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⭐️ Social ⭐️ What have been your most memorable experiences with drugs?

Sounds so cool, unless it's like the film interstellar where he's stuck in the timelines and he wasn't even on drugs
Oh boy, how it is. Also I love watching sci-fi while on dissociatives, actually saw interstellar on DCK and prometheus, alien etc. It's a bit like actually experiencing the movie but there's no fear, just adrenaline. Dissociatives can selectively block negative emotions, they're too good in that, made me trust people I should never have had in my life and similar shit but they also made me a somehow better person I think.

I told her never do DMT I told her my beliefs, yet she done it and she's more insane than ever, she was a nasty person though, she had a lovely side but a real evil streak hence why after 10 years of being her friend I had to cut her out of my life
Would say it is more important to be at peace and honest with yourself when entering psychedelia than not to have any unresolved traumata. Drugs can and will bring stuff up but when you're lovely to yourself you'll understand and let it go. A girl with whom I did MXE told me stuff she didn't even consciously know herself. Unfortunately I wasn't ready for and couldn't guide her but it also didn't cause lasting impact. I see good therapeutic potential to solve traumata in dissociatives, because they. well, dissociate you so you see the stuff neutrally as a 3rd person instead of triggering the old emotions. Problem is that they heavily impair memory, specially long term ones. Never did disso + DMT yet but this is definitely on the menu. Never read anything bad about this combo (or with LSD/shrooms), just that it'll be the ride of your lifetime but not negatively so. Fourth plateau DXM, synthetic cannabinoids or delirants are much more dangerous.

I'd love to hear more from people who had bad experiences with DMT, or other strong psychedelics though to get an impression of what's possible. Knowing about schizophrenia and the mind helped me out of psychosis without meds which didn't work anyways..

Guess she'd need to be ready to face that evil side, and integrate stuff.. a guy got homophobic emotions while on DCK with me (I'm not gay either and never touched him or whatever but he seemed to have something hidden. He liked me much before, maybe too much, I dunno. Then he saw devil, and I felt his emotions (was sitting some meters away - telepathia is real, they even scientifically prove it recently in the Netherlands with shrooms. Had some very lovely connections while on DCK or MXE, and it was enough that I was on it and the other person just open - my ex gf felt the same mystery mindset I had once and she didn't even know that I was on something.. One friend (female) told me she had to fight not to want to have sex with me (she had a history as prostitute and being unable to trust men was a big topic for her).. sadly half of the people was scared off me afterwards. Even that pretty drug-experienced homophobic guy but guess he only did heroin and cocaine/crack, no trippy stuff..

I really learned not to take things too seriously from drugs. When you let go, the universe is on your side.
I get enough of that from my anxiety, eurgh
Me too, believe me. I have/had severe social anxiety to the point of being unable to function / work / make friends, all the everyday stuff. I'm still a loner and will remain somebody who needs much space but dissociatives do something pretty unique, they detach and attach you at the same time. NMDAr's mediate somehow negative emotions, but unfortunately these are necessary for to be able to protect yourself from bad stuff ... everything has its sense in biology. But in the short term, nothing brings such relief as dissociatives and lets you still function - opiates come close in terms of anxiolysis but they aren't therapeutic or sustainable while I'm sure you could get much benefits out of certain dissos like DCK or, rest in peace, MXE. They use now K for resistant depression but that mechanism seems to be unrelated to depression - while the dissociation itself can be very therapeutic, imo ibogaine which is outstanding in its ability to cure addictions and traumata uses this to the max by somehow combining dissociation, psychedelis and some more. Unfortunately its cardiotoxic and I have a weak heart / tachycardia so I can't use it for now.. took once 0.5g of rootbark and it was just weird, but I had also a sky high tolerance to dissociatives at that point.

It's an unique feeling to experience adrenaline without any fear when you've been suffering from anxiety for your life. That itself brings surges of euphoria and chills. It's addictive too. The hard point is to take stuff over into sober life instead of becoming addicted.

