what *IS* raving all about!?


Dec 29, 1999
now, Loupy braught up a REALY good point in Ashke's raver type's post. and I figured that it warrented a new thread, and here it is!
"I think the only requirement is an understanding (or at least the capability of understanding) of what raving is about. It's not a thing to go to to just get phukt up to phat beats and whatever. It's music, it's friendship, it's... well, you know what it all is. (Hell, everyone probably would give a different definition of what it is, but they all combine into this really beautiful thing that I'm SO not going to go on about cuz, well... um... on with the show.)"
Well! loupy, you said a MOUTHFULL! and I'm not even sure that you know you did.
Quite an inspireing statement! now, what *IS* it all about? this is what it is about TO ME:
Raving is belonging, without having to try,
Raving is unconditional, and Universal,
Raving is music, dancing, and love,
it's about inner beauty, and outer freedom,
it's about friends,
good friends,
and friends you haven't met yet.
People, music, and vibe, that's a rave to me.
but most of all, it's PLUR!
I am eagar to hear what everyone else has to say. Soon enough, we will HAVE Loupy's beautiful cullmination... I can't wait!
shameless bump to the top... (I am going to become notorious for this) but it seems a little lost down at the bottom... I couldn't even FIND it.
I realy DO want to hear what everyone has to say!!
Ok, here goes...
Raving is about the music, not the drugs.
Raving is about the people- all different kinds coming together united by their love for the music.
Raving is about smiling at strangers.

Raving is about breaking free from society's conventions and making up your own rules.
Raving is about PLUR- at the party AND in everyday life.
Raving is about dancing your ass off.

Mostly, I think it's about finding freedom.
Just a few thoughts that came to mind...come on guys respond to this post, it's a good one.

Raving is....(sucks in a deep breath)
*meeting all the cool people and "raving" about it the next day.
*understanding why a DJ plays what he plays and how that vibe rubs off on the crowd.
*knowing you are at a party with (mostly) complete strangers but all are there in UNITY.
*getting hugs, thumbs up, smiles, bracelettes, etc.
*understanding the process of putting together a rave and RESPECTING that (the promotor wants us to have fun!).
Raving is finding that closure when you truly feel with the "community/scene." When you know you are there not for the drugz or to get some ass, but because the WHOLE is a part of you--and you respect every aspect of it.
Rave on, (I will!)
whoops... finger slipped... now my post is at the top... uh-oh...
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
Well PaRadox you have done it again.....you have seemed to reach me more deeply than I thought words could do. Your description of raving brought some major butterflies to my stomach and also some tears to the backs of my eyes. It also made want to feel all those things as soon as possible. You gave it definitons but no boundries, which in my eyes is exactly how to dsescribe.....
Thank you PaRadox for once again bringing some sunshine and smiles to my life..

Oh.. I'm gunna have fun answering this one, I can tell before I start.
But I'm going to put a lil clause in the front coz I wouldn't presume to speak for anybody else.

