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What happens after you die and should I be scared about it?

The egg. It came from two proto chickens. cough cough evolution.

Btw, hope you get your medication and all. Amp withdrawl is tough. And I'd say I do like that explanation of death as a transition and such.

not that easy, like most arguments it still comes down to semantics. For example, what do you mean by "chicken egg?" You are impying the egg from which the first chicken was hatched from is the first chicken egg, but this is not necessarily true. most definitions imply an egg is laid by the female, it is her egg whether it is fertilized or not. Maybe the first chicken was a male and fertilized a regular proto-egg which hatched the first female chicken which hooked up with a cousin down the road and laid the first chicken egg. Just sayin...

as far as probability on a cosmic scale goes, its irrelevant. In an infinite existence of endless multiverses, all potentialities will be actualized. If the number of possible variations of universes have any limit whats so ever, all of these potentialities will be actualized an infinite amount of times. This same universe could reoccur an infinite amount of times.
Theory of evolution answered the chicken-egg question already. It's a stupid question. Every organism that was ever born was the same species as its parents. Speciation occurs on a big timescale and cannot be observed between a small number of consequent parents.
What even is this thread anymore? Like do you guys actually think you can make sense of the universe by taking some pills and circlejerking on drug forums about it?

No, but it's still interesting to discuss. I don't understand the point of your post. It's pretty impossible to make any real sense of any philosophical/spiritual topics... should we kill this forum then and disallow any discussion of these topics?
What even is this thread anymore? Like do you guys actually think you can make sense of the universe by taking some pills and circlejerking on drug forums about it?

Well we certainly won't make any progress if we didn't take pills and circlejerk about the topic on a drug forum. You feel discussion is counterproductive? Nobody is here trying to be the answer, not me at least. Now pop what you can find and pull up a chair.
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Theory of evolution answered the chicken-egg question already. It's a stupid question. Every organism that was ever born was the same species as its parents. Speciation occurs on a big timescale and cannot be observed between a small number of consequent parents.

nope, it will always be semantical. We are not talking about speciation we are talking about the first to develop the mutation responsible for the chicken egg. This occured way before we ever defined what a chicken was and what a chicken wasn't. Furthermore the chicken is probably a hybrid of red and grey jungle fowls. At some point, the first mutant occured that most resembles what we call a chicken today. That mutant chicken could have died off without laying any eggs. Still was the egg it hatched from the chicken egg, or did the chicken come first because it takes a chicken to lay a chicken egg?

Regardless, if you are using evolution to answer!the question I think you are missing the point.

So, what's the sound of one hand clapping?
I'm not sure why everyone all of a sudden noticed the "our universe could be a first" like I'm claiming that's how it happened. It most likely didn't, I was just stating that, for the sake of argument, you can't make probabilities equal to reality. If something is incredibly improbable, it still doesn't mean it can't happen. Likewise, if something is incredibly probable, it still doesn't automatically mean it will happen.

I understood. I was just saying even if it was, there must still be countless others to explain the data.
What even is this thread anymore? Like do you guys actually think you can make sense of the universe by taking some pills and circlejerking on drug forums about it?

The truth is one and because the Truth and the absolute Truth and all Truth can be spoken in the English language, even a beggar jerking himself off can speak it, if he speaks English. I bet Truth was spoken many times, it's just that people didn't know it was Truth, or had no proof, or couldn't distinguish it from other theories in any way, so it was forgotten as sayings.

Like it or not, drug users have explored many more facets of this reality that a normal person. It's like the advantage of having lived in many countries, you know the world better than someone who only lived in India or China and who sees life through the wheel of his truck but has the arrogance to call others crackheads.
Furthermore the chicken is probably a hybrid of red and grey jungle fowls. At some point, the first mutant occured that most resembles what we call a chicken today.

Thank you for that, I like your answer Turkalurk. Next time the age old question is raised at a dinner party I'll be sure sure to answer "a mutant Red + Grey Jungle fowl egg." Works for me. Case closed as far as I'm concerned.