That's so strange and interesting
Yeah, for sure!
Me too, believe me. I have/had severe social anxiety to the point of being unable to function / work / make friends, all the everyday stuff. I'm still a loner and will remain somebody who needs much space but dissociatives do something pretty unique, they detach and attach you at the same time

I couldn't agree more, I stay in my flat most of the time, I have one good friend but because of my on off depression and anxiety we can't meet up as much as we'd like, she has mental heath problems too, so half the time we meet up we did K, but after being conned and ripped off, sold crap and fuck knows what "ketamine" I'm not sure we'll meet as much, especially when I come off benzos

They use now K for resistant depression

Not in the UK they don't, it almost was allowed NHS saud yes N.I.C.E said no it's it's to expensive and the potential for addiction etc

ibogaine which is outstanding in its ability to cure addictions

So I hear but its expensive and not sure if its a thing we can get in the UK
This. It became so normal for me to see the world and universe this new way that I don't really think much about but yeah it changed me fundamentally too. Somehow I agree to that the world might be a better place if more people would do psychedelics just once at least.

Unfortunately not everyone has this experience. Narcissists and sociopaths, for example, tend to become even more convinced of their greatness and enter messianic complexes. Others who are unable to let go or who require a tight level of perceived control over themselves experience terrifying experiences that often leave them jarred and feeling damaged. Certainly if everyone could experience the sort of peak experience that we and many others have, it would be a good thing for the world. I don't think psychedelics are for everyone, though.

I do think that many people who experiences traumatic experiences on psychedelics could have experienced profound and positive experiences had they had a proper set and setting and someone helping them through it. So often people have others around them who end up making a frightening experience much worse, even if they didn't mean to.

I think that's why I have bad trips, I'm leaving it alone, I might try shrooms as had it a couple times mild dose but my ex ruined it and gave me a bad trip asking me what's wrong when I was coming up, that anxiety on the come up,it to hard to get past so what a stupid question to ask someone on shrooms as then I questioned "hmmmm what is wrong, and took 50mg vallies and aborted the trip

Mushrooms are actually more difficult than LSD, for me anyway. Much more emotionally volatile and intense.

Psychedelics make you pay at the beginning, as opposed to most drugs which you pay afterwards (with hangover, depletion, crash, etc). The thing to always remember with psychedelics is that, especially when you're inexperienced, the come-up is going to be challenging. Almost all of my early trips involved a period of time of being terrified and thinking "why did I do this to myself?? I'm poisoned! I've broken my mind!" and that sort of thing. You just have to remind yourself that that was expected, and that once you transition fully into the experience, as long as you didn't give in to the fear, it will fall away and the experience will become beautiful. if you DO give in to the fear, it can stick with you for the whole trip.

I'd love that but the only time I'm going to experience DMT is when I release it naturally when I die, as you must know, we release it when we are born and when we die, other than that, I'm not touching it, it sent my ex best friend insane, the entity's told her not to come back she came back and they was horrible to her, told her she's going to die alone, she's now lost the plot she was doing other drugs too and has BPD and Bipolar, but that sent her over the edge, imagine spending the rest of your life thinking you're going to die alone, fuck that shit I'd rather not know

Just wanted to po9int out that this is an unproven theory of which there has been no evidence. It waspostulated by Strassman in DMT: The Spirit Molecule and since then has been repeated as fact by nearly everyone. His theory (which he states is a theory and not fact) is that DMT is released in a flood when we die. he doesn't even mention anything about when we're born, but that has become part of the mythology. The reason for his theory is sound, it is because DMT has been detected in trace amounts in cerebralspinal fluid. It is closely related to other endogenous neurotransmitters like melatonin and serotonin, and I believe it must be used as a neurotransmitter and has something to do with cognition, either that or it is a metabolic byproduct but since it is such a powerful consciousness altering agent I believe it very likely it does have an effect on our consciousness in the brain in the amounts that it is naturally present in.

