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Misc What is more difficult to quit (FOR GOOD) Weed or Kratom?


Apr 19, 2019
Neither weed or Kratom daily habit will leave you broke, nor will make you steal your friends and family, neither they will give you any health injuries or damages.

I think because of this both of this substances are very tricky and sneaky to quit...

Luckily weed was never my DOC so I don't have a problem with that one, but I've heard it's kind of the same: it can keep getting you high consistently for years (although less and less through time), no money problems, no health problems. so people don't have much motivation to stop.

I feel that with this substances the damages are more subtlety long term, in terms of heavily stagnating your development, personal and career wise
If it' s pure plant material....without any adding chem.ingredients-Kratom....cause he has opioid action amongst others.After six months using daily Kratom got a week very unpleasant withdrawl.smoke plant decades with pauses years and never ever felt any withdrawl from weed except some minor sleep problems...even psychologically kratom is far more addictive than weed for me personally
heavily stagnating your development, personal and career wise
What's your point? ;)

All drugs have a risk/benefit ratio. One thing that is often not added to the "plus column" is if you enjoy something. Does it relax you? Is it fun?

Pot addiction is funny. Not everyone really gets the same level of withdrawal, by far. It can change as your relationship with pot changes as well. I never had any withdrawal after three days my entire life until I used pot for chronic pain for a few years in my early 40's. Quiting was very hard that time, and not just the pain thing. I had changed my relationship with the drug.
If one thinks weed doesn't have withdrawals both psychological and physical then he thinks in terms of "it is how it affects me". I had serious withdrawal from weed in my teens. Also I don't like this separation psychological vs physical. Everything is psychosomatic and if you are anxious and having panic attacs you will have lots of "physical symptoms" like sweating, palpitations, shortness of breath, pain, maybe even fever.

But to answer OPs question - for me weed was harder to quit cause it was involved in many areas of my daily functioning. I smoked 6-8 times throughout a day and only time I almost used heroin was when I wasn't able to get weed the whole day.

Kratom on the other hand had much pronounced typical opioid withdrawal with a bit of stimulant comedown elements thrown into the mix. But after day 3 I was better all-round than after day 3 of no weed.

And this is a very important factor:
I had changed my relationship with the drug.

Many young opioid users are not even aware of their first or second withdrawal. They think it has to be a flue or some kind of stomach virus. That tells volumes how ones attitude can change perception of the withdrawal.

Take care man and have fun! 🙂
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I am not convinced in any way,that,if person smokes irregularly plain weed or hash would achieved some level of addiction comparable with this of kratom.He may suffer some psychological addiction like from tobaco....never met in my life person addicted to weed.....at least at my geographical area....but that is a lot of real addictions associated with herbal mixes like spice&simmilar...'cause u even don't know what is in there....and yes there is possibility to buy some laced weed...never ever seen any scientific document or study,that can make me think,that weed is more physically addictive,than kratom....talk about typical withdrawn signs ,not cravings or just"i wanna smoke 'cause feel anxious,irritable or got sleep problems....but sure yes is probably some people to experience some kinda withdrawl quitting herb.different people,different organism,some other health or mental conditions play also a role.....everythin's possible
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What's your point? ;)

All drugs have a risk/benefit ratio. One thing that is often not added to the "plus column" is if you enjoy something. Does it relax you? Is it fun?
I mean that the fact that having an easy, guaranteed high each day might make you very lazy / unmotivated to produce more sustainable/ess dependent on a chemical ways to produce that high on your own. One you quit the drug then you are probably at the same point where you started...

At long term the drug does not give you more high, but rather less and less, with less duration and less intensity, but the withdrawal and physical dependence is greater and greater.

First year (and even the second year) of my Kratom use was really fun, nowdays it's a chemical slavery where if I don't do it I can't work, go anywhere, do anything, but the high it's almost non existent.

Still when I quit of course you remember that now that one has no tolerance if I would take some it would hit me as a truck. And so it goes the cycle...
Neither weed or Kratom daily habit will leave you broke, nor will make you steal your friends and family, neither they will give you any health injuries or damages.

I think because of this both of this substances are very tricky and sneaky to quit...

Luckily weed was never my DOC so I don't have a problem with that one, but I've heard it's kind of the same: it can keep getting you high consistently for years (although less and less through time), no money problems, no health problems. so people don't have much motivation to stop.

