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What does oxy taste like?

The pill is dissolved in the stomach as a result of your stomach acid. So, you're just speeding up the inevitable process by chewing. Who's to say what the difference will be in terms of onset and such, maybe a few minutes.
Had the capsules burst in my mouth more than once but trying to swallow all that beady powder is not something I’d choose. I’ve spat it out and then been so mad I wasted it I went back to eat the spit. Found it burned my skin a bit but guessing it’d do that on the inside anyway after being swallowed.
Good/real oxy doesn't taste that bad and when you're dependent on it, u even start to like it's not so bitter taste. One particular thing about oxy, is that it gets stuck on your teeth. Idk if it's a filler thing but it happens with all the oxy brands I've tried.
Clonazepam tastes sweet and minty, actually. Best tasting pill ever.
Right? Sometimes I think about chewing one just for the taste and tingling sensation of it.
I don't think eating them (clonas) makes them act faster than if swallowed. But the taste/feeling is enough for me to know I took them and feel good or better, depends. It's kind of a psychological thing I guess.
Thought maybe people who use oxy experience something similar.
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Right? Sometimes I think about chewing one just for the taste and tingling sensation of it.
I don't think eating them (clonas) makes them act faster than if swallowed. But the taste/feeling is enough for me to know I took them and feel good or better, depends. It's kind of a psychological thing I guess.
Thought maybe people who use oxy experience something similar.
If you put em under your tongue and let them dissolve, it creeps up on you a bit faster. There's especifically designed sublingual pills but normal pills can be taken sublingual too. Hehe, I love clonazepam. Xp
If you put em under your tongue and let them dissolve, it creeps up on you a bit faster. There's especifically designed sublingual pills but normal pills can be taken sublingual too. Hehe, I love clonazepam. Xp
The sublinguals are expensive (Ravotril?) I have generic ones, the most yummy are bars and the others tablets, but they all dissolve in the mouth. I had the expensive sublinguals, too, but didn't notice any difference so I told my doc to just prescribe the generic.
The sublinguals are expensive (Ravotril?) I have generic ones, the most yummy are bars and the others tablets, but they all dissolve in the mouth. I had the expensive sublinguals, too, but didn't notice any difference so I told my doc to just prescribe the generic.
Yeah, rivotril Is the brand one. But since clonazepam is so widespread, there's really good generics out there and buying the brand one is unnecessary. I take generic clonaz everyday and it's as good as rivotril tbh.
Cheers. xx
If you've got any SSRI/SNRIs (I can't remember) keep that in your mouth long enough for the coating to melt. Those are a taste sensation 😅
Eh. Lexapro tastes like shit but not as bad as the time i had a trazadone up my gums waiting for the nurse to leave so i could spit it out...
Back when I was doing oxys, my favorite way was to chew em up and chase em with hot black coffee on an empty stomach. Hits pretty good pretty fast. And lasts.

I had long since given up needles and I DO NOT snort pills. (Wasteful and unpleasant. Coke is for snorting. Pills are for eating.)

And unlike Snafu, I never liked snorting meth: I went sublingual or rectal, maybe smoke a little (also wasteful).

Oh, and the taste of oxys? Slightly bitter but not bad. Just chalky/sticky.

On the subject of taste, Adderall was my favorite. The real ones taste kinda sweet.
Hi guys.

I'm doing some research on oxycodone, and how someone could speed up the effects.
Let's suppose someone has a immediate release pill, that should work faster that extended release.
But how to go one step further?
Though I have seen people use heroin in different ways, I never even know of someone who takes opioids.
And all I do with my benzos to make them work faster is to chew them (I can even tell some of them apart by the taste, haha!)
Now I was wondering if the same would work with oxy? How does it taste/feel?
And would that be even be something someone would do?
This doesn’t seem like the right venue for research for a term paper or something. However, I could be totally wrong & this is 1 source of many to use for research. OxyContin is a thing of the past. Popping that blue 80 in your mouth long enough to get it wet, then rubbing the time release coating off with your shirt or a napkin (IF handy asap) then crushing that baby to snort or prepare to inject…those days are over & unfortunately they aren’t coming back. That was my #1 d.o.c., my bestfriend & the only thing that would cause me to be “unfaithful” to my bf (unless there was enough for both of us of course). I have never seen the monstrosity that is passed off as this reformulated OxyContin. It’s not the same drug in my opinion. For people that really need that much pain relief at once, they got screwed because the war on drugs ppl got lazy & struck a deal with Pfizer. That’s just what I believe. Yes I’m still pissed after years of them taking my drug away but in all honesty, I wouldn’t be typing this right now had things kept going the way they were for me. I had a constant supply that got ridiculous. At first when I was snorting, the Oxy tasted bitter. However, via association, I soon preferred that taste over almost anything. How did it feel? Literally like heaven…like being wrapped in the most friendly warm blanket ever. It felt like you could always do just maybe a little more next time. It’s addiction & that was my drug of choice. Then, as most of us do, “tasting” it was no longer part of the ritual. I still have 2 old legit OC 80s that I’ve kept just as a reminder. I’m sure they’re useless. Alprazolam tastes so good that I just let it dissolve in my mouth (again association) & clonazepam tastes minty for some reason but it’s a slow benzo so I prefer alprazolam. Please don’t snort or shoot those. It’s a no go. I would avoid what they currently pass off as OxyContin (unless you are in pain). Honestly. If you aren’t into opiates, pain pills at all. I would most definitely keep it that way. If you’re already dependent on benzos…I hope you know all about them & never EVER mix them with methadone.
At my age there’s enough ensuing discomfort just from the taking of said drugs without adding to it. My body doesn’t heal so well no mo

But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop doing them 😁 maybe that makes me a tad masochistic as well, but there’s nothing like the next-day pain that you cheerfully bear because you had an absolutely BANGING night
Girl I think we are related. Lol. I don’t get nose bleeds though. Try some Simply Saline (or it’s generic brand) after your next run. Use it to clean out your pipes & then try the softest tissue ever to thoroughly get all of the residual brown ick out. Think of your nose as cleaning a weed pipe, lol, It might help…or mix up smoking it a bit to avoid hurting your sinuses permanently. That shit happens. I’ve seen it. It’s bad news so please take care of your nose! We only get one & we abuse the hell out of it. Damn, I did so this morning & since my nasal passage was SO clear, I felt insta-burn in my nostril & my throat!! And my damn eye watered, but the stuff isn’t super dirty feeling. It’s a nice body buzz, not hardly any paranoia. That’s a first, but I’m only an occasional re-user. Really I’ve revisited it from my raver days. And damn it’s everywhere here & I had no idea. My buddy is trying to stop because he’s beginning to get more than just the “I want some” cravings & can lay down like 2 hours after doing a couple lines (almost rails-not the skinny ones we start with or god forbid a bump!, lol). Any tips I can pass on to him are appreciated.
Crushing and snorting IR Oxy using a straw was satisfying to me, someone who’s not a fan of IVing in general. Oxycontin didn’t have a strong bitter taste to me however dilaudid was very bitter. But so many fake pressed fentanyl pills today.
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