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What is the threshold dose for MDMA powder?


Dec 8, 2013
Hello, I would like to know what is the smallest dose of MDMA powder that you can take and still feel some nice effects. I don't want to be rolling hard, I just want to lift my mood, talk with people and relax. Maybe some enhanced tactile sensations too, but nothing overwhelming :)

Also, since it's going to be a small dose, can I take it every weekend without any health issues?

Thanks! :)
Also, since it's going to be a small dose, can I take it every weekend without any health issues?

No one can say with certainty, but realistically that is a very unsafe assumption.

~25mg is said to be the "threshold", I.E the amount that has any activity at all. You'd probably need at least 60mg to get any real effects however.
Yeah I say 40-50mgs, this would probably act as an antidepressant at this dose. As for dosing every weekend I don't have a clue either, it should definately be easier on the body than typical weekend rollers as I doubt much depletion is caused at such a small dose but I'm also lacking in any pharmacology education so take my word with a grain of salt. Also your threshold won't be the same as everyone elses. You yourself have to find what a threshold dose is for you but 30mgs sounds like a good start. May I ask what you are trying to accomplish by doing this?
@CaptainKratom, I just want to replace alcohol with low dose of mdma. I go to a nightclub every saturday, drink beers and dance. I thought maybe I could replace the beer with a small dose of mdma, just enough to lift my mood and feel good. Pretty much like alcohol, but without the hangover.
the real threshold where you start to feel a little warmth that could be from mdma ime lies around 5-10mg.

for your purposes i'd also say around 40-50mg.

i feel there's also a threshold for "full effects" around 70-100mg where just a tiny amount more makes a whole lot of difference (goes from a nice feeling, music appreciation and talkativeness to "holy shit i'm fucked and it's goooood")

can I take it every weekend without any health issues?


first, you'll deplete your serotonin, desensitize your receptors and build a tolerace. so your plan is likely a good recipe for mdma-induced depression.
second, mdma binds to the 5-ht2b receptor which stimulates your heart valves to grow (which depends mainly on the frequency instead of your dose). so if you do it too often, you'll sooner or later end up with fenfluoramine-like cardiac fibrosis.

mdma clearly is the wrong drug for your intentions. i myself hate the effects of alcohol and had chosen amphetamine as weekend drug back then. it lasted almost a whole year until the effects were shortened and diminished making the whole thing pointless. it's not ideal either because it increses anxiety in the long run, but imho hugely preferable to mdma.
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It's all kind of culturally relative. In the states, a 90mg pill is exceptionally strong, when pills in Europe cost less than a pint of beer each, that'd be unremarkable, and now the dosage, quality and price have improved, 90mg would be totally underwhelming and disappointing. In the UK, I'd say dividing a gram 6 or 8 ways is pretty standard (between 125mg anf 150+change). A threshold dose is just that, the effects are barely perceptible. Best to take one hench dose (I go for 200 or 250 mg, but I don't advse you to do that, it could be highly hazardous to your health and prospects of the most memorable evening of your youth) ad rea;lly experience the frug, not dib and dab, wasting it without getting as high as you could/ Speaking of which, always take a big dose all at once ("attack dose"), over 100mg in a tablet/capsule/bomb/parachute/drink, this is much better than taling little 20mg dabs hither and thither.
@CaptainKratom, I just want to replace alcohol with low dose of mdma. I go to a nightclub every saturday, drink beers and dance. I thought maybe I could replace the beer with a small dose of mdma, just enough to lift my mood and feel good. Pretty much like alcohol, but without the hangover.
In that case it would be better to rotate the two to give your body more time to recover in between doses, maybe use these small doses of MDMA every 3 weeks and use alcohol the other times. Every week sounds a bit too frequent.

the real threshold where you start to feel a little warmth that could be from mdma ime lies around 5-10mg.
This proves how everyones threshold dose is different. I wouldn't feel anything at this dose.