It may indeed that DMT is released in a flood when we die, but I just like to point out that it is NOT a fact, as there has been no evidence found of this, and the entirety of the idea comes from Strassman's book. I have never heard of anyone's report of coming back from dying to be similar to a DMT trip. DMT makes everything into colorful geometric patterns and produces an immersion into a place where everything feels interconnected and driven by a controlling web of energy. People who die and come back report various experiences but they almost always include a tunnel and white light, and sometimes involve meeting with dead relatives and such. I've never read a report of someone saying what sounded to me like a DMT trip.
Unfortunately not everyone has this experience. Narcissists and sociopaths, for example, tend to become even more convinced of their greatness and enter messianic complexes. Others who are unable to let go or who require a tight level of perceived control over themselves experience terrifying experiences that often leave them jarred and feeling damaged. Certainly if everyone could experience the sort of peak experience that we and many others have, it would be a good thing for the world. I don't think psychedelics are for everyone, though.
That's a point, a sad one, specially about narcists/sociopaths because I think they are among the most dangerous humans and those which really should spend time in jail instead in mighty positions but somebody without that emotional operating system I and maybe we'd see as 'normal' and the more naive people (including myself, whilst on dissociatives, also sadly because I lost a fuckton of money and trust) believe all/most to have - they won't fight with police, make silly mistakes which lead to arrest, etc.. the justice system is horribly flawed but I never spent intime so maybe I'd change my mind like I did a bit in/after drug rehab..

One trippy thought is that maybe the aliens are already here and have always been - that there exist different kinds of souls in similar bodies like we have different races of dogs etc. some of which have very different character than others but that's physical genetics, now just apply this to the concept of immortal souls and multiverse.

Maybe I extrapolate from the thing that drugs can change fundamental beliefs, like I was atheist before and somehow still are but I began to believe in nature, multiverse, souls 'n stuff. Even the only lower-ish dosed LSD trip I had was simply beautiful. How the usual 3D vision becomes 4 or 5-dimensional is neither explainable nor drawable. Some people do an amazing job in recreating visuals though with the aid of technology, on youtube are some. I dunno, decades ago people thought that with just enough calculation power computers would eventually become conscious but I don't buy that. It's just like comparing meat and apples. Consciousness is something fundamentally unique, and as I believe in science - just for me science and spirituality don't have to be oppositive as less as natural and chemical medicine would need to have. People chronically fail to see pictures which are bigger than themselves and instead put some men watching out from the sky counting our sins above them. Yah, I'm not against religion, indeed I would love to believe in an intelligent power and sense behind everything but I can't. I just think that everything which is possible will eventually become reality, here on in one of the other infinite realities and possibly, if we don't destroy ourselves before and would put science over money, some day find a technological way to cross realities while still locked in our meat units. Or a way to decouple consciousness from the decaying biology. Somehow this is what I believe to be the sense of life. Not suffering and little shit. It's all a big game and nature's waiting for those crossing to the next level - and possibly there are some which already did, maybe the universe is just the n-th iteration and there'll be a chance for everyone of us.

What's weird about this is that if souls are immortal, are they limited or are we/some of us/etc divided from some oneness? Yeah, weird stuff. But I found my peace with it, indeed it gives me energy to continue when I was suicidal at some points because of material and interpersonal shit. Which maybe is nothing more than an illusion. If death is just a transformation then the survival in this world wouldn't count as much because if we lose there's just the next iteration, maybe it's here for us to learn to control ourselves before we get more power..