I feel that with this substances the damages are more subtlety long term, in terms of heavily stagnating your development, personal and career wise
I fully agree with your post... interesting points, indeed

I think both are very difficult, but I guess weed, being more mentally stimulating and kinda psychedelic enhancing (reality) was more difficult to quit (for me), specially DECIDING to quit, once I took the determination wasn't very difficult.. For me it was difficult to realize I was damaging my life, my will, my general mental and "spiritual" performance... I "lost" entire college years due to abusing weed, so fucking sad, I just didn't take it seriously anymore.

But... kratom it's the other way round, it's physically more addictive and you realize you're addicted to it, quite easily, but at the same time, it just feels good, like "just a bit" good... more or less consistently.
The mental drain/lack of performance it's not very strong, it just dulls everything, including short-term memory, vocabulary,... some stuff, but not like you start being an idiot, at least in LOW doses...
For me kratom have not affected too much my life, while weed, surely did. I got a lot of stuff done these last years, so it's better as a soma drug in that sense, cause it just numbs you, but keeps you somewhat productive. i would say it affects your mood, your emotional response, your drive... in subtle ways, that obviously make you less you, less real, more kratomized, but the same happen with weed daily use, just more noticeable

It's like weed is the soma drug for improductive people, and kratom it's the soma drug for kinda-productive people (in moderate/low doses)

I know.. there's people who dislike kratom and people who likes so much weed and feels so good for them that they don't get lazy and all but.. you know, YMMV.
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I mean that the fact that having an easy, guaranteed high each day might make you very lazy / unmotivated to produce more sustainable/ess dependent on a chemical ways to produce that high on your own. One you quit the drug then you are probably at the same point where you started...

At long term the drug does not give you more high, but rather less and less, with less duration and less intensity, but the withdrawal and physical dependence is greater and greater.

First year (and even the second year) of my Kratom use was really fun, nowdays it's a chemical slavery where if I don't do it I can't work, go anywhere, do anything, but the high it's almost non existent.

Still when I quit of course you remember that now that one has no tolerance if I would take some it would hit me as a truck. And so it goes the cycle...
You know, I'm right now 6 days out of kratom... I'm feeling somewhat ok..
no longer have the acutes (or almost unnoticeable) and the "withdrawal" was just a bunch of restlessness and horrible insomnia the first 3 days... I normally dose black seed oil, ashwagandha, mucuna pruriens... and whatever to make it more bearable (calamus, l-theanine...)

The thing with the kratom is that the PAWS are subtle, but they exist, some people says that there's no PAWS really, for those taking little (my dose is 7-12 gpd), but there's some kind of SNRI withdrawal to it, which seems pretty real, since I've felt hard derealization/depersonalization, sometimes during the second week, which normally didnt happen to me, before using kratom...

this shit, and some disturbing low-key constant anhedonia makes it much easier to relapse than weed, that's the only thing I would say kratom it's worse in terms of addiction, compared with weed.

Weed it's less insiduous, you really want to take it or you won't, specially if you're one of those (like me) that do suffer from sudden anxiety attacks when using it (it seems to happen to some people after some years of use).
I have used weed for years and recently started kratom. I found it very easy to get into a habit with kratom. I also found that it more rapidly interfered with my normal mental status than weed has.

I would say weed is the safer drug although kratom is safer than other opioids. However, i don't plan to quit weed ever, whereas i'm ready to stop using kratom. I am more psychologically attached to weed. Kratom on the other hand can be used at any time to enhance anything (except bowel function) which makes it tempting in a particular way.

It's a tie, maybe.
IMO those thinking that weed doesn't change their personality and behaviours are probably deluding themselves in a way, just saying
I started feeling like a different person once I quitted for months.

Probably I will feel the same (different) when not using kratom anymore daily, which I think will happen quite soon..., but at the same time,I feel like kratom has helped me more than baulk my development.

The worst part of kratom it's the fake content that causes, because you feel that everything it's "Ok" enough to keep going, even if you're being abused by a partner (for example). That fake content can surely numb/block one's personal development. That wouldn't happen with weed, because weed leads you to some deep realizations, even if sometimes it's just bullshit and crappy delusional reveries.
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more rapidly interfered with my normal mental status than weed has.
What do you mean by that?
honestly for me weed changes my mental state/status much more than kratom,
I'm generally a negative person (I guess adhd and being raised by a BPD it's the culprit), but with kratom I'm pretty positive about anything, but you know, I don't consider that a change in my "normal mental status", just a more positive mindset, something that rarely happens with weed. Maybe I can get much more introverted, tending to introspection, tending to creative ideas, with weed, that's what I consider a change in my mental status. I'm a different myself, weed it's a pretty conscious-bending drug, while kratom it's more like a emotional numbing agent + body high + medicinal benefit.
What do you mean by that?
honestly for me weed changes my mental state/status much more than kratom,
I'm generally a negative person (I guess adhd and being raised by a BPD it's the culprit), but with kratom I'm pretty positive about anything, but you know, I don't consider that a change in my "normal mental status", just a more positive mindset, something that rarely happens with weed. Maybe I can get much more introverted, tending to introspection, tending to creative ideas, with weed, that's what I consider a change in my mental status. I'm a different myself, weed it's a pretty conscious-bending drug, while kratom it's more like a emotional numbing agent + body high + medicinal benefit.

