• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

What is your opinion on plastic surgery?


Aug 16, 2015
I feel like a lot of people have negative views on plastic surgery. I'm actually considering getting a breast augmentation done as I am unhappy with the shape of my breasts. I'm not posting for advice on whether or not I should go through with it, just curious about how others feel about it. Personally, I don't see an issue with it. I've gotten a lot of comments from others when this particular topic has been brought up about how it is unnatural. However I feel like there are a number of things that people do to their bodies that alter it's natural appearance.
For instance, I shave my legs, arms, etc., apply makeup, put tattoo's on my body, dye my hair, paint my nails, have pierced my tongue, stretched my ear lobes, tan, whiten my teeth, and I'm sure there are many more. I feel like people think that plastic surgery is "too extreme" because it is expensive and there are risks involved with the surgery. However I don't see anything wrong with using the extra money set aside for luxuries on changing something on your body that truely bothers you. I take pride in my appearance and I'm just not satisfied with my breasts, so why not change that? So what are your thoughts/feelings on plastic surgery?
If someone wants it, they should go for it.
Once they're in, they're real.

My personal thoughts are generally pain when someone feels they -need- to change their body.
Their need is generally due to self-doubt, or medical.

Its generally excitement when someone feels they -want- to change their body.
its fun, different, puts a spin on life, asserts control over their own body.
depends on what the intention or motivation behind it is..

im sceptical that fixing some perceived physical imperfection can buy lasting happiness.
I don't think that having my breasts "fixed" will bring me lasting happiness, however it will improve something that previously bothered me, thus ridding myself of the negative feelings associated with my breasts. If I never get my breasts augmented I feel confident that I will still be happy throughout my life, it's just something that I'd like to change.
I don't think that having my breasts "fixed" will bring me lasting happiness, however it will improve something that previously bothered me, thus ridding myself of the negative feelings associated with my breasts. If I never get my breasts augmented I feel confident that I will still be happy throughout my life, it's just something that I'd like to change.

Sounds like you're a good candidate for it because it sounds like you have a healthy idea about what it is and why you want to do it. I am turned off by people who get addicted to plastic surgery or see some hollywood stars and think they need it, and it starts to look really sad.
My friend had her tits done and they look fucking wicked. Probably the best tits I've ever seen actually.

She said that she had pretty much no breast tissue before hand, and she only had small ones put in so you can't tell that they're fake.

I think that we're blessed to live in an age where you can do stuff like this. No, it won't buy lasting happiness; but it may give you a sense of confidence which would otherwise be hampered.
Do breast implants affect the sensitivity of a woman's nipples? Can she still breastfeed? If the answers are no and yes, then Id be okay with it. Generally I prefer natural women, however, if she is not happy with her boobs, or they are arent the same size, or there are symmetry issues, then sure, go for the surgery
I also prefer natural women, for the record. But I also think not all boob jobs are created equal. Like for example, I think Pam Anderson was more attractive before she got her boobs done, afterwards they were just kind of ridiculous.
I feel the same way. I used to have a less than favorable opinion on boob jobs, but if you have the chest of a 15 year old Japanese boy and are self conscious about it then I think it's perfectly reasonable to get a proportionate boob job done. On the other hand if you're already petite to begin with and get double d's that look like cantaloupes shoved under your skin I think that's ridiculous personally. Same goes for breast reduction. There's no reason to live your whole life with back pain lol. I do feel that some, if not a lot of plastic surgeons take advantage of people that already have body dysmorphic disorder, but that's another story.
Plastic surgery is a lot like evolution stones. I'm strictly against their use unless a Pokemon agrees to use them. If a person wants plastic surgery then who's to say no they can't? It's their body after all.
I am almost 62 and a lot of my friends are caving in to the whole plastic surgery (or other less invasive) attempts to reverse the signs of aging. I think it is a Pandora's Box so to speak: once you open it you can't stop the flow of ever-increasing, obsessive negative messages about your face and body. I keep trying to buck the culture that tries to insist that I hate myself at all ages, that I buy everything from clothes to products to dangerous surgeries to chase after the uncatchable perfect woman. I am not immune to these self-hatreds but I chose to be a warrior against them and not a victim of them a long time ago. Like every other older woman I wake up sometimes and go in the bathroom to wash my face, feeling like I have every other morning of my adult life and I see this old woman in the mirror and think, "Who is THAT?" =D But the truth is that I value developing humility, humor and an appreciation of all of life's various stages way more than getting my face frozen into a mask or filling my wrinkles with toxic gunk.

Having said that, there are degrees of self-hatred and body dismorphic disorder and these are very serious and sometimes life threatening psychological states. I have known men that are so traumatized by having what they consider to be female breasts and women who consider their bodies to be ugly for any number of reasons, people who feel they have been born in bodies that are the wrong gender for their psyches etc. that they become suicidal. For anyone who considers suicide as a means of changing the body they have been genetically assigned, I say, get the surgery. In other words, I'm saying it is important for me to stand my ground but I am recognizing that my ground is not necessarily the same as that of another person. As usual the world is not just black and white but many, many shades of grey.<3
If you want to spend the money on it go ahead! That's how I feel about it. I have no judgments reserved against people who have plastic surgery. But it does become a bit much when it's done so many times like Michael Jackson. That's a shame.
I value natural beauty, and if plastic surgery is applied to an already beautiful person I find it ridiculous. I can understand though that a lot of celebrities are always on top of having plastic surgeries as you have to look perfect to compete in getting a role in a movie. It's sad how people have become materialistic valuing fake beauty.

If you are using plastic surgery due to an accident/your a victim of fire etc then by all means it is necessary as you need to reconstruct your skin.
Plastic surgery = plastic people.

Unless it's to correct a birthdefect, injury, or deformity, it's tacky. Doing it only for big titties is low class and tasteless(eg. Trailer park denizen/gold digger Anna Nicole Smith ), but if something is horribly wrong with them that is ruining your sex life or quality of life somehow, there are valid reasons to do it. Many men reject the kind of women who get frivolous boob jobs.

Old people who do it to try to look younger still look old, maybe older and often look worse because of the Frankenstein effect of having mismatched body parts.
I don't really care about breast size just the shape. Mine are pointy and cone shaped I find them rather unattractive. Don't get me wrong I think rock hard enormous obviously fake breasts look dumb, but adding just a little bit for better shape or even to get them just a tad larger is fine IMO. I've actually met some girls who told me that they've had their breasts done and I was utterly shocked, they looked totally natural and looked awesome :D
I've actually met some girls who told me that they've had their breasts done and I was utterly shocked, they looked totally natural and looked awesome :D

I think there's definitely a right and wrong way to go about it. When done right it shouldn't look like anything was done.

Plastic surgery = plastic people.

I don't think that's necessarily true.
Personally I think if it makes someone happy then who am I to judge. However if your not comfortable in your own skin then I think it's a slippery slope til you end up looking like Michael Jackson.
I condone breast implants.
Nuttin wrong with that!