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What is the most addictive substance?

I can agree with Tadfish's post there. Seems like solid logic.

For me, though?

Methamphetamine. Can't go a day without thinking about it.
About eight years ago (age 16) I started drinking and smoking pot. Since then, I've been addicted to cocaine, tobacco, alcohol and weed, and tried opiates, meth, crack, benzos and a whole host of psychedelics. And while many of those have more addictive properties, it's the alcohol and pot that I'm still using daily.

For me, two things that play a huge factor are social acceptability and sustainability of the addiction. I got way into coke, for example, but it only took me about two months (ending at a ball a day) to realize that I was either going to have to quit coke or life.
at different times of my life i have been addicted to:


The most addictive is probably heroin just because of how it lures you(me) in.
though iv been lucky enough to avoid any physical dependance on heroin i do find myself thinking of it often and using semi-regularly.

cannabis is the only drug i use daily so i guess that can be considered pretty addictive aswell.
hippie crack by far. im not done till the last chargers gone whether i have one box or 20 boxes. Then once they're gone i check all the spent ones hoping that theres one left that i missed.


One time I ordered about 50 boxes of 20 online, and I ended up staying on my bed re-dosing for 2 days.. for the last day, I was puking constantly. I would take 4-5 cracks and then puke on the floor next to be bed, and repeat. I didn't give a fuck.

And, the whole time, my mind was articulate and present. I still had my wits about me. A very intense experience. But now I get nauseous when I do too much, maybe that's my body giving me a heads up.
Opiates withouth a doubt. Cocaine is the most addictive "in the momenet', but I have never woken up the following day and needed more. Opiates are easy to do whenever-- before work, during work, after work, etc.
heroin for me... it scared me how good it was and how, honestly after one hit, i was completed addicted. three days later when i ran out i was curled up in a corner, and i flipped out and screamed at a friend who wouldn't give me money the next day for it, cried for two hours when my friend wouldn't take me to his dealer that moring. i've heavily used all assortments of amphetamines but when i force myself to stop i never think about how i would kill for them, heroin however i do. and i think that's just because heroin is so fucking great and takes you to a magicaly world? dunno really, i just know that that is the drug that will totally fuck my life up with its addictive-ness.
meth is a close second, however... and thats just because it helps me function me daily and i always FORGET how addictive it is when i stop.
2.ice (meth)

*i tried really small doses of H and it's anyway on third place.so i think that if i tried -normal-doses of it,it would definetly take the first place
Methamphetamine with it's massive adrenaline fueled rush of power and energy. The feeling of being totally invicible with a physical body high almost enough to orgasm, which lasts anywhere from 3-18 hours or so. It's like a train coming on, overpowering and empowering at the same time. I can see how somebody who's amphetamine naiive would vomit profusely (i've seen it) upon IV'ing meth. About 3 seconds after I push down the train hits me and it's literally enough to make me fall back and twitch. It's like turning myself into a godlike figure, I can focus on anything, be totally motivated, and be totally sharp, intelligent, and physically strong.

Opiates were boring for me, felt nice, but really didn't accomplish much on them.
Cocaine lacked any sort of depth and had a far too short duration.
Temazepam, Nicotine, and dextroamphetamine i'd place at #2, Temazepam was incredible for amph comedowns, it's unique muscle relaxant proprieties and it's overwhelming calming sedation makes me crave just typing about it (Nitrazepam, Butalbarbital to a lesser extent). I eventually developed an addiction to hypnotics and amphetamines simeotaneously for about 5 years or so. amphetamines other then meth (ESP dexedrine) because I like amphetamines, methamph just happens to be my preferance.
This is my personal experience and reaction.
nicotine! i've almost all drugs, but mostly not the newer rc's and nicotine is the worst by far. but the thing is i have anxiety so can't smoke-if i do i literally feel i'm being electrocuted although there's other factors involved i'm sure. but i still do it anyway=addiction-using something when you know it's going to end badly. but the urges,oh man, i swear i've bought about 25 packs last month only to curse the mother fucker and throw it away. next day, same shit over and over again=addiction. but not being able to smoke i think is one the contributing factors in my depression. do you know how many times i've had horrible reactions-panic attacks, dizziness, nausea like you/ve just taken poison and swore to god this was the last time? you know what i'm talking about. addiction sucks!
Methamphetamine, since it directly affects the brain's dopamine reward system.
For me it was MDMA. Sounds daft to most I guess, but I needed to do it again & again & again. When I discovered it I basically went on a 3 or 4 month long binge, taking insane numbers of pills over the course.

