What flute to choose


Oct 2, 2022
I have decided to upgrade to a more intermediate level flute. I have found these three different flutes but I am having trouble to choose which one. The first one is a YAMAHA 362H - OFFSET G, B footjoint for 1427.99 USD. The second one is an AZUMI BY ALTUS MODEL AZ-2 - OFFSET G, B footjoint for 1509 USD. The last one is a PEARL QUANTZ SERIES FLUTE MODEL 665 with a Forza headjoint for 1233.70 USD. Which of these flutes do zou recomennd purchasing as an intermediate step up flute.
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All seem fere good. This flute looks and sounds BEAUTIFUL!!!! I have been playing the flute since 2010, throughout elementary school, middle school, high school, college and in some community bands post college. I’ve been using the same student flute that I got...and it was used then. It was time for an upgrade. After researching brands and sellers and flute models, reading the reviews, I decided on this and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. So worth the money, this is really well priced for a great flute. I couldn’t be happier, I would recommend this flute and this seller to anyone!!
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does anybody know how hard a flute is to master relative to other wind instruments? i read once that the clarinet is easier to learn than any saxophone for example.
does anybody know how hard a flute is to master relative to other wind instruments? i read once that the clarinet is easier to learn than any saxophone for example.
I thought clarinet had the same buttons/tuning as saxophone, just shaped different.
does anybody know how hard a flute is to master relative to other wind instruments? i read once that the clarinet is easier to learn than any saxophone for example.

The flute is harder to initially get the hang of compared to clarinet, but once you get the hang of it, it is easier to play than the clarinet. This is because the flute is more efficient at turning air pressure into sound, whereas the clarinet requires much more pressure. The flute has a more natural breathing-like aspect to it, whereas the clarinet requires you to blow into it in an exhausting fashion. I don't enjoy playing either instrument but i can play them. I can play the clarinet better, but i can also play the saxophone

The clarinet is more difficult than the saxophone for a variety of reasons, generally. It is more exhausting to play and more awkward. The benefit to the clarinet is how linearly it is laid out. I played it when i was young because the girl i liked at the time picked it when it was time to pick instruments. Of course she quit after 6 months but i got stuck with it for a bit longer because I rapidly excelled (was unknown at the time but turned out that i was very quick to pick up instruments). I hated that thing though, eventually I "lost" it on purpose.

On a side note, the OP's post is clearly some copy and paste spam. Thus, in the OP's case, i think the flute to get might be the skin flute, which is free to play. In fact many people get paid to play the skin flute.
Thus, in the OP's case, i think the flute to get might be the skin flute, which is free to play. In fact many people get paid to play the skin flute.
Admittedly I've never played the skin flute but I do own one. I loan it out as often as possible. Maybe I'm just a generous guy :LOL: