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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

What movies affected you so much that you can't bear to watch them again

yep. really.
it was a trerrible movie ot watch on a comedown after no sleep for 2 days:\
requiem for a dream for me

the whole mother going crazy and having to be given
shock treatment all because she wanted to lose some
weight to look good was alittle much.
Roger&Me said:
Was that the movie about that goofy little guy with problems?

Yeah, the little guy that thought he was "god's instrument." I thought he was adorable :)
physix said:
requiem for a dream for me

the whole mother going crazy and having to be given
shock treatment all because she wanted to lose some
weight to look good was alittle much.

same here :(

nevermind that I was a meth addict when I watched this movie (a few years ago). Granted, she wasn't doing meth, but, the effects were similar.

Then AFTER I saw this movie, I had my first (and it was a MAJOR one) episode of meth psychosis. And, since I had never experienced that before, I didn't realize what was going on. I thought I went permanently crazy like the mother in Requiem :( Needless to say that was probably the worst day of my life.

Thankfully though, it ended and I realized that I in fact did not go crazy and would not need shock therapy 8o :p :p
Crystalcallas said "Lorenzo's Oil." I have to agree 100%. That movie was so sad, I don't ever want to think about it agian.

Another one of you said "May." Hmm, I actually really liked this movie. I guess im kinda morbid...

I don't hink i will ever watch "Amistd" again. I can't stand overly racist movies... Just makes me want to cry.

A lot of you say "Requiem..." to be too hard to watch again. But its one of my fav. movies... The needle scene is harsh tho.....ew...
I was contemplating whether to get a DVD of Dancer in the Dark last weekend when I went on my movie spree. I figured I'd come back over here and see what people have to say about it. Now Im convinced I have to get it. I love sad, bleak, depressing movies. I CANT F*CKING WAIT TO WATCH IT NOW. WAH!!!!!
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Cannibal Holocaust is a great film, as long as you watch it with the "animal cruelty free" version. But yeah with the real life animal killings it's not very fun anymore.
I love sad, bleak, depressing movies. I CANT F*CKING WAIT TO WATCH IT NOW. WAH!!!!!

one of the MANY reasons we're so compatible!!! i honestly think that you and me (as well as me and amoroark... and likely you and AR) have almost identical tastes in practically every artform from music to film to visual art. it's uncanny!

i've never seen this film, which is astounding in itself given how much i LOVE bjork! from everything i've read however, i may have to check it out!
one of the MANY reasons we're so compatible!!! i honestly think that you and me (as well as me and amoroark... and likely you and AR) have almost identical tastes in practically every artform from music to film to visual art. it's uncanny!

How 'bout you all go watch Sarah Silverman. :p

requiem for a dream which everybody has mentioned and tideland
The answering machine scene from Swingers is pretty tough to watch.

I think most dudes can relate to being that desperate at some time or other.
I'll pass on watching 'Happiness' again.

Jane Campion's movies all have an emotional goriness to them that make me wince, and I'm not sure I'll ever willingly watch one of them over.
one of the MANY reasons we're so compatible!!! i honestly think that you and me (as well as me and amoroark... and likely you and AR) have almost identical tastes in practically every artform from music to film to visual art. it's uncanny!

i've never seen this film, which is astounding in itself given how much i LOVE bjork! from everything i've read however, i may have to check it out!

This is true <3<3<3
LOL@Sarah Silverman...sadly Ryan I dont really like her, but its okay there are always exceptions to everything! =D She does have a great rack though and everytime I see her (in passing ) on TV, I imagine her boinking Jimmy Kimmel senseless.
Happiness... which sucks because it's a great movie, but yea... it's also one of the very VERY few movies I've ever had to stop in the middle and take a breather from before finishing. Haven't watched it in years, though I've been thinking about giving it another whirl lately.

Still, I'd highly recommend it.