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Kratom What is your favorite kratom strain?


Mar 22, 2006
as thread title says.

i just tried red thai for the first time and am positively impressed, better than the other strains i had before. i had green indo and indo gold.
I tend to buy more green types. To be honest though, I really don't notice that much of a difference between the strains / locations. Mainly as long as it is a good vendor / product then the experience is pretty similar to me.
Green Malay and Red Thai.
Same. I've been buying those 2 for a couple of years now, specially red thai.

I've said this before: the vendor is often way more important than the strain. Moreover, strains can vary a lot from one vendor to another.
So I'd advise you to find a high quality vendor, and then just take a look at the reviews.
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Regular ol' Green Maeng Da. My go to for many years. Most of the strain marketing is hyped up, guy did an awesome thread a while back on Reddit where he went to the farms in indonesia and proved how farmed kratom is mostly horseshit.

This is the mentioned thread:
This is his picture gallery:
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Thank you for the detailed post @drewbocop. I always order the same kratom from the same vendor and Malay is distinctly different from Thai one. Whether it is just a different mix doesn't really matter to me as long as it is consistent from order to order. Haven't order in almost a year and contemplating should I. Thanks for the info.
I go between Premium Green Maeng Da and Premium Green Maeng Da 2 (always on hand), Green Hulu (has had some very potent batches in the last year or so from my vendor), Gold Bali, and then a fourth one that varies. If there's something new that he has out, I'll try it out, or I'll just pick up a red or something I haven't had in a while. Right now that's Red Bali (it's shit this time around). It is definitely wise to switch it up periodically. However, constantly blending them together (taking a teaspoon of each all the time for instance) has caused me to grow tolerant to it all at once. Don't recommend doing that.
I'm a big fan of the Dragon strains/preparations. Green>white>red. Recently though, "green super" has been my go to. You have to rotate them out fairly often when you go through as much kratom as I do.