• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

What is the best DSLR camera that money can buy?


Jun 29, 2017
A family member is gifting me a free camera of any price on the condition that I choose photography as my career. I'm just wondering what is the best money can buy. I'll be mainly taking portrait photos in my college class.

I know the high end cameras are either DSLR or Mirrorless. Would Nikon or Canon be good? I've heard that the Nikon D850 is a good brand.
Nikon, Canon, Sony, Pentax are all good brands. The Nikon D850 would be a great camera. It's one of the tops right now.
I'm a fan of the Fujifilm ecosystem. An X-T4 is their top of the range DLSR offering, but if you want to appreciate a camera as a piece of art in addition to the ability to take great photos then check out the X-Pro3.

If money is no object check out the Leica SL2.

Before you make your decision, take the time to research the various lens offerings of each manufacturer.