I do think that many people who experiences traumatic experiences on psychedelics could have experienced profound and positive experiences had they had a proper set and setting and someone helping them through it. So often people have others around them who end up making a frightening experience much worse, even if they didn't mean to.
Dissociatives might have enormous healing potential for (post)traumatic illness - maybe even, or even more when combined with a psychedelic, I guess this should make a fearless ego death possible but it's really just a thought, I didn't find the braveness yet to do DMT but more so because it's illegal and stigmatized and I don't have friends which were into this than I'd fear - before dissociatives I was a control freak, shrooms brought me terror and hell on earth because I couldn't let go but whyever I could let it be just a bad trip, whyever some catch lasting impact and others not. Somehow I believe marijuana to be a relevant factor, it's so common to smoke while on psychecelics and THC has at least in me the ability to panic, even while on dissociatives, while low dose DXM (suboptimal, I'd recommend e.g. deschloroketamine, my favourite because it has such boundless loving energy - or MXE, the oriental queen) probably greatly facilitated the LSD experience - it wasn't optimal either, with a couple I only met the day before, had phoned once or twice with her but that's not enough for me to trust but at no point was I afraid and this when I have a deep trauma from school bullying and always tend to be wary off people. I'd say this trip ceased at l;east 1/3 of social anxiety, lasting. What doesn't last unfortunately is the antidepressant effect and I blame prolonged SSRI use for that, maybe too because I abused the hell out of low-dose DXM + venlafaxine, making me hypomanic again and again and again. This can't be healthy.

That said, after my 3 year disso binge I believed to have fried my brain - as you say, and because of the illegal status and desinformation etc, people are quick to believe that - in said adolescence shroom terror, and my first salvia overdose too I thought shit I fried myself but that never happened while on dissociatives. DCK tops any benzo in terms of anxiolysis in me. Oh, fried brain. Now the last days I took pramipexole + prolintan + testosteron (low levels from morphine + high prolactin from SSRIs I guess) and whoosh all the brain fog and concentration issues and hypersomnia, fatigue, negative outlook are gone. Nothing fried. Which of course shouldn't be a free ticket to abuse dissos, they aren't here for escapism but as catalysts and tools.

Mushrooms are actually more difficult than LSD, for me anyway. Much more emotionally volatile and intense.
For sure. How would you compare with DMT? As it's the endogen one, and the only one (?) which really catapults you in other dimensions - at least that book about a doc who did some clinical experiments with DMT here in Mexico, he mentions that and that the majority of subjects experienced it as more real as this everyday reality which in some sense is true, we experience just a projection of something with something we don't understand yet and maybe never will if we continue as we do as the society as a whole but that's another topic. I find it remarkable how in politics and society besides nuclear war usually the worst possible scenario becomes reality in one or another way, that at the same time the probability for our universe to exist is so very very tiny, a complete opposite, which again brings me to the multiverse. It's interesting to see serious scientists think about such stuff but maybe they'd progress faster if psychedelics become more accepted and nanotechnology advances.

Psychedelics make you pay at the beginning, as opposed to most drugs which you pay afterwards (with hangover, depletion, crash, etc).
Interesting that even you as somebody who I'd think is very experienced with psydelics, gets this come-up anxiety. Yet with some dissociative it's completely gone. Somehow I don't believe that there's always the same price to pay as we get out of a drug but it's an art of itself to find the way to achieve that.

DMT makes everything into colorful geometric patterns and produces an immersion into a place where everything feels interconnected and driven by a controlling web of energy. People who die and come back report various experiences but they almost always include a tunnel and white light, and sometimes involve meeting with dead relatives and such. I've never read a report of someone saying what sounded to me like a DMT trip.
That's a point.
The difference is that people tripping on DMT have a hypervigilant brain which is much more connected than usually and thus will interpret the hell out of whatever input comes while real near-death experiences usually involve, well, to be almost or really dead during the experience. Thus the brain not interfering and coming up with fractals. Somehow I think these elves might be our own brain or consciousness, we aren't one but many in some sense - I experience decision making while high sometimes like if I was a board of politicians debating about the matter. This might be one explanation for why acoustic hallucinations (hearing voices) not always just shout at you but on DCK I could talk with them - just it became somewhat boring and annoying because they never come up with new stuff - and then began to disappear, I don't know if it was the psychological work inside myself or the LSD and abstinence which made them mostly disappaear. What I can tell for sure is that drugs, specially psydelics, not neccessarily need to be contraindicated in people with mental problems, set & setting is more important imho but unfortunately it seems to be a reality that some people remain stuck on trip - once I thought this to be the result of excessive fighting against the effects but I really have no clue. I'd be very interested in hearing more about the individual experiences from people who got lasting negative impact, just to get an idea of what can happen, and maybe my brain would come up with new crazy explanations.