For me...
Raving is about a random nameless kid on the street glancing at my bracelets, smiling bright, and passing me this beautiful bright-colored flyer without a word, and disappearing into the crowd again.
Raving is about spending hours gazing at this psychadelic flyer and memorizing the DJ list and getting online and emailing everybody about this phat party I'm so psyched about and getting on bluelight and rallying together the Ohio kids among us to come meetup.
Raving is about the day of the party being FINALLY HERE and dancing through the whole morning on this happy cloud of anticipation and driving my friends and loved ones insane with my irrepressible cheer.
Raving is about spending three hours before the party donning party gear and applying the necessary pounds of glitter, fairy wings, glowing star stickers to the toes of my boots, brand new ready-to-give-away candy on my wrists, and plastic rhinestones from the fabric store stuck onto my cheeks and brow with nail glue that clearly reads on the label "AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN".
Raving is about the long drive there in a teeny car packed way over capacity with party kids all as psyched and joyous as I am, our elbows jostling, the techno music thumping, the laughter warming the car when the broken heater can't, and the absolutely ridiculous assembly-line procedure of delicately passing a cigarette from one end of the cramped car to the other so it can get ashed out the only not-frozen-shut window.
Raving is about the parking lot outside, with kids hocking their various chemical wares with little subtlety, where I stand admiring the packs of party kids as they migrate towards the venue, grinning and shouting out to familiar faces... and past the sea of parked cars I hear tendrils of very faint music thumping over the horizon and it weaves into my brain this tapestry of anticipation until I'm bouncing in circles around the car waiting for everybody else to get their shit together already so we can GET TO THE PARTY!!
Raving is about the immediate five people ahead and behind you in the long ass line to get in, as together you shiver, swap introductions, bracelets, and small talk, holler futilely at cutters, and later contemplate how amazing it is that you have these new friendships and owe it all to proximity and circumstance.
Raving is about the suspence as the security pats you down and comes soooo close to yer stash but then her hands move away and you get this tinglehappythrill as she boredly waves you through and you dance past her into the crowd.
Raving is about... you're in. O god. Awe.
Raving is about overcoming those initial standstill moments of drinking it all in, letting the pulse of music and the vibe wash over silly dumbstruck you... and then slowly it pulls at you until you find yourself one with the crowd, dancing wild and drunk on bliss.
Raving is about here, you are so cool, have a bracelet! Your visor is so nekkid, have a star! You lost your binky? Have a blowpop! This is your first rave? Have a bracelet and a huge hug and a fabulous time!!
Raving is about where are they selling the glowsticks?!
Raving is about ohh you are so cool, I love you to death, lets trade numbers and email address so we can keep in touch... ohshit I don't have a pen!! (And then like six people standing nearby dig out pens for you).
Raving is about the music.
Raving is about the girl lost in the music and dancing like she's the only one in the room, or she's One with the room as a whole, or somewhere inbetween. It's about the boy who's hypnotized a whole circle of onlookers with his insane beautiful liquids and is so entranced himself that he hasn't even noticed his audience. It's about the DJ who's world has become his little place behind the scene where he's spinning out rhythms and the turntables have become an extension of his soul, his greatest love, his sense of purpose.
Raving is about hitting that first stage of exhaustion after hours of hard dancing and surging adreneline, and stumbling to the chill out room and finding a little niche to sprawl out with someone you love and rub eachother's shoulders and let empathy and love for him or her fill your heart to bursting.
Raving is about getting your second wind and tugging the person up again to rush back out and join the crowd again.
Raving is about helping out the kid who's sick in the bathroom, finding them some sugar to help them come down a bit, tying back loose hair and fanning them with a flyer, telling them they'll be fine.
Raving is about seeing that kid hours later, all recovered and happy and flashing you a secret smile of thanks as you pass by.
Raving is about the flash of regret as you realize the crowd has thinned and you've nearly pushed yourself to your physical limitations and that outside the sun is probably lighting up the eastern horizon.
Raving is about sleeping peacefully on the ride home, cheek to the shoulder of a loved one.
Raving could also be about being too cracked out to sleep still, so instead you get home wired and boot up the computer and write a huge long-ass party report to Bluelight.
Raving is about that next day of recovery, achey and zombie-brained and full of crazy bright memories.
Raving is about doing it all over again next weekend.
"Find what you love. Love what you find."
~*~ Ashke ~*~
[This message has been edited by Ashke (edited 07 January 2000).]
Holy shit Ashke! You are a fucking genious!!
I had chills the entire time I was reading your post! There are no other words that can describe a rave than those.
I almost got a tear (yes, I am a guy) reading that and remembering the feelings and love. WOW!!
Great post, if you didnt gather yet, I LOVED IT!
ahhh, plur (so soft and warm)
hooray ashke! you've done it again!
thats about to be printed out and hung on my wall =D
ashke, ashke, ashke, d'ya know what? that kicked so much ass i can't believe it. oh me. oh my. but seriously, that was fu**ing amazing...that is absolutely being saved on my computer, and printed out, because it, well, it plain and simple kicks ass...man...i haven't been partying in sooooo long...however, after a long long break, tomorrow (saturday), it's party time...where i live (near toronto, canada), i really am not sure what the scene is like around here these days...because i haven't been to a party for so long...however, reading what you posted made me remember the scene that i totally loved, and that i hope is still going on around here, and if it's not fully going on like that, i sure damn well hope that it comes back like that soon...well, to ashke, who KICKS ASS...and to all the ravers who KICK ASS...and to all bluelighters who KICK ASS...you're all the absolutely in-freakin'-credibely best...happy raving to all.
P e a c e
L o v e
U n i t y
R e s p e c t
ummmmm.....I don't really think there is anything to add after everybody and "Ashke the incredibles" visualistic post summed it up most beautifully.
That brought tears to my eyes, especially the part about riding to the rave in the "teeny" car
Now thats "real raver love"...lol...
. Keep the positivity flowing everyone.
Ashke- I can't help but love you. Your post is as usual incredible.
Raving for me is that overwhelming sense of unity you get when dancing through the crowds, sharing a simle, a hug..... looking up and seeing everyone doing the same dance .... feeling love, even for just a moment, for a total stranger, and someone you know you'll see again.... sooner or later...
raving is about children taking illegal drugs
the plur wouldn't be there without the drugs
one day the cloud in your head will clear and you'll see the scene for what it really is
get over yourselves
...I thought we were all here to get away from reality...

Shit, I bet somebody already came up with that joke.
BTW, raving is about each and every one of those things...it all depends on the darkenend corner in which you look. For me, raving is all about dryer sheets and corndogs; raving is an itchy place you can never quite reach...and that new car smell; raving is strip mining and out of control grease fires; raving is just one word...and that word is release. Don't fool yourself into thinking raving is a lifestyle...it's only a pressure valve, correction--only should be a pressure valve.
...let the dissenting opinions unite and attack...

I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
[This message has been edited by Mr. Sticky (edited 09 January 2000).]
haven't I just proved you can't get away from reality?
[This message has been edited by reality (edited 09 January 2000).]
Dood, I got a bong and a choice of 4 billion porno sites on the 'net...I can ALWAYS get away from reality

I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
alright, I think reality has a little too much time on his hands... what would a person like that be doing on a board like this....
gee, I know that is words of clarity and wisdom have made me realize the error of my ways... don't you all agree?
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
Oh wow
everyone else has given a greeeaaaattt definition of raving.
So i guess this is all I can add...
Raving for me is an escape from my sad, boring, starbucks drinking life!
kick out the gloom!
kick out the blues!
tear out the pages with all the bad news
pull down the mirrors and pull the walls
Its a perfect day to throw back your head and kiss it all goodbye!
Not everyone who takes e goes to raves
Under 18's shouldn't be exposed to drugs. It's not necessary
I hate the way ravers think raves are the means to a united world.
Raves are parties and that's all. Not an answer to world peace.
Just admit that it's all about the drugs.