I mean kratom was effective at producing a change over time in my habits and justifications. It's about the relation to the drug rather than the acute effect.

The acute psychoactive effect is much more subtle and non-interfering than weed, i agree.
I have to take 12 caps of Kratom every 2 hours. I have a stack of suboxone in my bedside drawer for emergencies.
I have a drawer full of edibles that I barely touch.
The answer, for me, is abso-effing-kratom.
Weed always made me hallucinate like crazy. My brother smoked it for a year and was full blown schizo for two. We thought he would never come out of it but somehow he did. At one point i was just like man, you seem like you're back to normal, meds must be working. He let me know he hadnt taken them for 6 mos. Crazy. My friend is a phd shrink and she was like "oh yeah that happens sometimes with weed, should clear up in a year or two on its own." Annnnd it did...WTF?!

Been a 6 figure earner since i was 24, and have always done as many drugs i could get my hands on, aside from weed. I tend to scare the crap out of everyone I know who hasnt distanced thenselves. Dont really care about loss of potential that much, but having a severe drug habit means you dont get good at other hobbies or skills like you woukd if you were sober. That is lost time unfortunately.

I'd say they are probably about the same due to their seeming innocuous nature but would probably tip the scale for kratom slightly because if you do enough of it for long enough, the terror of withdrawal is sinilar to that of long term suboxone use.

The only drug ive found i cant close deals on is fentanyl beyond a threshold dose. That shit is so sleepy its a wonder anyone can do it and other things at the same time.
Weed for me cause weed was like crack for me since the moment I tried it, very psychologically addictive and somewhat physiologically addictive too. Kratom was more like opiates, more of a physical dependence which is really tough to break in its own way but once I get off kratom I was never tempted to go back whereas with weed I'd always end up back on it.
I mean that the fact that having an easy, guaranteed high each day might make you very lazy / unmotivated to produce more sustainable/ess dependent on a chemical ways to produce that high on your own. One you quit the drug then you are probably at the same point where you started...

At long term the drug does not give you more high, but rather less and less, with less duration and less intensity, but the withdrawal and physical dependence is greater and greater.

First year (and even the second year) of my Kratom use was really fun, nowdays it's a chemical slavery where if I don't do it I can't work, go anywhere, do anything, but the high it's almost non existent.

Still when I quit of course you remember that now that one has no tolerance if I would take some it would hit me as a truck. And so it goes the cycle...
Me too bro!!! I'm up to 10k kratom a day which is high but I've seen people go 25-30 so I'm good and I get nothing more than mood lifting effects now which are BARELY noticable .. But let me go 1 day not having morning dose or any dose all day and i feel like shit nauseous on edge anxiety.. I smoke HEAVY like a quarter of dank a day and everytime I take month T break... Smooth sailing no withdrawal nada..

So in short... Kratom is far more addicting, but nothing like real opioid WDs.. But for a week or so stopping Kratom you'll be REAL pissy at least IMO
its curious for me for real-how could be such question exist.idk waht u smokin in US or Canada......never had any problem to quit weed for long period without problems.drinkin kratom six moths only gave me very unpleasant withdrawl and is way more addictive than weed.this stuff in US are very strong......people smoke waxes....synth.canabinoids are very popular too.....smokin some medium grade ordinary non laced weed would not have some negative impact on urself
I would say for good weed because it is like second nature. I will be damn proud when I am sub free and never want to go back. Pot I never would want to leave so permanentt cessation seems implausible.
I have used weed for years and recently started kratom. I found it very easy to get into a habit with kratom. I also found that it more rapidly interfered with my normal mental status than weed has.

That's interesting it was complete opposite for me, weed tremendously interfered with my mental status whereas I was able to function fine on kratom. Looking back, kratom is one of the substances I feel did the least harm to me. I didn't really even find it addictive until I used it to get off opiates. Then I kept taking it to avoid that last bit of opiate withdrawal and that went on for a few years of daily use. When I finally stopped, I had 40 days of PAWs and that was it. I feel like I got off incredibly easy in comparison to what other substnaces, including weed have done to my life.