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Esoteric What is the most beautiful thing known to man

For a moment I thought this thread was in Philosophy & Spirituality, but it's amongst you trippers... some great answers. From Asian women to toad tennis balls to Jessica Alba's anus. =D

Visually I love sunsets on a partly cloudy day anywhere near the sea on acid. It's the only experience I can remember in my life where I almost wept just from the sheer beauty of something.

As for a "thing"... well love and women have already been suggested so in an effort to be original, my answer is hope. Which I'm surprised no one else has said... someone did say the present moment which is almost the opposite and in itself, a very beautiful thing.

Yet the present moment is for our existence, who we are and what we are doing. We can appreciate in the present moment but we don't build our dreams in it. While it's arguable whether animals have the capacity to hope as humans define the word, it's within the context of humanity that I find it the most beautiful.

Hope alone can build a wall so long that it's visible from space, and centuries later put man up there to see it. Empires fall, nations rise, wars end and entire societies are freed from the tyrannies of persecution by race, color or religion because of man's capacity to hope.

On an individual level, our ability to set goals, sometimes seemingly impossible or impossibly distant is what makes every proceeding day worth waking up for. Occasionally, humans even achieve dreams on the back of hopes that span generations.

Sure you need other things to go right, but without hope none of it would have been started or worked towards in the first place.
Hope alone can build a wall so long that it's visible from space, and centuries later put man up there to see it.

Which wall is that? Guessing it's the Chinese Great Wall. Believe it was built out of ignorance, fear and the blood of countless thousands of slaves actually ;)

Also, it can't be seen from space - is a myth. Damnably impressive achievement nonetheless.


I very much like your suggestion of "hope" - that really is a goodie :)
Oh, are those the epidemic toads I heard about on some sort of special on TV? Even so, I would find it hard to find beauty in killing something.

The documentary is called 'Cane Toads: An Unnatural History' and is one of the best natural history programs I've ever seen because it's as much a study of people's reactions to the toads (mainly Queensland & Northern Territories). Kids dressing them up like living dolls, old folks putting out cat biscuits for them as well as manic drivers who see it as their purpose in life to rid Australia of cane toads, by swerving all over the road in order to run them over - even one interview with someone who smokes the dried toad skin for it's 5-methoxyDMT content. It makes Aussies come across as madder than a box of mad things on a full moon. Even explains why it was introduced from Hawaii, to eat the cane grub (which unfortunately isn't on the ground at the only time the cane toads can get close enough access to the sugar cane, so they created an ecological disaster for nowt!!).

I showed it to my biology classes on the last lesson of the academic year - being typical 15 year olds they whinged at first, asking if they could just have a free lesson, but afterwards every one of them thought it was well worth watching (even had kids asking the teacher who they got for biology if they could see it); some of them had been shocked, astounded & made to laugh hysterically by the particular program. If you've never seen it and can find a site to download it from, I highly recommend watching it sometime

A bit OT as cane toads are almost the antithesis of 'the most beautiful thing known to man' - well according to some
as for the toad comment, unnecessary violence/death of the innocent is wrong without a doubt, that is just a basic moral. not promoting pain here, but couldn't we find beauty in pain like we could other feelings?

by the way, great post hoptis
Which wall is that? Guessing it's the Chinese Great Wall. Believe it was built out of ignorance, fear and the blood of countless thousands of slaves actually ;)

Also, it can't be seen from space - is a myth. Damnably impressive achievement nonetheless.


I very much like your suggestion of "hope" - that really is a goodie :)

Is it not the dust that surrounds it thats visible from space? Could be wrong.
Trees freak me out sometimes, when I'm tripping... they look like an alien life form. Then again sometimes they look absolutely beautiful, like sparkly fractal things... guess it depends on the mood.

Fluffy bunnies and rainbows! :D
Our Home, the Universe


the interconnection of all things 'living' and 'nonliving'

and the only fact we know to be true, that everything is impermanent
I've always thought it was someone's pupils when they were tripping/rolling, or the way the primary colors look when they're together.
everything is beautiful

everything is perfect.

from the ant on the sidewalk

to the lights we see at night in the sky

i know anyone posting here would love to see what i see at night


sign up for a free catalog :)

Every single thing that exists in my reality is beautiful






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the tripper... that last sunset photo is amazing! I love clouds and sunsets... I have a bunch of pictures of them. Let me see if I can find some...

Mammary clouds... taken in the midwest after a tornado


Closeup of said clouds:


Some more midwest clouds... I don't live there anymore, but the midwest of the US has the greatest clouds.



















And also:



EDIT: Turns out, most of these were fucking gigantic, so I hid them so they can be viewed one at a time and not stretch this page out and screw up everyone else's posts. 8o
Those are wonderful photos, both Xorkoth and the_tripper. There is beauty everywhere we look indeed.

I loved your post the_tripper; how positively excellent!! You are so right, everything really is beautiful (as a potential in my vista of reality).

As a solitary contribution, I would like to point out the beauty in atmospheric nuclear detonations.