What are you listening to today? Part III

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Hello tripperz. I do not have a home. This is a place, from which i pay rent every month, in order to be allowed to stay here. I have never felt like home on this fucked planet.


This is my church
This is where I heal my hurts
It's in the world I've become
Contained in the hum
Between voice and drum
It's in the change
The poetic justice of cause and effect
Respect, love, compassion

Greatest rock musician in ex Yu and maybe in whole Europe. If he was from UK or USA whole world would know him. Living (BAREly) legend in every sense of that word. GORAN BARE.

He ain.t living in UK or US, so fuck that, i.m not gonna listen to him... You took me for a nerd? Tf?!

No, more seriousely it.s because it.s rock (i mean YOU said it) and i.m in no mood for it:
I love each and every fucking one of you.

You are not a junkie. Not a loser. Not the rejected one. First and foremost you are a human being and you have human rights and human value. Don't let the normoloid fuckers put you into a box. Dear human being.

Oh my goodness I LOVE Tom Macdonald! ^^^^^^Hes one of my absolute favs!!!

This video is by his girlfriend Nova! When I first heard this song it literally destroyed me! It hit so close to home. I love the way that she interprets everyone in this video with genuine understanding and empathy. Life's not easy. We each are shaped by so many different contributing factors. We all deserve the chance to be understood. But for that to happen it requires a level of humility that rarely seems to exist anymore. Tom Macdonald and Nova are so raw and real. I hope that fame doesn't change them.

I love each and every fucking one of you.

You are not a junkie. Not a loser. Not the rejected one. First and foremost you are a human being and you have human rights and human value. Don't let the normoloid fuckers put you into a box. Dear human being.
I didn't realize at first how new this song was. He just dropped it three days ago. I hadn't heard it yet. Ty for posting this! Tom Macdonald writing a song about withdrawals....best idea ever lol
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