone first then quit that as they have heard how terrible quitting methadone is?
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That's not really how it works. If you're on a legal methadone program they'll taper you down if you'd like. There's no chance they would switch you to oxycodone to quit.

If you're buying it illegally, that would just be very expensive.

I just don't see any benefit.
He has been taking methadone 10mg 4 times a day for 2 years with 15mg oxy for breakthrough pain up to 6 times a day but seldom uses the oxycodone. The dose of methadone has become more of a stabilizer as tolerance has made it useless for pain control. He cut back to 5mg 4 times a day but soon will be out of it. He has oxy left and is wondering if taking those will help him and then quit the oxy as he heard detox was terrible from methadone? He is not a drug abuser has always taken his meds as prescribed but can't get them anymore and has realized that due to increase in tolerance his pain is the same as before so there's no use in taking the drugs to hurt just as bad. Thanks so much.
He can't get any more scripts for methadone and doesn't want any he has a large amount of the oxycodone. He just wants to quit all of it in the easiest way possible.
Well the oxycodone will help you since you're going to run out of methadone. Just do a quick taper with the oxy and use as little as possible.

From the WITHDRAWAL megathread you can find a lot of OTC medicines that will help you.
So taking oxycodone would stop withdrawal symptoms from the methadone? And if so how long would you need to use the oxy before stopping it to avoid methadone withdrawal. What I'm basically saying is that if you know you can handle withdrawal from oxy but have never been through methadone withdrawal (which I heard is much worse) could you get around the methadone wd by switching to oxy then go through the oxt withdrawal?
The original "Swim" (I figure what you meant by swik) and "They" pronouns led some to believe you didn't know we don't use that here on Bluelight.

That's all.

If you cannot taper with the Methadone, using Oxycodone as an agent to make Methadone withdrawals diminish is fine.

I cannot tell you a dosage to take, but as guideline he should only take just enough to keep him from feeling the withdrawal symptoms.

I'd only do that for maybe a week, then just rapid taper the oxy.

Live long and prosper.
I wanted to ask too are methadone withdrawal that much worse than coming off oxy or fentanyl or other opiates. I have kicked those a few times had several surgeries and most we're severely painful in type so I'm not a rookie I know it sucks but if given the option of doing what I was saying is it worth it?
Is there a reason he can't go to the doctor and get on suboxone for a quick taper? Or just get overall medical advice on the same questions you are asking us? It sounds like he got on the methadone for legitimate pain - he just needs to talk to a doctor and tell them that he wants off. That would be far safer.

Having said that, he should taper the methadone as much as possible and then switch to oxy for a quick taper. I can't answer your question about the methadone wds being way worse. I've never done methadone. I know the half life is longer so the withdrawals will be longer as well, but I don't know about worse overall. However, yours husband should anticipate a certain amount of pain no matter what, and mitigate if possible.

As someone said earlier, read up on the withdrawal threads. Learn as much as you can about the process and then plan accordingly. I wish you both the Best of luck!!

- VE
Welcome to Bluelight Dadcantshowpain! I have heard of some people using Oxy to taper off methadone, but it's not very common. I don't have first hand experience myself so I don't have much to offer, but here are a few threads you may be interested in - not exactly the same
situation but it may give you some ideas. I think the biggest drawback to using Oxy is that many people wishing to get off methadone can't control their Oxy consumption very well so they consume much more than they intended. If you can control your Oxy consumption than this may be fine for you.

