What have you learnt in the last year?

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I've learned...
1. Most people will treat you with the same respect you treat them, although some do not. It is these unfortunate souls that need a big collective hug - for they are the ones who feel that they have been done wrong.
2. Not to sweat the small things, and they're all small things.
3. Nothing is more beautiful and innocent than the eyes of an infant.
4. There is nothing more important than the struggle of coming to understand and love oneself.
5. Most people are reluctant to break trust, and if there is no trust, there is none to break.
Dakeva, VERY nice list.
This past year has been a great learning experience for me. I've dealt with a lot of things that have either taught me a lesson, or shown me to learn from others mistakes. I'll try to highlight a few major points that I can think of at the moment (I'm sick. Damn medications have my head all cloudy.)
»Trust must be earned, not just handed out.
»It only takes one wrong decision to destroy all the hard work that has been put into something.
»You can't truly love someone until you learn to love yourself.
»Dreams can come true, but they don't just happen overnight.. It takes time, planning, hard work and disipline.
»Nobody knows better than mom and dad.
»Life isn't a race. It's better to work slowly towards your goals than try to race through life and end up leaving all your projects and tasks half completed.
»Honesty, self-love and compassion will bring happiness.
»Trust your instincts. But always remain cautious.
»Be independant. It's ok to have people around for help and support, but you must be able to work on your own to be strong.
»It's ok to assume things, but don't mistake an assumption for the presence of facts. Facts tell the truth. Assumptions can be right or wrong.
»Never forget your true friends. Some come and go, some will use you for all you've got. It's the true friends who are there through thick and thin that you've got to hold onto and give them back eveything they deserve.
»A "Thank you" can go a long way.
»Take advice with an open mind.
»Learn to say "No" when needed.
»Actions speak louder than words.
[ 20 December 2002: Message edited by: ShaDDoW ]
-Even after 3 years and breaking an engagement you can still love the person as a person
-I learned that I have a soul mate
-I learned it is tough to make it on my own
-I learned what true love is
-I learned the importance of family
-I learned that honesty conquers all and deceit only leads to failure and pain
-I learned that people can be extremely evil
-I learned that I love pepsi blue
-I learned how much i have to love
-I learned that life is not a cake walk
-I learned that laziness gets you no where
-I learned who my true friends are
-I learned how special and loved and talented I'm and that i have no reason to be down.
-I have learned more about my relationship with God
-I have learned that life is in actuality what you make of it. Preceive and be.
WHOOOO i have learned a LOT here are some excerpts:
- Going back to school is tough, but FUN
- Always take the opportunity to go somewhere other than where you live if you have time and money
- NEVER EVER take a relationship beyond friendship if you haven't talked about that with the person first
- Don't date professional athletes
- Smiling is fun, even when there isn't a reason to do it
- My parents will NEVER understand me
- God works in my life all the time, even when I am not paying attention.
- I have to love me before others will.
- I don't have to do HUGE thing to make a difference in the world... the little things count just as much.
- I will never go to a club that makes a point out of objectifying women to the point that no one is dancing... just looking at the girls. yuk
- Nature is my drug.
- Music is my drug.
- Interactions with others is my drug.
- I love my drugs.
- Watch out for pretty boys with angel eyes :p
Nothing in the world gives you an excuse to give up one of your dreams. Even if you have to rewrite some of the fine print, tweak some details, or even change the face of it, that dream should never be allowed to die. Else why would we get to spend our whole lives reliving our childhood.
ive learnt everything, im at a wonderful stage in my life where everything has meaning, and im discovering truths behind many things in the world
ive learnt..the majority of what wendisoul stated hey, especially about loving yourself before others can love you
definitely the part about music being a, if not the best, drug :p
I didn't even fall in love but I think I learned:
- Every moment of life should be treasured. It is finite and your conciosness will be gone, if you can really live life with passion you are made. This is also one of the hardest things to do.
- Falling in love will do the above, make every moment intense.
- Unrequited love is a possibility, and one of the worst possibilities in the world. But it may be good for your productivity (if you allow it to be)
- Requited love would be amazing
- Some emotions have no respect for your ability to reason beyond them ;)
- Flirting requires mystery, and a certain amount of canniness, laying everything out on the table early on is stupid
- You should always try and give your mind something productive to do/fall back on
- My friends contribute more to my happiness than any other single factor these days.
- TV is the biggest waste of time of all (with exceptions)
- Always be honest about who you are. You have no chance of self-confidence if you do not do this.
- Being a stoner is a helluva a lot of fun but costs a lot of money
[ 22 December 2002: Message edited by: Setarcos ]
That I am the person that tends to make plans for everything, and get somewhat anal if these plans aren't the ones that are chosen, and that my friends and family have learned this--and it really freaks them out and confuses them when I decide that I don't want to live everything by such structuring anymore.
Also, the beginnings of any romantic relationship work so much better for me when I am able to put aside the thought that there might be some future there, and just treat the person as my friend.
hmm was this post hard to reply to for anyone else? lol.
- Things always work out.
- Me and my mom have really developed a great relationship.
- I trust and go out of my way for people way too much. This is something that'll stop next year for damn sure.
- Give people a chance, regardless of what their reputation is.
- Be nice.
(just thought of something else as I reviewed this post as I get ready to leave)
- I have learned that simply realizing your faults will not make them disappear. In order to change something about yourself, you have to make a consistent conscience effort to make it happen. I know this is easier said than done.
[ 24 December 2002: Message edited by: Beagle ]
I finally realized that problems will not go away till you deal with them. took me 19 years to figure that shit out. amazing.
What have I learned? Don't be selfish!! Not everything revolves around me-although I am a caring and compassionate person I have fault areas. My friends have pointed this out to me and I have made noticable changes for it. Exp: don't expect friends to pay for me-pay for them and do it evenly.
If something happens in me life that I didn't like accept it and go on. Don't blame it on others or else I will be unhappy. If I am not happy with myself do things to make myself happy.Everything happens for a reason. Try to find pleasure in all that I do :) :)
never look in the mirror while on an acid trip, u will have self esteem issues 4 weeks
If you open a door and see things spinning around in there Close it fast and run ;)
I have learned that my boss can lip read at a distance of 30 meters!
-bad things can happen to me, i am not immortal
-love can be where you least expect it
-true friendship will never die
-my parents love isn't as true as i though
Know who your true friends are and remember they were there before the trendies arrived.
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