In the UK, I'd say dividing a gram 6 or 8 ways is pretty standard (between 125mg anf 150+change). A threshold dose is just that, the effects are barely perceptible
Are you trying to say that 125mgs is a threshold dose for you or am I mis reading. If so you either roll way too much or you got your self some shitty Molly. I do agree that presses usually suck out in the states but that problem is solved when you deal with bomb crystal molly ;)
AFAIK/IIRC a lot of "bomb molly crystals" are actually methylone. I live in the UK mate, there's no question of our product being inferior, Amsterdam is an hour away. We don't call it "Molly" either, otherwise we'd sound like silly Americans. We just have a slightly different culture. I'm not saying 125 is a threshold, obviously you can feel less, but I don't understand the appeal of a threshold dose- "sick, I've got some barely perceptible effects". I think the more relevant question is, "what is a good dose to experience everything positive about the drug, without any unpleasant side effects?". In my professional opionion, it's somwhere between 120 and 180 mg for most people. We regularly see pills that are 180mg plus in Europe, the kind you might even split beteen two people. Ecstasy is pocket-money prices in the EU. Don't worry, you guys have much better coke and smack. Swings and roundabouts.
AFAIK/IIRC a lot of "bomb molly crystals" are actually methylone. I live in the UK mate, there's no question of our product being inferior, Amsterdam is an hour away. We don't call it "Molly" either, otherwise we'd sound like silly Americans. We just have a slightly different culture. I'm not saying 125 is a threshold, obviously you can feel less, but I don't understand the appeal of a threshold dose- "sick, I've got some barely perceptible effects". I think the more relevant question is, "what is a good dose to experience everything positive about the drug, without any unpleasant side effects?". In my professional opionion, it's somwhere between 120 and 180 mg for most people. We regularly see pills that are 180mg plus in Europe, the kind you might even split beteen two people. Ecstasy is pocket-money prices in the EU. Don't worry, you guys have much better coke and smack. Swings and roundabouts.
Wow what an ignorant post. I'm sorry if you were mis-informed but high quality crystal MDMA, (not bullshit methylone, I'm not an idiot and know wtf weak as Bk is) is PLENTIFUL if you know the right people. I can get very pure crystal MDMA from san francisco that will likely shit on UK MDMA. Your imported MDMA may come in pure but on the streets it aint gonna stay that way. I doubt that nobody cuts MDMA in the UK, especially when your dealing with crystals so just because its imported from holland means very little. Yeah you guys may have good presses, yeah fake molly is abundant in the US but to think you won't be able to find extremely high quality, marquis tested MDMA then that's pure ignorance. Also you guys have glass in your weed ffs :/. Threshold is the point where the chemical is barely active, not when your mildly rolling. If that's what 125mgs of 'MDMA' does to you then your getting shit MDMA and don't get me started on the silly slangs that people from the UK use, this isn't a UK vs USA thread.

With all the RC's so abundant in the UK there's no way your not gonna have people selling mephedrone/methylone/APB molly. Something tells me the UK scene is not too far from the US scene, although I will admit its likely not as quite as bad. You guys are like the capitol of RC's so that shits everywhere so you've gotta be getting all sorts of bunk/cut shit. I mean the UK has a 'party pill' scene that takes those shitty branded chems and call it "rolling", those people may have never had real MDMA. Many people don't test their drugs so I'm sure the UK's got its group of misinformed teens who buy anything as molly and don't bother testing.

Then you guys have the more experienced users who actually know what's up and can aquire the good shit. Same here in the states... dumb uninformed teens not testing there shit and buying methylone molly while the experienced with the right connections can get a hold of quality MDMA. Do you think people from the states weren't bringing in quality MDMA off SR? I will admit that access to good MDMA is likely easier and you guys have good presses but pure MDMA is circulating in the states (at least in places like cali and chicago and others). Why would I care about a 180mg press when I can just bomb 180mg of pure/near pure MDMA?
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second, mdma binds to the 5-ht2b receptor which stimulates your heart valves to grow (which depends mainly on the frequency instead of your dose). so if you do it too often, you'll sooner or later end up with fenfluoramine-like cardiac fibrosis.


In what percentage of users, at what level of use?

In what percentage of users, at what level of use?

there isn't a lot of information on that. this paper is a case report and it cites another study where they found abnormal heart valves in 8 of 21 "ecstasy users" (no idea about their usage patterns, probably quite high.). anyway in this case report we see that taking mdma multiple times per week for 16 years is definitely way too much (who would have guessed...). imho it's better to err on the side of caution and limit your intake to a few times per year.
As for dosing every weekend I don't have a clue either, it should definately be easier on the body than typical weekend rollers as I doubt much depletion is caused at such a small dose but I'm also lacking in any pharmacology education so take my word with a grain of salt.

With MDMA I found personally and so have many others reported than extended use can be just as bad as binging less occasionally...

IIRC you need about 25~mg before any actual release begins, however I have found 40mg the lowest I have dosed to be quite good, not full rolling but it was something deffintly nto palcebo, dilated pupils, euphoria etc just not as strong. This was with a very small tolerance.
there isn't a lot of information on that. this paper is a case report and it cites another study where they found abnormal heart valves in 8 of 21 "ecstasy users" (no idea about their usage patterns, probably quite high.). anyway in this case report we see that taking mdma multiple times per week for 16 years is definitely way too much (who would have guessed...). imho it's better to err on the side of caution and limit your intake to a few times per year.

Interesting, thanks!