Red Jungle Fowl

Grey Jungle Fowl

levelsbeyond said:
Next time the age old question is raised at a dinner party I'll be sure sure to answer "a mutant Red + Grey Jungle fowl egg."

That cracked me up dude =D Thanks...

There was no first chicken or egg. Philosphically and biologically, speciation occurrs over such a broad time that it is basically imperceptible for temporal creatures like ourselves. So, there was never a first chicken or first egg or first bat, or worm, or platypus or reticulated nostril-moose. If really wanted to answer the chicken/egg question, perhaps you should say "3 billions years ago a single cell self-replicated and then grew into several chickens billions of years later and we are now eating ourselves". I suggest you then slowly back out of the room doing Gob's chicken dance:

Not every insight from drugs is fleeting, though I will agree that there is a lot of junk that might feel insightful to sort through. I have used insights I had on psychedelics to initiate several really important changes in my life. I had to work at it afterwards but the altered state provided that initial glimpse or awareness that put me on that path. I've also thought at the time that I had profound insights I later realized were nonsense, and I've had what I think may have been real insights that slipped away afterwards.
Drugs are mind-expanding yeah, but they're just a shortcut which you don't really have much control over. I mean do you think it's a coincidence that any insight or clarity you get from drugs is fleeting? Oh and if you think I'm arrogant, I'd suggest you go back and look through your post history.

That's a long shot to think I was referring to you lol.
Not every insight from drugs is fleeting, though I will agree that there is a lot of junk that might feel insightful to sort through. I have used insights I had on psychedelics to initiate several really important changes in my life. I had to work at it afterwards but the altered state provided that initial glimpse or awareness that put me on that path. I've also thought at the time that I had profound insights I later realized were nonsense, and I've had what I think may have been real insights that slipped away afterwards.

Its true. Some insights are context bound and may only make sense to the dissociated brain for example. Other more general insights, such as the pointlessness of fear based decision-making, can be viscerally experienced when tripping but still have great utility when not. They can be integrated into 'real' life...
Using a theory that explains reality to explain reality is not a good tone of voice?

The problem with the theory of evolution is that it's just a theory. In reality you don't know if, 60M years ago, aliens blasted the Earth with a huge laser to have fun, and killed the dinosaurs. It's just assuming fuckall based on what we usually see in this life.

Wait, what I really think happened is a big Alien General from planet Xion came in Earth's orbit 60M years ago in a huge spaceship with his wife Xia who was an expert in giving blowjobs. Like all experts in giving blowjobs, Xia was also a huge animal fan, and she insisted to drop by and visit the dinosaurs.

On Earth, she was petting a Tyrannosaurus Rex, when suddenly he chop her head off, and blood began to splur like a fountain on a softly playing Kill Bill tune. The General got mad:

"FUCK! She is useless without her head!"

He took off and he blasted the Earth from orbit with a huge laser to take revenge on the dinosaurs for making his wife useless.

The end.
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The problem with the theory of evolution is that it's just a theory. In reality you don't know if, 60M years ago, aliens blasted the Earth with a huge laser to have fun, and killed the dinosaurs. It's just assuming fuckall based on what we usually see in this life.

No. Theory in science is a term used to describe the best intepretation of the facts. More evidence may be discovered thus adding to the theory, but scientific theory is not the same as theory would be used in general conversation.
No. Theory in science is a term used to describe the best intepretation of the facts. More evidence may be discovered thus adding to the theory, but scientific theory is not the same as theory would be used in general conversation.

Read my story above sweetie, that's my theory :)
You clearly don't know Miss Kitty up there, Ksa. Push her buttons too much with that 'sweetie' shit and she just might pop a cap in you.
You clearly don't know Miss Kitty up there, Ksa. Push her buttons too much with that 'sweetie' shit and she just might pop a cap in you.

Yes and we can take a shower after ^___^

That's ok, I never had a real girlfriend, I'm ugly as fuck both physically and personality wise. She wouldn't even bother shooting me, after seeing me she'll just leave me the way I am.
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I could be wrong, but I think kittycat is a dude.

So am I so it was unusual when ksa threatened to rape me :D