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What does Ketamine feel like?

For me.

Really low dose - super energetic, feeling really good.

Medium dose - feel fucking stupid, really confused at everything, feels like I'm talking really loud when infact I'm talking normal/quiet and wonder if things are really happening. Still feel pretty good though, suprisingly. Trying to text is pretty much impossible, my phones screen feels like a marshmallow, and if I move its like I'm walking on some kinda low gravity marshmallow lol. A lot of my friends have forgotton how to do things like walk or move they're arms, I've never experienced anything like that personally.

Never done a high dose.

Never mix it with alcohol though! Feels fucking disgusting, even in tiny doses, being sick for hours...
This is how my favorite Ketamine experience went:

I stumbled upon a ketamine bottle after not being able to find it for a year. The last time i did it i just snorted it and this time i decided to IM it. I started with 80 units and had thee BEST 45 minutes of my life. The best I can explain it is that I became God(or a God, who knows ha). I was a single point in an eternity of blackness and it was pure BLISS. I suddenly understood all the inconceivable questions of life (such as eternity and death) and it seemed to last an eternity while happening. It was the best drug experience i've ever had even though i obviously can't understand now everything I seemed to understand while being the K God.

Man I wish I could have an experience like that with ketamine and yet no dose I have tried so far (up to 155 mg I.M. with no tolerance) has done it for me. I seem to respond so much better to the classical psychedelics. On mushrooms or in the old days when I used to be better at meditation, just a few hits of cannabis would be enough to allow me to enter into samadhi. Ketamine, rather than clarifying things for me simply results in confusion. Ketamine is a strange drug. A very strange drug. The only drug which has given me a stranger experience than k is salvia.

The feel of ketamine to me can best be described as somewhat like alcohol only missing the GABA aspect and the euphoria. But the world spinning, body numb, loss of coordination is very much like alcohol. Then as the dose increases past the point where you would lose memory were it alcohol, the experience turns inward (I always close my eyes to prevent nausea) and at this level it is absolutely nothing like alcohol. Instead, I generally forget I have taken a drug and become a point of consciousness which moves through strange worlds as I am usually extremely confused over matters of causation (what causes what) what I am supposed to do. I also feel like I have very little control over the experience, as opposed to classical psychedelics where I can exert influence over the direction of my trip. I seldom have bad trips on ketamine, although my trips aren't really good either. They are just interesting. It's kind of like dreaming I guess.

On one trip, I met "Dr. Weird" who was a k-hole tour guide. His job was to take ketamine users with him on his boat and sail around showing them various aspects of the k-hole. Different k-holes can very quite a bit and generally don't contain much life. No plant life and I have never encountered any entities with the exception of Dr. Weird.

Overall, ketamine has been pretty disappointing for me. Of course I do love it, since I tend to love anything that makes you trip, but I haven't had any ecstatic experiences and I haven't learned much from it. It is simply entertainment for me. Weird, trippy entertainment and the come down sucks which is why I rarely use it anymore. I'd much rather eat mushrooms or LSD. Still I have been wanting to revisit ketamine soon. I just hate losing an entire day to the come down, especially because the trip only lasts about 40 minutes and then I generally take two redoses, for a total of 3 k holes per session. I don't like to do more than that because then the come down gets too intense but I definitely recommend at least one redose because I don't find the come down is affected much by that and yet you get double the tripping time.

That is one advantage ketamine has over the classical psychedelics (most of them anyway). By controlling the dose, you can come down a bit, think about what you've just experienced and then give yourself another injection and go right back there. You can't really do that with mushrooms or acid.
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a low dose to me feels like you're under a large bell, that's being struck by a hammer, making you dizzy, confused and "wobbly". it feels a bit similar to alcohol but more "interesting".
It depends how much you do.

On a low dose, you'd feel wobbly and a bit out of it.

On a higher dose, you'd feel surreal, like life is a dream.

Ketamine is a kind of Kafkaesque drug, everything seems dreamy with an element of impending excitement, with danger. To me, at least.

It's a very strange drug, strange would be the best word.
It's what you make of it.

Have you ever had a weird dream?
You know the type I'm speaking of.

The type of dream that you know makes no continual sense in the rational mind,
but has all the necessary requirements in the dream world.

That's what ketamine is. A dream.
Sounds like what you want is a kball which is key t coke. Actually while high on key you don't have too much energy but after your hyper. I suggest 50 mg of ketamine snorted then 30 minutes into the high a line of coke. Dissociated t energy is quite the feeling!
Damnnnn ittt, see thats what I dont want, I want something thats going to give me alot of energy, not coke though cause thats too expensive to maintain all night, what do you think I should do?

just take a shitload of mdma. just pure mdma. 1gram to yourself will get you and three mates going for well throughout the night for the same price as a bag of coke depending on where you are around the world. safest and the kind of buzz youre looking for.
Damnnnn ittt, see thats what I dont want, I want something thats going to give me alot of energy, not coke though cause thats too expensive to maintain all night, what do you think I should do?
about 60 mg of adderall mixed with weed will have u feeling good all night
Damnnnn ittt, see thats what I dont want, I want something thats going to give me alot of energy, not coke though cause thats too expensive to maintain all night, what do you think I should do?

Try Ecstasy