College What did you major in college?


Mr. Fantasy
Aug 29, 2019
Chemistry B.S. at Mansfield University (2006). Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry at Binghamton University (~2011).

Most of you here would say I finished. But I didn't.

The title of my thesis is Chemical Sensitivity. Although my graduate research project was on Ruthenium(II) coordination compounds containing hemilabile phosphine-ether ligands and their response to neutral donors.
Well, I got a BA in Psychology but really my triple major was Sex, Drugs, and RocknRoll.

University of Tennessee, Knoxville (77 to 82)

Edit: Also political activism. Marched, protested, etc. for many causes. Was president of UT chapter of NORML for a year. (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws-- I don't even know if it still exists)
Archeology.Three years,but quitt.Still love it and read,if there anything new discovered in regione.-in the "valley of tracian kings" or somewhere else.There is a lot of tombs from that period,along with old roman cities and castles and various artifacts from medieval period.
Body farms for like harvesting spare organs? @jasperkent My philosophy instructor for an ethics class talked about that idea.

I took a course with Stan Wittingham who won the Nobel Prize in chemistry 2019 for lithium ion batteries. He ran the course, but had a new instructor every week or so. He was more of a salesman than a professor.
physics and philosophy BSc
got fed up with both cos neither of them contained anything true so did an MSc in mathematical logic
found out that truth is undefinable in all but the simplest formal systems so got a bit less hung up on it
PhD quantum information

so glad i finished my education before my addiction got out of control.
Body farms for like harvesting spare organs?
No, it was a remote fenced-off area of the Ag campus wherein donated bodies were allowed to decompose in various situations: shallow graves, underwater, car trunks, etc.
They were checked on at regular intervals to see how bodies decayed under different conditions. To help solve murders. First of its kind in the world. There's a book about it: The Body Farm
physics and philosophy BSc
got fed up with both cos neither of them contained anything true so did an MSc in mathematical logic
found out that truth is undefinable in all but the simplest formal systems so got a bit less hung up on it
PhD quantum information

so glad i finished my education before my addiction got out of control.
Damn girl,
Wanna make a nuke for moi, please?
Anyone wanna mown my lawn? We are going through rough times uu I pay in morphine, cocaine or benzos you choose. 1 pill or half a g of cocaine per hr, I pay extra if you clean my dogs 💩.with your bare hands pls, plastic bags are bad for the environment. 😉
Anyone wanna mown my lawn? We are going through rough times uu I pay in morphine, cocaine or benzos you choose. 1 pill or half a g of cocaine per hr, I pay extra if you clean my dogs 💩.with your bare hands pls, plastic bags are bad for the environment. 😉
I swear if I had the time and means to get there I'd take you up on that offer. I'd take the coke, as I haven't been able to find any lately. I actually enjoy mowing grass. And having worked in a shelter, dog poop doesn't bother me much as long as I can wash up immediately after.
I presume I'd also get to play with your dogs?