Do you think/believe that it's all just in our mind and everything eventually explainable with chemistry and we nothing more than super advanced carbon based robots or that souls or whatever exist?
Sorry, English isn't my native tongue, probably pretty rough to understand..
The thing to always remember with psychedelics is that, especially when you're inexperienced, the come-up is going to be challenging. Almost all of my early trips involved a period of time of being terrified and thinking "why did I do this to myself??

Yes exactly this

You just have to remind yourself that that was expected, and that once you transition fully into the experience, as long as you didn't give in to the fear, it will fall away and the experience will become beautiful. if you DO give in to the fear, it can stick with you for the whole trip

Wise words thankyou

That was a interesting read too, I think my ex mate said she went into space, through galaxy's and stuff but maybe that was on acid I can't remember and I also have heard when we die we all become stars again because we come from stars, we are all made of stardust

I think people who come back from the dead, or near death experience see different things depending on what they believe in, they might see God and the golden gates if they are religious and stuff, but maybe people who are spiritual see beautiful DMT type patterns, or space and galaxys, who knows really till we die

I also think we need DMT when we die to guide us and help us cross over to the other side, where ever that may be, the stars, the after life, being reborn, who know, but I believe we are reborn again and again in to different people, and if you are good in this life you are reborn into a good life next time but if not then it will be the opposite
Others who are unable to let go or who require a tight level of perceived control over themselves experience terrifying experiences that often leave them jarred and feeling damaged

What does a tight level of perceived control over themselves mean?

I do think that many people who experiences traumatic experiences on psychedelics could have experienced profound and positive experiences had they had a proper set and setting and someone helping them through it.

There's retreats you can go to that help you get over past trauma, I'd like to do that maybe then I won't be mentally ill

But what I'd like even better is to be in the right set and setting and have someone help me get over the anxiety on the come up, and be less frightened so I can let go of the fear and then enjoy the trip

I'm also worried to take acid incase the reason I've had bad trips, or it's not worked is because I'm not meant to take it, I have only liked it once, but I took small bits of benzo on the come up, so all I did was get all giggly

I did feel fucking rough the next day like I'd done a fuck load of uppers and was hungover at same time lol, it really drained me, even though I only got the giggles, but I had my friend on the phone to talk to while on that acid tab and he took my mind off being as scared that I'd have a bad trip, I must admit it was fun, I was just gutted I didn't get the visuals or get blasted into space and float around galaxy's or something

In the end I thought, fine I'm happy to stick to K, then the K got shit so now I have no treats, I need to find a new fun lol
One of the first times with codeine I did two bottles of cough syrup and was nodding in and out of dreamy state. I've never managed to get into that same dreamy state again. :(
- Visiting my best friend and taking the best/strongest LSD I've ever had in my life. Watching the sunset while I was peaking, it was breathtaking. The CEVs rivaled DMT, actually even better because it was a more manageable headspace. Watched UFOs and the clouds open up in a vortex in the night sky. Just an overall amazing experience and blew every previous psychedelic experience I've ever had out of the water. It was a bonding experience with my long time friend. Definitely #1 and the reason LSD is my favorite drug.