Luckily it didn't have any noticeable affect beyond hppd which faded over the following months.

Never had anything close to an issue with methamp, heroin, gbl, cocaine, meph, alcohol, tobacco, ket or the plethora of other things done.
hands down Heroin (and other opiates). There may be others that are mentally as addictive (meth, coke etc..) but when it comes to kicking and WD's, I promise you H and opiates take the crown with maybe the exception of Benzo's. They can be very nasty and dangerous to kick from.
i'm gonna say nicotine. I don't even enjoy it much but consume it frequently enough and you'll find an intense compulsion to consume more for no reason even if you don't like whatever niccotine containing product. More addicting than coke or anyother stimulant. Can't comment on heroin though. I'd say niccotine is probably more addictive from what i've heard. Its just that you really want to do heroin more after a while.
This is a tough one.... Crack i will fiend for like no other...but after a good run of it i'm able to stop it whenever.

HEROIN i cannot stop worth a damn...I always want more of it and when i want to stop i have to puke out my ass and shit out my mouth so i'll have to go with heroin.

I hear meth is really addictive, but i never tried that stupid trailer trash drug and dont plan to.
Nicotine has got to be the most adictive substance tried...

evry time i think ive quit its still there.. .. Nicotine should be Class A in my book ..

least addictive drug would be Mushrooms .. I enjoyed it so much but also had some real bad trips on them so ill leave it now .. Psychedelics dont appeal to me now ..

i have to say i quite nicototin abougt 3 months ago so its easilly achievble go cold turkey
I quit smoking cigarettes over 6 months ago with the help of an E-Cig. And honestly, I hardly used the e-cig. Maybe a few times a week for about a month, until I lost it. Pretty much quit cold turkey. Only the first few weeks are really hard. So I'd like to cross that one off, personally. Now I'd like to talk about weed. I'd like to point out that it's proven to not be addictive. 7 years ago, I dated a dealer. Smoked all day every day. We dated on and off for a couple years. When we weren't together, I wouldn't smoke. When we were, I did. Since we've been broken up for good, I've smoked maybe 5 or 6 times. This is in a 5 yr span. Addictive? I think not. Alcohol: to an extent, but wears out quickly with me. I turned 21, went on a binge for a year, yr and a half, then decided it wasn't fun anymore. I just don't understand alcoholism, I guess... Cocaine: I've only snorted it a few times, and honestly, I think I just had terrible shit every time. No rush, just a tiny bit more energy than usual. No comedown.. Meth, my drug of choice: I quit cold turkey 2 yrs ago. No treatment. Just threatened with prison time by the judge, lol. Although I did only use for about 6 months, it was all intravenously. What that person up there said about the needle is 100% correct in my eyes. I did smoke meth before using the needle, but I always felt dirty and didn't care to score more. If it was at a party, fine. If not, I didn't go looking for it. But as soon as I started IV'ing it... well call it luck if you will, but the guy who introduced me to the needle was a cook so I'd always have some. Shooting up is So much cleaner of a method, IMO. I tried to quit a few times, but my ex wouldn't have it. He was abusive and basically forced me to continue using. He shot me up with some prescription opiate once but I think I was just too twacked to feel it. Afterward, it made me puke and feel like crap (I'm assuming these were withdrawals). Other than that, I've abused prescription opiates but only popping the pills orally which lead to much more tolerable withdrawals than shooting up. I have not tried heroin or crack, or shooting coke. But i'm a "try everything at least once" kind of girl. So you never know what the future holds!
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I can go weeks, even months without thinking of using nicotine or opiates.

Nowadays I'd even extend that to alcohol.

Marijuana though, I start to miss it hardcore practically before it's gone. I have to stay busy during every waking minute in order to not reminisce about getting stoned during a dry spell. 8( :(
I think I'm too lazy to get addicted to something. I guess my existence confirms the "reduction of availability leads to less drug abusers" stance. I did almost everything, from heroin to meth, and I never felt the urge to keep on using it.