Mental Health What has been your worst loop vs how did you get out of it?


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
At the moment and for last few years I find myself drinking in a park after work or after looking for work as I don't want to deal with mum .

I was drinking 8 beers then going to the pub. However as I have been banned from my favourite pub I now tend to be at park from 6pm to 12am on my own. For some unknown reason I enjoy peace and being on my own when drinking. Unfortunately last 2 weeks have been adding coke to the mix. Usually just get half a gram with some beers.

Have tried AA but usually found consistent work kept me out of trouble.

Most nights it is quite sad realising I am at a park and am the only one drinking but so it goes ....

Is anyone else going through the same or other?
I can relate to drinking alone. Never was much of a barfly. But I did my drinking alone at home. Most places in the USA prohibit drinking in public spaces so drinking in a park is risking arrest. I got out of it once by being active but yeah I'm kind of back at square one as well.
I am like this too. Ill go on binges out on my own and roam the town until my subconscious fitness goals kick in and tell me I have to go work out.
I have issues with my alcohol consumption as well. I was able to avoid it for a long time until I moved to a city and could walk everywhere. Even then I avoided it for a while until i went to a festival and we drank on Saturday... then i remembered i love drinking. Since then I just try to avoid a pattern. I caught myself drinking every night after work for 2 weeks so I made it a point to not drink and now my days are scattered again.

This is going to sound strange but my worst lately has been lsd. For some reason I've started viewing it as a drinking stimulant and every time i take it i drink now. And by drink I mean last wednesday, 9 days ago, i took 3 hits of L and drank like 15 beers walking around the city. Then when i got home i took 0.5mg of xanax and woke up half dressed in my bed. It was really fun but like i said its been the last 3 trips so now its starting to feel like im corrupting lsd with my drinking. I suppose that is my worst loop because i love lsd i use to drink on it rarely but the last two time i literally took it for the reason of drinking... first time i held off for a few hours the last time i started right away.

I suppose its not as bad as the daily pattern but taking lsd to drink 15 drinks just seems like a waste of my favorite substance. I have a trip planned where im not going to drink and im just going to do Christmas shit so hopefully i can reset that pattern... though part of me does laugh at the idea, walking around the city on lsd with enough alcohol in me to render me useless but still feel about 75% sober.