- The first time I got high on heroin, hard to forget that, less meaningful but just as memorable

- My first truly good roll on MDMA, but unfortunately the setting was pretty bad so I think it could have been a lot better

- and can't forget my first DMT breakthrough, but it's over so quickly

sorry thats 4
Hawkwind gig

Hawkwind ah man, I loved their space ritual album since I was a teenager, then they was coming to my town about 15 years after I liked them, doors opened at 7pm so me and my ex mate thought they started at 7pm, nope, some shitty support band, so only one thing for it go sniff more K, then more, this was back when K worked on me, by the time Hawkwind came on I was no longer in the room, I thought I was at another club we used to go to, when I opened my eyes my ex mate had me held up, I missed most of it and my friend said "shall we just leave and go to mine as if you saw what's on stage you'll freak out it's a good job you K he'd as they're are scary" lol, still gutted to this day my only chance to see them and I K holed just before they came on as remember the support band had finished, dammit lol, yours sounds like a fucking wicked night
MxE + mdma at a music fest was my best.

Same when I was alone in a MXE mdma hole in bed.

My drugs of choice are downers like opioids but psychedelics and stimulants seem to have given the most memorable and cherished experiences.
Different.In me forlife.All with psychedelicks only
The first time I every got inebriated at age 14 from drinking cooking sherry and lemonade before a school function. I remember all my anxiety just disappearing for the first time.

The first time I took speed which was also the first time I injected it at age 17. I remember a tsunami of euphoria and a sense that my mind was now functioning correctly for the first time in my life when it seemed a whole bunch of dormant and disconnected parts of my mind lit up and came online.

Last week when I tripped with someone for their first time after we’d both separately already been smoking meth for hours. Despite only knowing this person a few hours and despite the fact they spoke next to no English and me none of their language at all the room we were in lit up like heaven for both of us and the deepest sense of love, care and connection flowed out of us to absolutely fill the room for hours. Never before had I LITERALLY believed that another human being and me were two halves of the same whole. Straight out of Plato* but with added visuals and time distortion.

* https://theconversation.com/what-plato-can-teach-you-about-finding-a-soulmate-72715
The early days of coke abuse
The first time XTC
The first time LSD
The first time nr 4 heroin
A Crystal Meth / nr 4 h combo
Some coke/nr 3 heroin combo's
Walking around high as hell with my headphones on, on tramadol in my early 20's.

Then walking around high as hell on heroin with headphones on in my later 20's.
Lots of music I dug through all those days on tramadol & heroin. Over a decade of nodding & crazy music.

I also have some fond memories with friends on shrooms.
Lots of methed out sex adventures with hot men in the cities.

I also have a beautiful memory at a lake with my mom just several years ago. I was on the comedown from a beautiful DXM trip & we just stood there by the lake in the dark & fog & watched the wind & dark clouds roll in. Was a peaceful moment with my mom.

I have too many drug memories to name only a few though. lol
There use to be a water tower surrounded by tress in the last town I lived in, up on this really small hill.
Me & my best friend use to go up there at night and smoke bowls.

Well one night we were sitting there smoking & I was watching my friend talk & behind her in the bushes, out comes this guy & he seems to be keeping pace toward us.
I was like WTF & just stood up took off walking fast paced the opposite direction. My friend must have looked cause she noticed too & was right behind me.

Except the guy didn't keep coming forward, instead he went back into the bushes & we had to walk back down this gravel road to get back to our apt building.
There was a small fence (like waist high) separating the road from a field next to us & we could see the dude walking along aside us in the field back down the hill.

He never once said anything & I shudder to think what would have happened if we had not gotten up & started walking away from him really fast. No clue what he was up to.

Not my favorite memory, but a memory (with one of my favorite people) nonetheless.
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First roll probably the most memorable and most life changing. Truly a ++++.

Honestly I’ve got a lot of memorable ones, usually my first time trying drugs can be really awesome. Cannabis had me blacking out and losing chunks of memory in a strange way similar to getting knocked out. Looking back I think it was because my only other mind altering experiences at that time were playing the pass out game, fascinating how that works.

My first time using pure heroin was huge too. I’d been using the OG OC’s and street heroin up to that point but my first time on good raw was like trying a new drug entirely. My panacea, or so I thought.

First time on 5-MAPB was also highly memorable, my first roll I ever said shit I later regretted.
